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Still wont leave us alone

Janpes's picture

Some of you know my story, some of you don't but to put it in a nutshell. My husband chose me and our daughters over his 2 adult kids.

We are now 4 months into this drama and every now and again she raises her head and lays the guilt trip on us.
Today another text message saying that her brother (husbands son) is now on depression pills after what we have done to them and how we have treated them. Truth is his girlfriend dumped him soon after this situation started, not our fault I am sure as they have had problems before.
His son decided himself that he didn't want anything to do with us after his sister put her bit in. Seems strange that the daughter wants my husband to get in touch with him and sort this out.

We came to a decision that we will not answer these texts at all. What is the point?? If we answer then it opens the door to their crap and I am not willing to let that happen. I have been so happy the last 4 months and also hubby has been brill. I don't want them back in our lives and neither does he.

She sent a text 2 months ago asking if we want to see the grandkids. We replied yes if it suits us and we are free then of course yes. She threw it back in our face and sent a reply stating that from that moment on she doesnt have a dad and the grandkids dont have a grandfather.

It seems everytime we move on and start to put it behind us, she pops her head up to remind us she is there.

She also contacted my daughter and when my daughter replied that she wants nothing to do with her, she replied with " we will talk about this when you can use your own brain" Cannot write what my 15 year old replied as it was not very polite Biggrin Just want her to let go and get on with their lives so we can get on with ours. Oh and she spread the word that we have abandoned them as some of my so called friends don't speak with us anymore... better for us I think Smile

Any advice??

sandye21's picture

Your SD sounds like she is sick in the head. Good to hear your DH and you are on the same page. You wrote that neither you or DH want them back in your life. Is it possible to block her from texting you? I'd keep as far away from your family as you can. Good luck.

Janpes's picture

It never seems to stop, the constant guilt trip, blaming everything that is wrong in their lives on us. I seriously cannot believe that these are adults.

We have stopped playing their games and don't even reply to their messages and calls. What would be the point we already know what is going to be said.

I hope that one day they grow up, divorce and remarry a guy/gal with his/her own kids and I hope that those take Karma can be a bitch...I live with the motto "what goes around comes around" can hardly wait }:)