I feel like I'm watching a train wreck in slow motion...
I've been with my SO for almost 3 years, and he has a 4.5 year old daughter with his ex. His daughter has always really liked me, and as far as my SO is concerned, I'm great with kids. ...But being around his daughter has singlehandedly turned me childfree. I feel like I'm watching a train wreck in slow motion. It's a combination of the way his kid acts and the way he and his ex choose to parent her. The daughter is...unlike any child I've ever met. She is INSANELY ADHD/ADD--she loves to run around and yell, and nothing but Netflix can capture her attention for more than two minutes at a time. She is incredibly bossy, and gets frustrated when people aren't following her commands. She is wholly incapable of entertaining herself (other than with Netflix)--she needs your attention at all times. She's also the least intellectually curious kid I've ever met. Every time we've taken her to a kid's museum, her behavior is so different from every other child there. While all the other kids (even ones younger than her) are capable of entertaining themselves with the different exhibits, nothing really interests her past her ability to touch it for a few seconds before moving on. I'm pretty sure her verbal skills are slightly delayed, and as best as I can tell she'll probably need to be in special ed once she's in elementary school. She's also not naturally very sensitive to others' emotions, though she's become fairly adept at manipulating her parents.
Having said all this, she isn't my kid, and we get along really well, so why do I even care? Well, idk, I can't help but feel sorry for how she's going to turn out (and, from a more selfish perspective, I'm terrified of what I'm going to have to deal with in a few years). My SO sees her as "gifted" and rarely disciplines her. She has a tendency to only want to hang out with children much older than her (like 8+ years old), and my SO has explained it away as "oh, it's because she's so much more advanced than children her own age, so she can't relate to her peers." Meanwhile, the BM is literally incapable of disciplining her (apparently whenever the kid starts crying, the BM IMMEDIATELY caves), so my SO feels less of an incentive to discipline her, since then he's the "bad parent." My SO has also admitted to me that his daughter doesn't respect her mother (...at the age of 4...) because the BM cannot set boundaries. Neither parent has ever put her on any kind of consistent schedule either, and she switches off between them daily, which I don't think helps.
I can't say anything to my SO about how to parent his kid, so I tend to just avoid outings with her. But I can tell that my SO gets upset when I don't want to go out with them, especially since his daughter likes me so much. I always treat her warmly, but gah, I know in a few years she's going to become a really unbearable preteen thanks to her parents.
I'm afraid to tell you, but
I'm afraid to tell you, but you're describing life with my BF's 13 year old daughter (she doesn't have any learning disabilities though). It's a nightmare, and the only solution I found was to completely disengage. Sorry I can't sugar-coat it for you.
The kid is 4 - you can set
The kid is 4 - you can set boundaries with her what's allowed and what not in your house, or if you are in public.
This is not your child and you are not responsible for the kind of person she will be one day.
Just ensure that she knows where she stands with you, long before she's a teen.
She hasn't been
She hasn't been diagnosed...both my SO and her BM seem to think this is normal behavior, so they haven't brought it up to a doctor. My SO has never even mentioned SD and ADHD in the same sentence....which is surprising, since my SO has ADD himself, and talks about it often. I don't exactly feel comfortable suggesting she get diagnosed, but it is shocking to me that he's never even considered it.
Your explanation was spot on. Other than the one or two things she hyper-focuses on, nothing captures her attention for more than 2 minutes, and she's been that way since I met her. I imagine it's only going to get worse. There was a period of time when I thought "am I taking crazy pills?" since neither of her parents seem to notice it, but I remember when I first introduced my parents to SD, my mom pulled me aside and said SD was the most ADHD child she ever met (and my mom works with children!). It probably didn't help that SD literally spent the entire time running and screaming through my parents' house.
Sadly I have to agree that
Sadly I have to agree that this will get worse
The issue you have is with your SO. If he cannot agree to set boundaries and discipline at least in your home then you have years of frustration ahead of you. When I met my DH five years ago I told him that his son needed to be tested for a learning disability. He never did and won't work with BM to create a parenting plan they can agree on. Now SS is failing high school, has no friends and developmentally, emotionally and maturity-wise behind his peers (like a lot). A couple of years ago (thanks to this site) I decided on full disengagement because I realized I couldn't care about skid-mark more than his parents. If they didn't want to do anything about his situation, I sure couldn't. I also picked disengagement instead of leaving because skid-mark is older and even if he doesn't pass HS, we will be done in a year. So you kind of need to make some choices here it sounds like. If you stay, you and SO need to get on the same page about parenting or you will need to disengage and you have 14 years left of this. Honestly I think a lot of people on here will tell you that if we had known back then, what we know now, we wouldn't have stayed in the relationships that we are in. We stay because we all have good reasons and individual situations, but if I could have met myself 5 years ago and saved myself the headache of becoming a step-parent, I would have told myself to run. Sorry
I really appreciate the
I really appreciate the candid advice
I would need to work up the courage to tell him that SD has ADHD--he tends to take any perceived criticism of SD as a personal insult. A really close friend of his (who has a child close in age to SD) made a comment once about SD's rowdiness a while back, and my SO became incredibly defensive. Him and BM both have a fairly arrogant attitude about parenting - they're never willing to take advice, but they're always looking to dish it out (it probably doesn't help that they're both convinced their daughter belongs in Mensa...not even kidding).
I guess I'm saying I'd be more inclined to disengage, since I don't think it's feasible that my SO will get on the same page with me...but the point about facing 14 more years of this is a sobering one. I think I have always been waiting for something to happen (e.g. "things will get better once she can talk," "things will get better once she's in school," etc.), but realistically, things are probably not going to get any better than they are now.
If your SO is not willing to
If your SO is not willing to listen to you, that is the core issue. It's one thing for him to blow off a friend's advice but you all are supposed to be in this together. My DH, while he didn't take my advice to get his son tested, still listens to what I have to say and we can have a discussion about it. I've said some pretty brutal things to him about his kids and he does not get defensive. He might not take my advice but that is where the disengagement has been good for me...if he doesn't take it that is on him...but I still give it and we can talk about it and he will listen. It sounds like your SO is not able to accept some realities about his daughter. If he is not able to at least have an adult conversation about it, even disengagement might be difficult. You might not be able to get on the same page with how to raise kids but he needs to at least be open to hearing your feedback. I did the same thing...things will get better when. Things did get a little better when I disengaged but skid-mark didn't get any better. He is still completely useless and to be honest it still drives me crazy. I have to remind myself to disengage about once a week.
How often do you have her?