SS23 moved out this morning...something a little fishy
So after our 'meeting' about him moving out that went well, SS23 came home from work sick the last two days. I only found out because I get home earlier than he does on Tuesdays, and yesterday I had a half day. He had left for work as usual. So I was surprised to see him there. He said his gf has the flu, and he thought he might have it too. He looked perfectly fine to me...was out polishing his car with the headphones and facetime with gf glued to him as per usual. Anyway, he packed up most of his stuff yesterday, took it to bm's house. Came back stayed the night. This morning he was not up before 7, when he is supposed to be at work. I went down and just said, dude it's after 7. He gets up, packs the rest of his stuff loads it in the car. I didn't hear him call in to work at all, but he might have texted his manager, I don't know. I asked for the house key, he gave me a hug, and off he went. YAY.
But I can't help but wonder what would have happened if I had left for work and let him sleep? My guess is that he was planning another "sick" day so he could leisurely hang out and load his stuff up to take to bm's house. I am disappointed that with dh out of town for work, he suddenly decides not to go in to their workplace - where dh got him the job. DH's managers and the owners LOVE DH, so they took a chance on SS23, and for the most part he's done well. So, I just don't get it.
I also wonder why he waited til DH was out of town to decide to move out early, not that I'm complaining! Seems like a little bit of a slap in the face.
I THINK I did the right thing by getting the key back. I'm pretty sure he didn't make a copy. There is no way I want that key falling into bm's hands, or even ss finding out we are gone some weekend and having gf over there. Ya never know.
Even if you don't think he
Even if you don't think he has a copy, if you can afford it I would have the locks changed
Glad he has moved out and there was little fuss
You don't think he may have lost the job now do you? I suppose you will find that out when dh comes back
Good idea. SS is definitely
Good idea. SS is definitely not moving into gf's catholic college dorm with her, lol! It's back home to mommy.
And, yeah, DH's bosses love him - that's the reason he is out of town because they asked him to go with the 'big whigs' to a show out in Cali. When SS started there, DH said, if he isn't pulling his weight, go ahead and fire his ass - you aren't going to 'offend' me. So we will see...
Changing the locks is probably a good idea. Don't want to over react, but don't want to under-react either.
I would change the locks. And
I would change the locks. And take a lunch break the next day to see if SS is at your house...
REKEY THE LOCKS!!!!!!! Cheap, easy, effective. The door was one way for SS-23. Make sure it stays that way.
My DH got SS20 a job where he
My DH got SS20 a job where he works too. We went on vacation and while we were gone SS missed several days of work. See if DH isn't around to hold his hand he fails. Wasn't long after this SS went to jail and lost his job anyway.
Buy smart locks so you an
Buy smart locks so you an change them anytime you need to
I had no idea what these were
I had no idea what these were until my contractor showed me that I had them in the house I'd just bought.
But even without smartlocks many locks can be rekeyed without replacing the whole things.
I agree...change the locks.
I agree...change the locks. Doesn't sound like he can be trusted. I cannot believe you woke him up for work. I wouldn't even do that for SS19 when dh was out of town and he had to go to school. (He graduated a year late due to dropping out due to his drug use.) My 4 adult daughters started getting themselves up with an alarm clock when they were 12 years old! No way was I going to be responsible for this man/child! Not my kid, not my problem and I hold onto that to this day.
Good luck to his girlfriend. I doubt my SS23 will ever have one. Who would want such a loser??
Ha! The ONLY reason I woke
Ha! The ONLY reason I woke him up is that I just kNEW he was gonna pull a skip work thing, and no way did I want him in my house all day with me gone to work! I've never woken him up before, he generally gets up and goes just fine on his own.
So jealous of you
It will be the happiest day of my life if SD went to live with BM but hell will freeze over and pigs will be flying through the air before I could ever get that lucky