Movies alone
Guess who's at the movies alone :/ After whinning lately he can't wait till my kids move out so we can do stuff dh didn't want to spend the $3.50 to go to a mantinee movie with me. My kids left to go to a late Thanksgiving with their dad and DH couldn't be bothered to come out of the mancave. We had planned this all week and when I asked if he was ready to go he said he didn't have money. I should have know when he wouldn't go. Oh well I'm sure he' ll eventually come out of the mancave and realize I left.
Sorry to hear that the man
Sorry to hear that the man cave troll ate your DH. Enjoy your movie.
Enjoy. I may do that
Enjoy. I may do that tomorrow!
Sorry, because it's not fun
Sorry, because it's not fun to go it alone. I have to pretty much go everything alone, but am getting used to it. What's scary to me; you may find someone, someday, that wants to go it with you and then comes the dreaded divorce. I often thought, if I do everything alone, fate will step in and introduce me to someone that is fun.
I work very hard at not looking sideways, because if I do, it would happen. I love my DH and he is disabled and doesn't feel like joining me. I do believe, if his health was good, he would go with me. So I am very careful to watch the movie and not look around for someone else watching alone.
I'm sorry you have to do this, it hurts too.
Yes to what sammigirl said. I
Yes to what sammigirl said. I am in same boat too. Although, I am planning my escape
I am finding that doing things alone isn't that bad. It beats dragging someone who isn't nice or who doesn't want to be there next to me. You aren't alone!
I was the loneliest when I
I was the loneliest when I was married to my ex. Because he was so devoted to his ds, 47 years old, I was always having to do things by myself. Dh refused many times to go on overnight get aways, because he needed to be home in case his ds called and needed him. When we finally did get away, ss calls first thing in the morning. Weekends were devoted to his ds and he expected me to also waiting for his ds and entertain him. I went to so many movies by myself, and then dh would get angry at me for seeing the movie without him.
Now that I am living by myself I am not as lonely as I was when I was married. Which I think is very strange. In fact I was invited to attend karoke this evening with a group of people my age, I went, and it was lots of fun. When I got home I went to the Saloon located right next to complex and I saw someone I just met, we chatted, then I danced with someone else. Never in my life did I think that my life would be like this, at this stage in my life. More importantly, I no longer feel lonely. I look back and I think, why did I put up with what I did? Why did I let one miserable, chip on his shoulder, ss have such an effect on my life. I gave him so much power, for so many years, over my marriage and my life. A well learned lesson for me. Never again!!