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I Guess This Is RA?

Lady's picture

We live in a very small town where everybody knows everybody.Well I was pumping my gas the other day and a friend (I thought was a friend)was there also .When I said hello to her she never spoke back to me and gave me a go to hell look and hopped in her car and took off. Come to find out that friend is babysitting my stupid DIL kid.Enough said !I never dreamed of her doing this to me, but why do people listen to them and treat you like crap when they dont even know the other side of the drama.What gives her the right to treat me like my husband's family .I know we have talked about this before on here .This hateful friend is a Sunday School Teacher :jawdrop: A while back when I tried to defend myself (didnt do any good)my SK's and DIL's accused me of telling lies on them. So I try to confront them but these little coward's run .They didnt want to talk with me . Guess that proves who is doing the lying doesnt it.HA! I guess a lot of people have RA!

forgotten wife's picture

my DH's family, who always told me i was "family", haven't spoken to me in over a year. not only am i NOT family, they're not even friends to me.

what it's done is show me their true character and release me from any obligations to them.

it's sad for you to find out this way about your "friend" but better for you in the long run.

emotionaly beat up's picture

My FIL always said was family, but turns out I was always good for cooking and cleaning whenever we visited. When push came to shove I was nothing. I banned his grandaughter from my home over a year ago and she went crying to Nono. Nono told not only her but her boyfriend who was nothing more than a stranger to Nono, that they could come to my house whenvever they liked and just ignore me. Turns out the Italian boyfriend is now family and I am nothing.

As Forgottenwife has said, the up side is that it releases you of any and all obligations to them. Trust me in this Italian culture the woman has a lot of duties to perform. Grandchildren have none. They get to be special just becasue they are Smile

It is better to know where you stand, now you know where you stand with this women. Let her go, people like that are not worth the effort.