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SD's husband has jumped on the her bandwagon.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

Well DH got back this weekend from camping and he seemed off. He didn't look at me much and SD's DH was one of the campers (1 of 4). I had hoped in a group setting that the issues we have with SD wouldn't be brought up but apparently they were. I could tell just by looking at DH - after 20 years you can almost read your DH's mind. Step-SIL couldn't even look me in the eye. Step-SIL (ssil) said to DH just before he left the cottage - so are you going to be around soon? Meaning back in the city- at our house - around the corner from SD. DH said no - I don't think I am ever going back. I asked DH if he spoke to SSIL about our problems and he said yes! I didn't react, but was once again very hurt by his lack of boundaries etc. I truly feel this is the end and I feel sick to my stomach. I hardly slept last night and had a nightmare about DH trying to kill me or immobolize me with a needle. It was horrifying and very upsetting. I cannot get myself up to go to work - i am so drained and feel like nothing will ever be good. I worry about finances too - and I know DH will not make financial division of assets easy. It will be a long ugly battle. Sad

Not-the-mom's picture

So sorry things have gotten so bad that you are having dreams that your husband is trying to kill you!

It sounds like the trust and respect in the marriage is gone. I am sure this is very painful for you, but as others have said, you need to protect yourself, and get out there and do what you need to do to get the upper hand.

If your husband has no boundaries now, he won't in a divorce either - all is fair to win! Sad