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I Got An Invitation.

Lady's picture

When I run upon my Sk's and their wives I just try to be nice as I can. They give me the cold shoulder and have done this for a long time . They have never accepted me . That is fine to. Well I got an invitation in the mail to DIL'S baby shower. The last time I spoke to her she wouldn't speak back. So I took the invite and threw it in the trash. I will be a no show at her shower. That kill them with kindness really don't work with DH family. They want my gifts but want to act like they don't know me any other time. Wont be going!!!!!!!! }:)

Justme54's picture

I would have done the same thing. When SS35 got engaged...sent a text to both me and DH. I knew what was coming. He has been living with this girl for 5 years. He also owes DH $3500. Sure enough, he wants money for dinner rehearsal. DH sends $2000 when SS35 gave us an esimate of $1000. WTF! DH said he felt bad becasue he did not pay for all of SD28's wedding. We gave her $3000. Sorry, we were not paying $20,000 to $30,000 for wedding. She married into money...future in-laws told her not to worry...thye would pay for it. DH is living in my house that waa paid for before we married. He donated his house to his mama plus all her bills before he moved in...should been my 1st red flag. DH pressuring me to quit my job....second red flag.

Back to the point, when SS35 got the check...he told DH thanks...not even a text to me. Go figure.

toywas's picture

I was invited to wedding showers. My purpose to be there was to set up, clean up, no one talked to me for the entire 3 hours, and of course, provide a gift. DH was in his glory "see they accept and like you!" NEVER AGAIN!

2 years ago I received another baby shower notice. Right in the trash. DH asked why - I said I'm not family; I'm not going.

Amber Miller's picture

Good morning Toywas!
You should've gone to the shower and brought your dog

Amber Miller's picture

Hi Toywas,
I'm good, thank you. No, we haven't had any storms, snow or rain over here. I love snow and wish we'd get some.
Hopefully you guys will get a break in the weather so you can resume normal activities and to ensure that your dogs are going to be ok. It actually doesn't snow where I live and we have to drive at least 4 hours in either direction to get to the snow. This is probably why I enjoy it so much; because I have never lived in it and have never had to shovel a driveway. I hope you and your dogs are safe and warm while you wait for the weather to change. Oh my, the news is showing the weather on the east coast; it's freezing! That must be rough.
Take care and have a nice day.

PolyMom's picture

I have a while before I get shunned by skids and baby showers...but this reminds me of the time BM asked to use our residence to gain access to our town parks to throw a huge birthday party for skids and her family. We, of course would be welcome to come too. We were like "WTF is she smoking???"

toywas's picture

When DH's kids were pregnant, they sent me the invitation along with the baby registry. HEllo - I need another job to even buy 1 gift on their wish list! My job is not to support them even with a gift, especially by people that treat me like shit all year round. No thank you, don't invite me. I'm not going nor am I sending a gift.

Been there done that!

Amber Miller's picture

SD banned me from her life and I still have yet to know why but I really don't care. My in- laws threw her a baby shower when she got pregnant. This pregnancy was achieved by telling the young man that she trapped that she was on birth control; she's always been a damn liar. It was nice if DH's sisters to invite me. My in-laws are so kind and treat me like family. This was their way of ignoring princesses problem with me and they told my DH that I am family and I will not be excluded from being invited even though they know I wouldn't show up. I thought it was nice of them to think of me. They are good people. SD is a useless brat. She told DH that the baby's father is not a boyfriend and that they have a "business relationship". Disgusting! :sick:

sandye21's picture

Good for you Lady! You are only reciprocating their sentiments. Can you imagine how you would have been treated at the shower?