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New Member - Same old SD Issues!

okiedokie's picture

Asking for advice from some veterans about what I'm sure has been addressed here many many times! I am in a live-in relationship with a great guy; his kids are 20 (son) and 19 (daughter), mine are 19 and 22 (both sons). All four of our kids have engaged in their share of teenage shenanigans, but three have grown out of that phase and are now out working and supporting themselves, and generally being responsible citizens. Number four - you guessed it, the SD - has not worked since she was sixteen, dropped out of school halfway through her senior year, has hooked up with a 25-year-old that just recently got out of prison (and also doesn't seem interested in working), and just informed her dad that she is pregnant. She wheedles Dad incessantly for $10 or $20 "gas money" here and there (the only time she ever has anything to do with him) and has managed to get him to pay for her cell phone (my fault - in an attempt to teach her some responsibility, I suggested to Dad she mow our lawn in exchange for phone...). This has come to a head with us a couple of times, and each time he lambasts the bum she is with for not supporting her but gives her a free pass. Now that she is pregnant, she is a delicate flower that can't be expected to take responsibility, and I fear it will only get worse, although I have made it clear that NONE of the adult children will move into our house.

I come from a family with a strong work ethic - I have had a job since I was sixteen, and my two boys have worked since they were old enough to find jobs; they are both working full-time and paying for college themselves. His son had a baby a few months ago, but has stepped up and is taking care of business. We have been very hands-off with one another's kids, though we have had cordial relationships all around, but I can't abide by my sweetie's enabling behavior. It's as if he can't see his double standard, and I fear this could be the undoing of our relationship.

Any suggestions???

overworkedmom's picture

If I was in your shoes, and if this is not your case now, I would separate finances. Divide up bills etc. She is going to take him for every dime she can and it seems like he will let her. I would explain that if he wants to help her than that is his choice but he will not create a financial burden for you in the process.

Maybe putting it in terms like you won't let the baby suffer but you won't enable her to be a drain on y'all and society in general. Your SD sounds like the BM I get to deal with on occasion (she isn't around much). Just fast forward 15 years....

Not-the-mom's picture

OMG HRNYC, I actually witnessed you giving some positive constructive input. :O

Miracles do happen. Smile

Don't mean to sidetrack your thread okiedokie, but I just had to say it.

Hope things work out for you. StepAside always has good advise.

okiedokie's picture

Thank you for the input - yes, a sadly predictable "Daddy's Girl" situation. Step Aside, I suspect you are right about the matter slowly resolving itself. Dad knows I am right, and in fact I think he may be a little relieved that my expectations for all our kids takes some of the heat off him to be the "bad guy." You will chuckle even more to know that I told him to forget about the lawn end of the deal. Too much of a hassle never knowing when she could fit it into her busy schedule, and besides that she never fails to ask for gas money to get there! No Doormat, how awful...I can categorically say that it will NOT get to that point with us. She is relentless, but so am I, and poor Dad will have to decide whose boat he would rather rock - and divided finances would be the first step. BM is a total loser, no job...ever, etc and Dad has been a single father since the kids were small. Since we have met, he is finally getting a life of his own and some creature comforts after being wrung dry by the psycho BM and the kids she has manipulated over the years. We will see.

Countrygirl1968's picture

I am in the same boat and can relate to you okiedokie. I'm trying so hard not to give up. My sweetie is an awesome man and he too is going to have to chose whose boat to rock. We haven't combined finances and we never will. We both learned that from our first marriages. We have been living together for 9 months now and his daughter her bf and their baby live in the basement. She blames me for her life being the way it is because I'm there now. She can't mooch of her dad any more. Be careful though; I'm in a situation now that I'm not sure what is going to happen. Even though we truly love each other and bf said he would chose my side I still have a hard time believing that, it's his daughter. It has been a very difficult time for me this past month and the stress that she has put on us is relentless and she won't stop until she sees us destroyed.

okiedokie's picture

A possible ray of sunshine (or at least a slight lifting of the clouds)...
Another "unexpected" late-night visit this weekend by the SD and her BF after **!surprise!** the crazy BM they were supposed to be staying with sent them to the store for cigarettes then wouldn't let them back in her house. Even though Dad had warned her earlier that we had plans the entire weekend and would not be able to accommodate them, they of course had no Plan B.
A pleasant surprise when Dad took the opportunity to sit them both down and give them a firm "come to Jesus" talk, which the young ones seemed to take to heart. This morning he informed me that SD had a job interview and that he supposed she needed to be the one to take the initiative and let the chips fall where they may with the slacker BF. Heading in the right direction at least!