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Small success

Newimprvmodel's picture

I think I have posted recently that marriage hanging on by a thread. So last night dh and I are clicking, making dinner--together--and his cell starts ringing. I know in my heart who it is , the only one who calls at dinner. Dogs start barking, he goes on porch, and comes back in two seconds. I thanked him, and meant it--and we did not skip a beat!
Later he shared with me he has decided that he will only engage in phone calls with daughter. I don't see how that is possible, but I said nothing and smiled.
So this morning I have hope in my heart. Not that his daughter will ever be gone, but that I can tolerate this nutty situation with my dh.

giveitago's picture

LOL wait until he's said it three times! It is awesome, I am happy to read that he's getting it. Many more of those 'connected' moments for you both.

Merry's picture

Took my DH a long time to get that the interruptions from skids caused disconnections with us. I mean, going out to dinner isn't much fun when I end up playing solitaire on my phone while he talks to one of his kids. Guaranteed, no matter what, when we have a "date" one of the kids will call--maybe his, maybe mine.

Now he still answers, just sure they are in some sort of trouble. (Needing to be needed syndrome.) "Are you ok?" Followed by "I'm having dinner, but I'll call you back." This is good and a huge improvement, but I wish he'd just let their call go to vm, which he would check if they actually left a message. But he can't stand it. And SD would, if her dadddeeee didn't answer, call or text me anyway to ask where he is. She did that recently. I was out of town for work, and she wanted to know why her father wasn't answering his phone. I told him about it later, and apparently she made a comment to him also about him not answering. His response? "I have a life besides you." Applause for that one, DH. (But pardon my suspicion that you didn't actually say that.)

But these interruptions when we're trying to be a married couple is one of my hot buttons. I'd prefer all cell phones be left in the car, mine included. If there is an emergency, we live too far away to do anything useful, other than maybe run around waving our arms in the air.