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Got Consideration?!?!

DaniAM73's picture

Does anyone else's DH want you to be considerate of their children, but when you ask for consideration you don't get it?

DH doesn't seem to understand that I don't want SS's in our bedroom. One, it's our sanctuary. Two, SS15 can't seem to keep his hands to himself, (i.e..touching my things). Lastly, based on their ages 15 and 12, and the fact that they aren't my bios.

I thought we had concured this monster, but I was out all day recently. Came home around 9ish. DH said he and SS15 watched a movie. I asked where did you watch it? DH said in here cuz SS12 was playing a video game.

I told DH no kids in the bedroom means no kids. I also think SS15 manipulated DH cuz had I been home that would not have happened.

Now DH claims SS15 sat in the recliner we have in the bedroom, but one of my pillows smelled like him. He smells.

I will probably keep saying this for as long as I am in this forum....I don't understand these Disneyland Dads and why they are afraid to just give some simple rules. Ugh!!!!!!

twoviewpoints's picture

How often do you have the skids? If Dad wants to play video games and/or watch a movie with his kids, tell Dad to put a tv in the skids room. Rule is no skids in your bedroom, but why not let Dad go sit in the skids messy smelly bedroom?

I do understand to a certain extent, what Dad thinks. He watching a movie with one kid while the other kid is on video game and you're not home. He is thinking, cool, both skids entertained and all is well. He doesn't think of it as you do. He loves his kids and doesn't see a big deal. You , on the other hand have very valid reasons 1) not your kids and one smells. Hey buddy, we have sex in here 2) invasion of privacy and a sense of invading your personal space.

Dad could even consider a small tv in the kitchen/dining area. You can watch news or whatever while getting dinner ready ( I do) , and this would also give another tv (one for movie, one for video games) without leaving one single reason or excuse for the skids to be in your room.

Oh, and Dad pays for tv and any extra connection. His kids. His cost. That or he can lose his wife. Inform him that even in intact families kids aren't usually allowed to hang in the parents bedrooms.

But , just remembered something, are you the one who doesn't want the skid to come out in the kitchen when you're in there? I briefly read something like that someone very recently wrote. If it were you, then that leaves the skids bedroom.

Maybe it's time for a bigger house if you all need more room to be comfortable and maintain personal spaces.

DaniAM73's picture

Lol that was me. Not that I don't want them in the kitchen,I just notice when I am in there SS15 always seems to find his way in there.

I plan to have a sit down with DH about personal space and even if they were my bios I would not allow them in my bedroom period. They have their rooms and the living room to watch TV. That is what makes me so annoyed.

Funny you mentioned getting a bigger home, DH talks about something smaller for just me and him. I am guessing this is when they no longer are spending the night EOW.

notasm3's picture

I thought my DH's second wife was HORRIBLE to SS. UNTIL I discovered how horrible SS was. Second wife and DH took her children and their friends to multiple vacations excluding SS. But SS was a criminal who ended up incarcerated for almost 4 years prior to his release only because his offenses were as a minor
No wonder she wanted nothing to do with SS. I don't blame her at all.

Having a stepchild who is somewhat normal is totally different from having a stepchild who is a violent POS.

DaniAM73's picture

Oh wow!!! I am speechless. Are you around SS? Or shall I say does he come around?

I long for the days when I had my own place. No SS's to worry about.

strugglingSM's picture

My SSs know they are not allowed in our bedroom. When I first met DH, his kids (9 almost 10 at the time) would always sleep in the same bed with him, not out of necessity (there were other beds), but out of choice. I told him if he ever wanted me to share a bed with him, he'd stop sharing with his kids. I got really mad at him once because I was away and he posted a picture of the kids sleeping in his bed. He told me he slept in another bed, but it's not about sharing the bed, it was about the kids in his bed.

Now they knock even if I'm just in our bedroom reading or watching tv. A couple of weeks ago, I think one then came in our room to get something while I was in the shower and I was so angry, but decided not to make a big deal of it. He was getting some clothes of his that were in our room, although he had other clothes.

If one of my SSs goes through my things, we will have a big problem.

strugglingSM's picture

I should add that I did not hang out in my parents' bedroom. I don't think I ever slept in their bed or even got in their bed in the morning. If I had gone through their things, there would have been big trouble. So, for me, it's not a stepkid issue, it's a very firm boundary.

DaniAM73's picture

Agreed. It is a boundary issue. DH once said to me women sure like their privacy. Uh excuse me so I should just allow your children to be in my things. I don't even allow them to use my computer. I remember when I got it a couple of Christmases ago SS15 (13 then) got all excited and asked did we (me and DH) get a new computer. I quickly said, no I got a new computer. So I say all that to say, if I can be adamant about them not using my computer I can be adamant about them NOT being in my bedroom.

mtnwife530's picture

Parents Bedroom is Off Limits!

No matter who's kids. I also wasn't allowed in parents room, my kids S&D , were not allowed in mine & BD later in mine & DH bedroom , never slept with me either, that was a habit I didn't want to have to break later. That one rule that would only be broken over my dead body!

DaniAM73's picture

Agreed. But he and BM used to allow SS12 to sleep with them when he was younger. Bad habit to start.

Imtooyoungforthis's picture

My ss is constantly in my things. I would buy him personal hygiene products with the hopes of preserving mine but that didn't work. Now I only buy girly stuff. If he wants to smell like cucumber melon more power to him. The worse invention in history is facetime. we would be in bed and here here he comes videoing us for whoever the hell he is talking to. I would smack that phone out his hand each time.

DaniAM73's picture

I would probably start screaming and end up looking like an insane person. Does his dad say anything about the face timing? That is a huge invasion of privacy.