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Step son 30 has such attitude!

Cinders1980's picture

I just don't know where to begin with this..

I have 3 step children 30, 25, 21 the 30 year old works for us and hes always been ok, did of an attitude and lazy but generally ok.

The 25 year old is lovely, she is sweet and kind and we all get on very well.

Thr 21 year old is a mini version of her mother, believes everything mummy says and we all have our moments with her!


SS 30 worked for his grandad, my father in law and when he passes away he gave us his business so we would earn and SS would retain a job. A couple of years ago we said we would like him to take on the business and there are things he needs to do, such as work harder and gain an understanding of how the BUSINESS side of things work... I do all the accounts and admin for which i get a weekly salary. We wanted him to learn and have an understanding then he could have the business fully. The reason bhind this was that we didnt want the business to fail as it was my late father in laws.

Anyway evey 6-12 months he texts/calls with attidue about how hes not earning enough and we have the same conversation, you need to work to earn and you are only earning enough to cover th bill so you need to work harder and not keep having half days etc.

So last week he text me to say he was quitting, my husband called to see whats wrong and he said hes had enough and didn't care it was his grandads business and swore down the phone at him. Hubby said he wasn't going to be spoken to like that and until he sorts himself out he doesn't want to see him.

Now SS has a fiance and shes a bit of a cow, she told SD 25 that shes didn't care if SS and his dad had a relationship all she wanted was the business. So hes finishing up the last few days work he has although i am not too sure why when he said he wanted to quit and then he doesn't want anymore work! 

Randomly hubby gets a text this morning asking why has he turned his back on him whats has he done he needed to know?

WHAT!! we have tried to give him a business and although we live nearly 2 hours away we have tried to invite ourselves over and nothing. He doesnt give his dad cards for birthday or Fathers day and didn't even turn up to the meal i had arranged on Fathers day!

So if youve read this far then thanks, i needed to get my frustration out and typing it out like this helps.

SS is rude and i don't really like him or his girlfriend especially after she said what she did but i also don't like things to be uneasy so i would put up and suffer them if that is what is required but hubby is adamant he wants nothing to do with him..

How does he reply to that message, or shouldn't he? What do we do?

tog redux's picture

I'm a little confused by this story.  Has he been given the business already?  If so, then all DH can do is let him run it into the ground.  If DH hasn't given it to him yet, then he needs to fire him, it sounds like, and plan for someone else to take over.

He's a grown man, why is he calling his Daddy to complain about how hard he has to work? Why does he feel DH turned his back on him?

Sorry, I'm a bit lost.

Cinders1980's picture

Thanks for your reply.

He has not offically handed it over as we wanted to make sure he knew what he was doing as my husband didn't want to business run into the ground due to it being his fathers.

As far as im concerned hes told me his quit and im looking to replace him!

tog redux's picture

To me, it seems like this is between DH and his son, it's their family business, and you should stay out of it.  I would, anyway.

hereiam's picture

No matter what happens with the relationship between your husband and his son, it's pretty obvious that this guy will not be able to handle running a business.

Kes's picture

I would carry on and replace him.  SS needs to get a better attitude, which his grandad obviously recognised, as he wasn't willing to entrust the business directly to him.   In your DH's place I would probably try and convey this to him. 

Cinders1980's picture

Sadly SD25 is just not physically strong enough to do the job, she also has a child and a part time job.

shes a delight, she just gets on works hard and keeps in touch. 

Katoglow's picture

Do you feel DH is doing the right thing by no longer addressing SS or do you believe they eventually need to mend their relationship? Just wondering how DH plans on resolving this. I have a SS who sounds very similar. Works for his dad, has a drinking problem, has an attitude problem (mostly when he is drinking) but he likes to complain he is not making enough money when he is paid commission and literally only makes what he can sell. He misses work a lot, leaves early, takes much longer to complete a task then it should, just all around bad employee who wants more money but doesn’t want to do the work. If my husband cut ties with him I would feel it was justified but then he a little uncomfortable if they did not come to some resolution. I’m sorry for your predicament, let me know and maybe I can help you think of something!!

fourbrats's picture

SS is suppose to be the one running the business, not the grunt. I think that may be part of the problem. This was suppose to be SS's business eventually but with you living two hours away he really can't learn the business. He is basically a labor employee and that's it. You run the business and with the distance it is pretty impossible for him to learn admin, payroll and scheduling. 

Did anyone actually ask SS if he wanted to run a window cleaning business? 

In the end this is between SS and your husband. They need to work their shit out. 

beebeel's picture

The guy who barely shows up to his labor shifts doesn't get promoted to CEO. Unless the company cares more about nepotism than it does staying in business.

Harry's picture

He wants to sit in a office and play boss.  Either your DH runs this business with out Abi’s DS or he closed it.  Gives it to DS and let him run it into the ground.  You can not make DS do anything he does not want to do 

Rags's picture

He quit.  He no longer works for the business.  Sell it, you and DH take the proceeds and enjoy your lives. Let SS-30 and his toxic bride figure out their shit on the their own.

Keep it simple.  Address his immaturity by making him grow up by finding another job and working for a business that will not tolerate his itermittent schedule or his moody crybaby crap.  That is the best thing you can for this 30yo juvenile.