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Underdog's picture

My wifes 37 year old son that has never been married, has no children, and has a college degree has been living and sleeping in our family room for the past year.

Am I an un-empathetic jerk for wanting him OUT?

sparky's picture

I would kick his but to the curb. Take out an eviction notice and get rid of him. What does she have to say about this? If she dosen't like the eviction notice than she needs to go with him.

sarahbernheart's picture

but that man/boy needs to find his own place, what 37 y/o wants that and what in the world is his mom thinking??
give him 30 days notice and kick him out!
that is just crazy!!

“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”

Nellie's picture

Why does he want to live with Mom? Is he unemployed? Mentally ill? Alcoholic? Addicted to drugs? Social loser? More info please.

Underdog's picture

37 years old, no children, never married, (not Gay) has a bachlors degree, answers Jepordy 90% correct, works as a food server. If not working or sleeping he is drinking BooZ, Kessler, Jack Danils, etc, not beer.

He was going to live with us for 6 months while he saved some money and got on his feet. He is doing nothing different from when he fell off his feet. It has now been a year and I think my wife is starting to see - God I hope so.

smurfy1smile's picture

Wow, I tell my BS16 if he does not get an education then he will be living in my basement when he is forty. Your SS needs to get a life and let go of mom's apron strings. He is way too old to live with his mother unless he is mentally ill or has a drug problem and in that case he should be seeking treatment to get better so he can live on his own. I am 37 and would never dream of living with my parents. I moved out at 17 and nevered, ever moved back. No matter how bad it got - no money, no job - I made it work.

Sita Tara's picture

NO you are NOT.

You are in fact TOO empathetic or he would NOT be there!

How strange.

Although I have a friend who is 32 and other than a few 6 month stints here and there with failed attempts with roommates she's never left home. She has two BAs, but her mom doesn't want her to leave until she gets married (engaged once and dated once since. THAT's not going to happen likely very soon.

I think mom and dad (or just mom in your case) make it a little too cushy at their pad. Do you think your wife is encouraging him to stay?

My inlaws allowed my SIL back with a 6 month time limit. But she had been married, gave up custody of her kids years ago, was living with an alcoholic who kicked her out. Like I said, they gave her a 6 month time limit and STUCK to it. Guess where she went when that was up? Yep...back to the alcoholic. Married him a year later. Now they're having troubles. None of us have our doors open right now.

“I never gave away anything without wishing I had kept it; nor kept it without wishing I had given it away.” ~Louise Brooks

gertrude's picture

I don't understand it. I hear more and more of this. The other day, my DH referenced how much our grand daughter was going to enjoy something at the house when she is a teenager. UM NO! I corrected him right away - she won't be living here at that age! It was quite the slip of the tongue for him...

My SD is 20 and lives with us, with her 7 month old. The requirements are that she has to go to school to stay. Last night she referenced how much more time she was going to have when this set of classes is over. I asked her how's that? You have to sign up for the next set!

Set a time frame, establish a set of rules. Stick to them. I am lately finding myself correcting both DH and SD when they randomly discuss how long she will be there. It is getting me worried, and is a violation of the discussion DH and I had. I see a show down on the horizon - in the not too distant future. Kind of sucks, but it is the line I've drawn. I can't afford to support leeches.

Lace Lady's picture

I am a 32 year old woman with a college degree & a full time job (& I live on my own, pay all my own bills, have a car & I have insurance, etc.) & there is no way I would date a man that is still living at home with mommy. Sorry. I date grown men. You might want to tell him there are a lot of women out there with the same attitude.

And don't think I'm going to apologize for my attitude when I'm living what I expect from others.

Cajun Lady

NaturallyMom's picture

This is not healthy behavior. Surely there is more to it than that?

"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." ~ Abraham Lincoln

twowords's picture

My deal is this - the SD doesn't live with us. She's married, and they cannot afford their (now, as of Feb) two children. So, because they are renting a home from my husband and I, they just don't pay rent. Very convenient for them, huh?

So rent free for 5 months makes a BIG difference in your financial situation. You think she would act a bit more appreciate, but the truth is - I've known her for 6 years and she still refuses to look at me when and IF she speaks to me. When she wanted to get her motorcycle license, I lent her my bike. (Of which got tipped over in a wind storn, but layed there all night. Also tore my bike cover without an apology.) WHen they were down-and-out, I let SD and hubby move into my townhouse... where they were also not paying rent, so I had them move. Course, they moved into our other property that is 'Daddies' and don't pay anyhow...