BM moving and taking BF's kids - household = miserable
BM announced she is moving "soon" (won't give us a firm date), and says she is taking the kids. She told SS that he can choose which parent to live with (which is a lie), and that if he doesn't choose her, he will never see her again for the rest of his life. SS was torn apart by having to make this choice. After weeks of consideration, BF decided to spare his son the stress of feeling he had to make that choice and agreed to let BM take the kids when she moves.
BF and kids are all upset, which is completely understandable and I empathize with them. My parents divorced when I was 3, so I understand the custody stressors quite well. Though neither of my parents ever threatened to choose them or never see them again, so I was lucky.
Because BF agreed to let the kids move, when we have the kids it's just a free for all. He wants to keep everything peaceful and fun, which is understandable to an extent. Because of covid, kids are out of school, BF isn't working and is home all day, and I am working from home - 40 hour weeks. So I am the only one in the house working 8 to 5. The problem is that BF refuses to set rules and issue consequences for poor behaviors. It's a free for all. Yelling, screaming, throwing baseballs in the house, couch cushions on the floor, water guns in the house, anything goes. I work in the office with the door closed, go to the kitchen for lunch, back to the office until 5. The three of them are just running around doing anything and the house is a disaster. I clean, I make dinner, I clean again, I go to bed, I get up, I go to work at 8, I work in the office until 5, and when I leave the office - the house is a disaster, again. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. and if I ask the kids to help clean up, I'm a monster. And if I ask BF to clean up I should be more understanding that they need quality time together before they move and I need to let it go bc this is temporary, soon we will only see the kids every other holiday and in the summer, so why does this matter? And not much changes on the days when kids are at BM's. When it's just BF and I, BF is sad and withdrawn, sleeps a lot, doesn't engage in conversation, doesn't help with the house at all. We have become nothing more than roommates over the past 6 weeks, we don't talk, we don't spend quality time together, can't go on a date bc nothing is open. He doesn't try and won't listen. I try to tell him I'm feeling left behind and taken for granted, and he just sleeps. i get that this This situation isn't completely about me, but I do matter too. This is SO different than our relationship was even 7 weeks ago. We've been together 3 years and it's typically been a very healthy, happy relationship. I know that the changes are all because of the move and I have really REALLY tried to be here for them, but they don't seem to want me here unless it's to cook. I keep reminding myself that one day things will be back to normal and we will have our healthy relationship back. But the longer this continues, the harder it is to believe we will ever be back to normal again. And BM only makes it worse because she will only say she is moving soon but refuses to give a firm moving date or even a general date range. She could draw this out for 6 more months for all we know.
Your BM is smart. She set up
Your BM is smart. She set up a false dichotomy, that is, "either I force SS to choose between us, or you let him go with me" when there are other alternatives - ie, BF could go to court and let the judge decide. Kids don't get to choose where they live, and in many cases, custodial parents can't just move away whenever they want to.
He needs to take this to court. This may be just another way for BM to control him. But if he's just going to lie there complaining and being passive, you have to decide if you can stay.
You my dear need to get out
Your DH isn't respectful of your need to work, is a terrible parent who can't keep a lid on the kids and then lets you clean up their mess.
Use this time now to get divorce paperwork in order. Because he doesn't love nor care about you.
Agree with Tog. He's falling for a false story. If he takes it to court he could lose the kids. OR the judge can tell BM you can move but you can't take the kids. She either stays (and the kids get both parents) or she moves (and the kids rightly understand that this was her choice). But for your DH to just give up on them is not showing love. It's showing a willingness to let them go.
I'd take it to court. I'd let the kids know I love them enough that I may lose them, but I certainly won't just give them up. And if BM wants what's best for them, she'll make choices that allow her to improve her life without damaging theirs. IMO
Or at least they will give
Or at least they will give him a schedule for his time when she leaves so he can tell SS the judge decided, you don't have to feel like you betrayed me.
I am glad that others stated
I am glad that others stated it- This is a matter for the courts to decide. BM can't just take the kids and leave. It isn't a choice that is left up to the kids either. Not fighting BM when she left my DH was his biggest mistake in being a divorced parent. If he had fought this 8 years ago, we would not have even half of the issues we have now.
Even if he is fine with her leaving and taking the kids (which, is fine if that is what is best for you and him), he needs a concrete visitation plan and CO BEFORE she moves. However, if he isn't ok with it, there is a good chance the courts won't let BM take the kids.
Dad needs to immediately
Dad needs to immediately engage an attorney, immediately file with the courts to prevent the move, and then go for full search and destroy mode with this toxic biotch of a BM.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
This manipulative bullshit needs to end now. See how mommy likes having a Judge's foot up her ass.
What kind of POS toxic prick pulls this kind of crap with their own kid?
I agree that your BF should
I agree that your BF should go to court. But I also think you need to give some serious thought to your relationship. Your BF isn't being at all considerate of you, and isn't treating you like a priority. Hard times may make it clear that a relationship that seemed healthy and happy in normal/good times wasn't healthy at all.
Why is she moving? Did she
Why is she moving? Did she meet some dude on line??