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SS24's FB Page

K.C.'s picture

It will not be any better when SS gets out of prison on Friday. I just looked at his FB page and all his screwed up friends are having a count down party. The posts are bad....all about getting hammered and "F#&$'d Up" once he is out.

Maybe it is good though because then he won't want to come here.

I hate the things he has done but I really hope he can get some help and straighten out. Out there.....not here. No way.

herewegoagain's picture

Don't allow him in your house. If he starts anything, call the cops…have his ass sent back to jail.

K.C.'s picture

He did the full sentence but wouldn't he have to see a parole officer or have some kind of conditions when he gets out? I would think pee tests or something? He and his friends won't come here as we live clear across the country. He is out in Cali and we are in CT.

And my MIL was on the phone with BM yesterday because she is mailing BM something to sign regarding MIL's will. Since SS24 owes a bunch of restitution for the damages from the car accident, MIL wants to make sure if she dies, SS24's inheritance will go to him, through the BM. Because if it went to him directly, it would get taken away from his because of the restitution that he owes.

I have a bad thought and I've had this thought before that one day we are gonna end up at his funeral if he doesn't stop the self destruction. And I can't believe all the kids out there (well young adults) that act like this! Sure I partied when I was his age but I had a full time job and paid rent also and was never arrested for anything. Only bad things that happened to me was the occasional hangover. And now I am lucky to just have one beer a day if it's not too late when I get home from work!

dadsnewwife's picture

I'm with you, K.C. Out here..NOT here. It's not like we want any harm to come to our SSs, but we just aren't going to deal with their crap anymore! You're LUCKY he's cross country! I just WISH mine was! Then dh wouldn't be close enough to "help" him when he hits rock bottom again! (Although knowing dh, he'd probably be on the phone finding a rehab center for SS to check himself into.) I keep telling dh that there's nothing more he can do for his son, but he doesn't see it that way. sigh Anyway, I agree with you about the behavior of some of these young people today. What the h***!! By the time I was 27, I was married with 3 kids living in the burbs! Luckily, my kids are fine...went to college, have jobs, etc...and I know many other young people who are doing well. I would think a survey would have been done by now to see how divorce affects kids throughout their life. In the case of dh's kids, as I've said before, the DNA between dh and his ex NEVER should have gotten together. The result...not good.

As for funerals, one of the first things dh told me when we met that the next thing he'd do for his DS32 would be to bury him. We're both surprised that day hasn't come yet.

K.C.'s picture

Still no word if he got out or not yet. To ease my mind I read that he will have to do some sort of parole w/ the county of his last address (which was his mother's house). And he lost his license for 5 years. It also said on the California Department of Corrections website that they offer programs for housing and jobs and hopefully sobriety but I don't think he's going to remain sober for too long. Unfortunately he inherited the disease from his father and the only thing that helped his father was AA meetings and he went to them DAILY. This took YEARS. But he has been sober for 17 years Thank God! His son has the same personality as he does - laid back, not a care in the world but if you nag him too much he explodes. Always trying to be the joker or a people pleaser. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

dadsnewwife's picture

Oh, believe me...I KNOW what you mean. Dh knows some of his kids' addictions come from him, but other qualities such as laziness, no motivation, no ambition, no brains...those come from their mother. SS32 got the worst of both; SS31 is the most like his father other than the "brains" part, but seems to be overcoming addiction (clean 2 years); but SS21...he just doesn't have it either. He may end like the oldest, but I sure hope not. It just kills dh and all I can do is stand by and watch and thank GOD I chose a good partner to procreate with. It's a shame he didn't love me and ended up divorcing me. He was a decent guy and I admittedly loved him alot. He just didn't love ME. Now I have a dh with his own issues, but DOES love me. Guess we can't have it all.

K.C.'s picture

All I can say if anything bad happens in my marriage I am all done. No more men! With dh and I working opposite shifts I am alone 5 nights a week and I LOVE IT. I see him on the weekends and he is sound asleep right now lol.