Fathers day is over..thank f**k
After seven month of unsuccesful ttc, and after many times after my oh has told bm.. She still presents him with a fathers day presents one including a mug and a card with the skids' faces plastered all over it. Like a slap in the face. And then i hear through a mutual ftiend that her boyfriend (who has being a full time step dad since dsd was 2 and dss was 6 months old) hasnt received anything from her. So a bloke who has seen her children four nights a month since they were 1 and newborn gets a present but the man thats bringing up her children and lets face it more a father to them than oh, gets nothing. Wheres the justice in this world? Stupid fathers day :O
Sounds like your boyfriend
Sounds like your boyfriend has a special place in her heart.
I hope you're doing the right thing. So many young women like yourself have children with a guy who has some already only to find they're second class children and way too often can be seen dragging her children away creating another broken home.
He's an ex for a reason. Your odds of a happy family go up the older you get and especially so with a childless man. Whatever you may be critical of with this guy be assured it will become glaringly wrong after you've married or had children. Re-think this whole situation.
I genuinely don't think shes
I genuinely don't think shes my oh it was convience for her. His money, she liked to be in with his family and friends (which she still does). I don't believe my children will be second class citizens. My oh really wants us to have children and He'll see them everyday and be a proper father to them as hes never had the chance with the two hes got now.