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New on here- Looking for peace of mind...

Sunburst75's picture

I just found this forum today and I'm glad I did. I was begining to feel like I was the only one dealing with this crap, and not that I wish it upon anyone else, but it's reassuring to see I'm not alone. A little background (sorry in advance, it'll probably be long...): I've been with my dh for 15 years and we've been married for 9. His daughter is now 18, but I met her when she was 4. She moved in with us when she was 7. Her bm's presence in her life was very inconsistent and this no doubt caused a lot of psychological trauma for sd. Loooking back, it has always been a roller coaster with her, but it has gotten worse as she's gotten older. Dh has always taken sd's side, I think in part due to his own guilt and also because he's a psychologist and everything revolves around her "issues". Like her issues are an excuse for her behavior. There is no doubt in my mind that she would be diagnosed as Borderline Personality Disorder, dh even says it. Sd is a chronic liar, user, and manipulator. From the time she was little she lied about me to her grandparents, saying how I was such a slave driver and treated her like Cinderella. In reality Princess never lifted a damn finger because daddy didn't think kids should have to do work around the house. Grandparents bought right into it. Everyone always did everything for her because they felt so bad that she was the product of a divorce. In turn a monster was created. I used to say things to dh about it when sd was younger, but he said I didn't understand because I didn't have kids of my own. He would always get very defensive when I brought up negative things about sd. The lies and manipulation were a constant and always geared at whoever she neede to get what she wanted. When she was about 13-14 she stole from me. I found some of my things in her drawer (an old laptop, my underwear (yes, really), perfumes, make-up, etc. and she gave my ipod away to a friend.) She used to sneak out in the middle of the night. She got in trouble in school for stealing her "best friend's" cell phone. Her and her friends would ciphon gas from our cars to give their friends. When she was 15 she ran away. She was found and brought back and she lived with her grandparents (who she has always been able to manipulate and get on her side especially well). After about a year she got tired of their rules (which weren't many) and ran away again and dropped out of high school. She eventually came back, played her manipulation games and came back to live with us. Dh and I by this time had 2 kids together. She seemed to be getting her act together. Got her GED, got a job, enrolled in community college. Dh got her a brand new car which she agreed to make the payments on and we paid her insurance and phone bill. (I didn't agree with any of this, but went along with it all to keep the peace). She had a perfectly good used car that was paid for, but dh took her to the dealership and got her a brand spanking new car because that's what Princess wanted. She had the car for 2 months. She was starting to fall back into old patterns and got caught up in some lies. One day while we were gone, she took her things, left a letter, and moved into her bm's house. (This took place about a month and a half ago). So here we were with this extra car payment. (Dh finally admitted buying that car was one of the dumbest things he's ever done.) She managed to get grandparents on her side again and told them how dh and I were too strict on her. Of course they bought it and she convinced them that she needed her car because she had to walk far to work, blah, blah, blah. So they were on dh's case about it and he caved to get them off his back and they took the car to her. While WE still made the payments!!!! (Dh told his dad the car was a gift to him, since his parents loaned us money in the past, and that he could do whatever he wanted with the car. Dumb!!!) Sd loaned the car to a "friend" and it was stolen. Police involved and car was recovered. Sd's bm discovered sd was pregnant and kicked her out. Sd is now back at grandparents house. Dh says he will help her from a distance, but I fear that once sd gets tired of grandparents rules again she will try come back here again. I do not want her influence around my kids (ages 6 and 8). I want to disengage from sd. I was duped one last time by her and will not let her do it to me again. I want nothing to do with her. She is a very sick girl who needs help, and until she gets it nothing will ever change. I haven't discussed feeling like this with dh yet, I'm sure his reaction won't be that great (he always stands by that she's his daughter no matter what). I'm just so sick of the drama. It feels like I'm living in the middle of a soap opera and it's terrible for my kids to be seeing. I don't want them to think that her behavior is an acceptable way of acting. They adore her and it makes me nervous. It's ridiculous. Dh has a lot of great qualities, but I just very strongly disagree with how he deals with sd. I'm tired of feeling like I'm always on the back burner to sd and dh's parents. I'm not sure if I'm asking for advice, or just needing to vent it all out. I really have no one to discuss all of the hairy details with, so I was thankful to come across this forum. Thanks for listening (and sorry this ended up being a novel...).

Orange County Ca's picture

How concerned are you about your children if she returns to live - enough that its a valid excuse to leave? If so tell husband that you've been given no choice but to set up some sort of seperate household. Your own apartment or whatever until either step kid leaves the house or your kids are grown. Not a divorce just living without the influence on your children which are his also I'm assuming.

sandye21's picture

I am sure you have read our stories and have found many similarities to what you have been experiencing. Many of us have disengaged from our SDs, enabling in-laws, etc. This means, in some cases, banning the Skid from your home. You said your DH places SD's welfare ahead of yours. The marriage should be the prime focus. It sounds like he is placing your children of the back burner too. She IS a bad influence. If there was a child in your neighborhood who was acting out like SD is you would not allow your children to associate with them. Does your DH seem concerned at all about this? Maybe he could join her to live at the Grandparents' house.

witsend71's picture

She's an adult now. She'll have to act like one. So the car is now repayment to your inlaws for an old loan? I guess you'll have to let that one go. You'll have to make some tough choices if DH lets her back home. If you stay you'll be miserable, if you go, that will be hard too. Men hate to be told what to do or be given ultimatums, but you could say, "I don't know if I could handle SD living with us again." Just so you've put it out there. I live in fear of SD living w us full time. I'd hate to leave all I've invested, but enough's enough. It's not SD as much as DH's poor playdate parenting (as another poster aptly named it).

AVR1962's picture

My daughter was diagnosed with BPD and I can tell you that what your SD is doing sounds very much like BPD. If it is the case the best thing you and your husband can do is educate yurself on BPD, educate families members who will listen and thn back away with love or she will ruin your life. BPD use, manipulate, lie and abuse. Everything is to support them and to get people to side with them. They are capable of compassion unlike narcissistic indivuals but they use that to their advantage and exhaust every relationship with their neediness. They do not know how to appreciate anything you do for them and only keep their hand extended feeling you owe them more.

The difference here is that your husband, at least in the past, has blamed you for not undestanding and he and his family are still seeing the SD as a victim when I do not believe it is the case. As much as I love my own daughter I did have to draw my boundaries with her. It is hard for parents as we are trained from the day our child is born to give our child anything to help it, to pacify and to meet their needs but I think sometime we don't know where those limits are and for the love of that child we keep giving beyond reason.

A counselor finally helped me to see what was happening and I spent hours going thru exercises so that I would not get sucked back into her game. It becomes a dance.....she needs you but hates you so she yells and tells you off, tells other fmaily lies to get their sympathy, you feel betrayed but your question your actions and the parent wants all to be good so we try and when we try we get caught up in the game again, supporting anf giving to that child all over again. Only you/your husband can stop the dance, you have to stop participating in the game.

In many ways my SS has done alot of the same but I think he is narcissistic rather than BPD as I do not think that the SS is capable of empathy. We had a to draw on line on his behavior as well. Alot of SS's acts were directed at me for years and husband felt I was partly to blame but then SS attacked his dad (as an adult) and husband finally saw his son and what I had endured for years in a different light.

We do not have to take this kind of treatment from our children wheterh it be steps or bios.

As far as the grandparents are concerned, I hope they have the patience of a saint as that is exactly what it will take. My daughter burned my parents also with her needines. My parents thought they could help but in the end they no longer speak, she used them too and they coudl see it.