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She didn't pay car loan!

Bethany's picture

I am so pissed I could spit! The 36 year old who is actively trying to get pregnant by an unemployed man who ALREADY has 2 kids he does not support---and, JUST had a newborn and got her pregnant 8 weeks later--well, husband co-signed a loan (behind my back) a couple years ago. She has REPEATEDLY paid it late. Just received a call from the credit union that she has not payed again.

I went BALLISTIC! Told him if he pays a penny, I am out the door. He claims he won't. We are in therapy and so far, he supports me. But, we will see. This ungrateful. selfish SD ignored him on Father's Day---angry because we told her we would not support her new relationship with this serial impregnator!

Thanks for listening....

hereiam's picture

He co-signed the loan behind your back, why do you think he won't pay behind your back? Won't it affect his credit?

I don't understand people co-signing for others. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

catsmom01's picture

UGH!!! Geez. Stupid, stupid, stupid!!! Well, Princess wants someone to cosign a loan for a HOUSE for her...she works part-time as a cashier!!!! LOL!!! At least he's not stuck paying a mortgage!

robin333's picture

Let them repossess the car.

I am sincerely confused. You Ana DH supported her through getting her RN. Why in the h*ll would she need anything after that?

I'm glad you have drawn your line in the sand.

When I was 36, I buried my DH. I had been supporting myself since 17. I have never needed anyone to cosign anything- not that I would have ever asked if I did.

thinkthrice's picture


Better yet, if DH is paying for it, it now becomes YOUR car. Make her sign it over to you . She doesn't have transport? Oh well. She'll have to think of something. Bus, bike, taxi.

notasm3's picture

He should evaluate the consequences of not making the payment. I refuse to pay bills that I do not think that I owe. I have a collection from Verizon that I refuse to pay. I got a phone that was supposed to be returnable for 30 days. I had it 48 hours. They made me pay a $300+ restocking fee. Then they tried to charge me another $150 for service. I have refused to pay it.

I have a collection on my credit report but still got a 3% loan on my home.

Amcc13's picture

I am gonna agree with sally in this.
Girl your on fire at the moment! Your advice is awesome!

catsmom01's picture

Yeah I was thinking along these same lines...I'm just not sure how long it takes until a repo is it a lot of warnings first?

Bethany's picture

At this point in our lives, we don't care if it's re-possessed. We already own 2 houses and we really don't care what this does ot our credit. This SD is mean, vicious and selfish. Went through 85,000 dollars in 2 years (an inheritance) and never saved ONE penny for her young son.We have literally paid her way and I told my husband he and the ex enabled her to this point. A year ago, he would have said:"but, she won't have a way to go to work". This time we just don't care. Let her move in with her mother who SUPPORTS her relationship with this unemployed, uneducated man who already has 2 babies he does not support. The ex believes SD "has every right to do with her body what she wants (i.e.: get pregnant again). So,the ex can have selfish SD, her young son and the lazy boyfriend move in with her! The ex is so enmeshed that she resorts to calling the 36 year old's DOCTOR if she complains the office staff treated her badly.

I know I may sound crazy to some of you. But, I've been married 27 years and have put up with this BS for too long. I'm a very compassionate person, but I'm also not stupid. Nothing changes with adult SKs---it only gets worse. The "guilty parent" syndrome keeps them enmeshed in feeling obligated to these selfish people. Fortunately, I got us into therapy at the RIGHT time and now husband can CLEARLY see the consequences of bailing these brats out--time and time again. I can't tell you how happy I am that I made this move to going to a therapist. DHs with stepkids DO NOT and WIIL NOT hear US---but, a third party, who is professional, CAN help them in seeing exactly what we have been saying all these years!

catsmom01's picture

Totally agree. My bf's daughter uses that same HAVE to buy me a will I get to work (she works part-time). Works every time. She's 24 and has never had to pay for her own vehicle. Glad your DH is finally seeing her for what she is and is getting tired of it.

still learning's picture

"you HAVE to buy me a will I get to work"

^Take the frickin bus! Sheesh. I work with a divorced guilty dad who just bought his 17 yr old daughter a new car after wrecking her other car because she was distracted driving. I was biting my tongue so hard not to say what was on my mind since he's one of my bosses.

If your SD is not responsible enough to afford a car then she shouldn't have one.

catsmom01's picture

Ha!!! Princess ride the bus???? LOLOLOL!!!! Yes I totally agree with you.

bill1971's picture

That sounds like the middle son. He turns 26 and we still have to hound him to pay his phone bill, his part of the rent, etc. he just recently put himself on our auto insurance and I told my girlfriend that I don't want him on it because he isn't dependable. Sure enough he's over 3 days late paying for his portion.