BM... How could anyone be so stupid
I calmly and politely said to BM on sunday, "I don't appreciate you judging my husband and my life. If you want to criticize spending and parenting habits, be prepared, because I politely keep my comments to myself. If you want to act like my husbands wife and be critical of him, get in line, he has one wife and that's my area. So lay off or be prepared for my thoughts on your life." She got all pissed and started saying that because I don't have kids I can't understand. I said, "I don't have kids because I understand as a grown ass woman I'm in charge of my own body and what happens to it, including banging dudes and oops getting knocked up. Don't think because you chose not to protect your real family that you have ANY better judgement on anything than I do. And further more (I was a tad heated) if I did find myself in this situation it wouldn't have been with a gas station clerk, or the pizza delivery boy (BM has 3 kids all different dads and the other two kid's fathers are who I was referring)."
BM fires back, "you married him." I have to admit I baited her into this!
My reply, "I have more than enough means to take care of myself, my husband and what ever kind of family I choose. I don't have to, or wouldn't have to beg people for money all the time to keep my nails done. Ever wonder why you have three kids with all different dads and can't keep a boyfriend??? It's because you are a vile bi*ch, that's why."
Then the most amazing thing happened. BM, who has no emotion other than greed and nasty, looked sad, which was fabulous for me at the time, but now I feel a bit bad. Maybe I didn't need to be so mean, but I had had enough!
Wonder what will come next???
Facts are amazing things
Facts are amazing things aren't they? }:)
Sometimes when the toxic idiots gain clarity at our hands it is sad and it makes us feel a bit guilty. This will pass soon though because invariably they return to their vile toxic crap and we are reminded of how the facts and presenting them to the toxic opposition gave us at least brief periods free of the crap spouted by their shallow and toxic gene pools.
Maybe she wasn't sad, just
Maybe she wasn't sad, just confused... Trying to work out what the word vile means lol
Momentary fleeting glimpses
Momentary fleeting glimpses of true emotions are often caught when videos are run in slow motion. Hers just lasted a little longer. She knows its true but admitting it would be just too much. She'll go back to her original ways, what choice does she really have, other than get a tubal litigation? I.e. you didn't tell her anything she didn't already know so don't feel bad. It was a heated moment and you rightfully had to get her nose out of your business.
I'll give her credit for marrying your husband its too bad she couldn't hang onto him. But it does reflect on his choices doesn't it? I'm not pointing fingers, my first wife's first husband gave me fair warning. "She's crazy" but I wasn't listening with my ears. He and I both made better choices the second time around.
My husband never married her.
My husband never married her. He dated her for 3 weeks as she claimed she could no longer have children