I think it is just the "kid lifestyle"
So I will admit that my skids are not really all that bad. They say thank you and do as they are asked, things could be a lot worse regarding their behavior. I feel lucky after reading what some of you ladies have to deal with, sure they still have their kid moments of naughtiness but overall they are good kids.
So then what is my problem with them? I think I have really decided it is just having them around changing everything and needing to adjust to "kid lifestyle". I am thirty have no kids and became adjusted to a selfish life. I just don't like having to go to bed early/get up early keep things down while they are asleep the extra laundry, the kids movies and worst of all not being able to get/do things I want when we are out because that will mean including them as well.
Sometimes when we are out and about and I just want to get ice cream or some other random treat but no they didn't eat their lunch and it's too close to dinner so they do not get ice cream right now, this means doglady also doesn't get her treat either.
So in my new year I will try harder to adjust and not let it get to me I will take in the good and try to get past the bad but every weekend I can't help but say to myself one more weekend down only 11 more years of them to go.
I do try to do my own thing
I do try to do my own thing on their weekends the rough part is that my DH has them EVERY weekend, plus an overnight in mid week. I will get in the grove of doing my own things for a few weeks but always get sucked back in. I have told DH in the next coming year he has to start getting them only three weekends a month, I need atleast one to chill and clean the house and not have kids.
I agree. I would have the ice
I agree. I would have the ice cream anyway, even if it were my own kids.
I'm in my early 30's and
I'm in my early 30's and childless.
I HATE the "kid lifestyle". Did not grow up wanting them. I think if I had, it would be able to embrace it more.
No no no! Is that another one
No no no! Is that another one of those things your SO told you? I grew up not wanting them and actually almost hated all children by default (I didn't last too long as a teenage babysitter lol)
It's totally different when you have your own.
Well you obviously know your
Well you obviously know your own mind. Not everyone wants kids. I am 46 and never wanted them, no regrets. When I see what other people have to deal with--no thanks!
I am with you on this 100%.
I am with you on this 100%. I set a boundary in the beginning. The kids have 2 parents. I will be a bonus when i so choose. I will not be responsible for any parenting duties. But yes, having kids around cramps my style for sure. They take over the place. I cant wait to have my privacy back.
I'm 30 and childless but have
I'm 30 and childless but have skids every weekend too. I asked dh once before for one weekend every two months. I was met with a big fat no! I wish dh knew how tough it is. I'm past wanting to go out to bars with my friends at the weekends where they drink themselves silly but would love to have a skid free weekend every now and again. It's my bday next Saturday. My 30th. I have dropped not so subtle hints about wanting to go for dinner just him and i. He hasn't said anything about it so guess well see what will happen. I think it's because they're not our kids. That's a big part of it for me. Things I absolutely can not tolerate that ss does. For example in the car ss demands to be involved in every conversation. He will ask what did you say to everything dh asks me. I get so annoyed. This was not tolerated when I was a kid and even if I'm in the car with my parents now at 30 I would never do it.
Over Christmas we were all at my parents. Ss and dh play fight all the time, again really irritates me. Were a sitting around with my family and because ss isn't centre of attention he just starts hitting dh to get him to play fight. Realky pissed me off and could see my family were annoyed too. Probably wouldn't annoy me so much if it was my own kid I guess.
Dh doesn't really have any
Dh doesn't really have any desire to change the schedule. He likes it just the way it is. Bm dictates it writes it out in the beginning of the month but it's really always the same. Every weekend and Wednesday nights. The only reason he's considering giving up a weekend is because I told him either do it or find some where else to live.
I'm not heartless trying to
I'm not heartless trying to keep him from his kids or anything he also takes them to activities and dinner one night a week while I'm at work so he sees them a lot more then their mom does even though she has physical custody. That's another problem is they don't see their mom a lot so they get whiney they miss her. I think an extra weekend would be good for everyone.
I really don't take care of
I really don't take care of them alot, I help from time to time but I really don't do a lot of the care and none of the discipline. My role is more limited to how it will affect the home but if one's room isn't up to standards or something I tell him to deal I don't take on any roles.
Wow, every weekend? Forget
Wow, every weekend? Forget that! I hope you can get that cut down to 3 weekends a month. If not, you definitely have to have a talk with your SO about getting a babysitter once a month to have a date night. Also, plan your own things when they are there. You are not obligated to these kids in anyway, except to step in if there is a life-threatening situation. And eat that ice cream!
This is purely a mamallian
This is purely a mamallian thing IMHO. I had exactly the same response to my Skid's presence when his mom and first started dating. He was a great kid. A cute little tow headed quit mellow toddler. I liked him very very much but his mere presence just revolted me.
I can only explain it as a refulsion to having someone elses spawn in my space while I was starting a relationship with my bride. I have no biobrood so the Skid is the only kid in our marriage.
It was like an Animal Planet specical about a lion pride where a new male takes over and cannot tolerate the young spawn of his predicessor. The good news is that we are not animals. We may be mammals but we have the benefit of intellect and choice. My choice was to engage with him. I knew that his mom was someone very special and to have a future with her I would have to make a future with him too. So I engaged. When we were out and about I carried him on my shoulders. He rode on my shoulders with a content grin on his little toddler face. I chased him through restaurant play scapes, we chased ducks on the golf course together, his mom and I walked with him between us holding his hands and swinging him. Before long I was just dad and he was just my kid. Sure, I occassionally relected on my pre blended family life and missed parts of it but at least in my case both the lady and kid turned out to be a major blessing in my life.
Engage, it may work for you as it did for me.
FYI- My wife is the NCP and we had SS-22 24/7 except for furing Sperm Clan visitation. 5wks summer, 1wk winter, 1wk spring from when we started dating when he was 15mos until he turned 18.
Hi Doglady, Nothing you have
Hi Doglady,
Nothing you have said is selfish. In fact you come across as a really calm, practical and accepting person. And hats off to you for knowing yourself so well at 30! I have 10 years on you and I think you are articulating your feelings far better than I am.
Like you, my skids are good mostly. And like you I don't do the chores for them, so you and I do have it better than most here. I only have them 50/50, but I'm finding living with someone else's family so alien, like I've landed in someone else's life, and it's not a good 'fit'.
I try to do other things on skid weekends, but I don't have many friends (new area and very shy). My DH is my best friend, and I miss our relationship when the skids arrive. I will force myself to find new hobbies and friends this year, but I know in my heart that this is partly to find new escapes, and I sort of resent that. And I wonder if DH and I will become even more distant if I escape so often.
Please do the things you want to do. Be selfish all you like. As a great man once said, "This above all- to thine own self be true".
Enjoy your weekend Doglady.
I hear you! My DH also has
I hear you! My DH also has his two precious ones EVERY WEEKEND and random weeks when BM dumps them on us.
I NEVER wanted children, and it is beyond frustrating to try and get through every weekend without killing one of them. I am completely "disengaged" but that doesn't stop them from driving me crazy. DH imposes no rules, no boundaries, no consequences, and I honestly don't see me here five years from now . . but . .
Main point is, you are NOT alone, you are NOT crazy, and you are NOT wrong or selfish. I have learned a lot from this website (mainly that I am not an evil person). I hate them being in my room, I LOATHE them being in my bed, I hate them touching my stuff - I know what it's like!
Worst thing is holidays - my family and friends can't stand DH and the SS (SD is a wonderful little girl), and every holiday is a stressful dance of how I can see those that I love, but still appease him to keep peace at home. I more and more have been spending time with friends/family on weekends - I've just gotten to the point where I don't care. I'm going without them, and . . they need to get over it. Same thing with vacations - I STRESS because he wants to take them to Disney, to the Caribbean - sorry there DH, but they didn't come from my body, and I am not paying MY hard earned money to take THEM on vacation. Vacation with children ceases to be a vacation. So I have to lie, and finagle, and . . it's sad how we have to live, isn't it?
My weekends, my holidays, vacations . . everything is an intricate deceitful dance to try and not have to take the skids. Don't get me wrong, they get their time - they get taken to all kinds of fun places, they get vacations, they really have a great life. But . . I hate that EVERY WEEKEND and EVERY HOLIDAY of my life, I have to go out of my way to enjoy life. It shouldn't be like this. :sick:
MorriMom, I just dribbled
MorriMom, I just dribbled coffee on my shirt when my jaw dropped because you said EXACTLY what my life is like:
"At first I thought it was going to be great because the kids accepted me as a new person in their lives and were totally fine with SO and I dating and then getting engaged. I thought, holy crap I'm lucky things are going to be great!
But it deteriorated right out from under me and boy was the fall fast. Pretty much exactly when we bought and moved into a house. I'm not allowed to parent but am expected to embrace being a step-parent. I'm expected to be totally fine with neither of them having consequences, chores, or obligations. Anything that I implement as a rule, SO will override because he wants to be the good, fun dad.
I repeat, I have definitely come to realize that this lifestyle isn't for me..."
Everything I do now is not to build the future I thought I would have with DH, but instead to try and get financially back on my feet and get away from DH and the skids. I look to our future and see the skids wanting to live here because daddy has no rules.
I will not be here when that happens.