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HOW to disengage?

savemysanity's picture

This post would be entirely to long if I described all that I have gone through with SD21. I'll try to make this short. Three years ago, when I started dating her dad, she hated me. I (with no help from SO) patched things up with her. She and her two younger siblings have since told me, repeatedly, how much closer they feel to their dad now. They all love being at my house. My doors are ALWAYS open to them. They don't live too far away, so it's not uncommon for them to pop in and out. All six of our kids got along great to begin with...but I've never felt I should be the disciplinarian to SO's kids. I gave them an ear, a shoulder to cry on...but things started to go downhill (rapidly) when we allowed SD(then)20 to move in last summer. One night, I went to bed while she and SO were still awake in the family room. I wasn't really sleepy, but she was having an attitude because she wanted to go to an amusement park the next day, and I had told her it sounded like a good idea, but I would check with her dad. Unfortunately, he tells me we had about $80 in our account, and that would have barely covered the gas expense, not to mention, we were still a week away from the next payday. I explained this to her, but she kept pressing that we go (she had friends that she told she would be there, and wanted to meet them there). So, while I was laying in bed, I was scrolling on my phone through FB and Twitter. She was on there talking about what a b**** I was being. IN MY HOME (where SO doesn't even pay the mortgage). I walked into the family room and told her that if she had something to say to me, she needed to talk to ME, not post it on social media. Within the next two days, she and her sisters were telling their dad I was "crazy" and trying to break us up. They almost succeeded. Fast forward to this summer, all was forgiven. The past year has been okay, but once again SD(now)21, can't get along with her mom and sisters, so she moves back in here. After flunking out of nursing school twice (which I footed the bill for her gas money to and from school, 60 miles away)and three underage drinking tickets in the past year (which she couldn't believe her daddy and I wouldn't help her with attorney fees and fines), and totaling her car (that SO paid for), sitting around her all summer not lifting a finger, or having a job, not to mention her filthy mouth in front of my BKs. SO works A LOT of hours, so he hasn't been witness to much. He wanted to kick her out on a couple of occasions, but I begged him not to because it would alienate her. I thought I could handle it all. However, she started talking ugly about her dad to me, and I stood up to her. Big mistake. But I was at my wit's end. She and her younger sister, 16, have since told their dad that he is dead to them. The youngest, 14, has told friends, that after her daddy takes her to the concert she's been wanting to go to, he will also be dead to her. There is so much more to this story, but bottom line, the stress that they have caused in this house, I do not want them here. I've had a happy home, happy, kind, respectful kids. I told SO to go back to his hometown and rent a place there and be a dad. I wouldn't ever want him to choose me over his kids. He said that is THEIR choice, not his, and if they can learn to be respectful, they can work on a relationship. My heart is hurting, though, but they are TOXIC to me and my children, and relationship with SO (actually FH). HOW do you guys disengage??? Without the guilt???

oldone's picture

One should NEVER have guilt for removing any toxic person from your life.

Kick her out and NEVER let any of them ever move in with you again. Just erase all of them from YOUR life. If your SO wants to see the two who are minors in your home they must be respectful to you. They don't have to like either one of you, but if they are going to be horrible bitches they do not get to even enter your front door.

Do not ever spend one penny on them ever again. Your SO of course must meet his legal obligations to the minors.

Your doors should be SHUT to toxic people always.

savemysanity's picture

I don't think I could ever, ever shut the door on my BKs, no matter HOW toxic they were. I think that's why I feel the guilt. Is it fair to do this to SO's kids?

oldone's picture

Really - so if an adult BK committed hideous crimes - raping and torturing young 5 year old children you would still support and defend him?

My DH had a son who was a gang member who participated in murder. The door was shut long before I arrived. You are judging on your children who are NOT monsters. Unfortunately some people are.

Would you let Ted Bundy move in with you and hide him from the law?

savemysanity's picture

ahhhhh....ouch. I'd rather not consider that scenario with my BKs. :jawdrop: BUT, the Ted Bundy point eases my mind. You are correct. I can't compare my kids to his, and my job is to protect mine. Thanks! You girls are AMAZING! I'm starting to feel better little by little.

anafiodorova's picture

"I told SO to go back to his hometown and rent a place there and be a dad. I wouldn't ever want him to choose me over his kids. He said that is THEIR choice, not his, and if they can learn to be respectful, they can work on a relationship. My heart is hurting, though, but they are TOXIC to me and my children, and relationship with SO (actually FH)."

Your intuition is correct and right on the spot. Keep your happy, healthy and stable home and children - happy and full of positive energy. Do not allow to be sucked into the shame, guilt, drama of it all. Please, remove yourself from this and follow your instinct. You were given a whisper of what it will be like if you allow the others into your home. Do you need something major to happen to wake up to the reality of it?
I did not remove myself earlier when I was given a whisper of how things will be. I was warned on this board to leave. I did not. When I decided to leave it was much damaging and worse to my happy, healthy soul and heart. I am still picking my the pieces of my health. Please, stay happy and healthy. No man or situation is worth your sanity.

Love always!

savemysanity's picture

"Do not allow to be sucked into the shame, guilt, drama of it all." - The problem is, my SO says the SAME thing to me. I love him, my children love him, my ex-husband respects him as a step-father to his own kids. This is a good guy. Honestly. SO tells me that his kids will be the same way in ANY relationship he is in, that they will never allow him to be happy. He is okay with not allowing them around me or my children again and begs me not to punish him for their behavior. He will continue a relationship with them, just not here. Do I punish him and myself, and my kids for the SK's behavior? When the SKs are not here, we are fine. Happy, relaxed even.

anafiodorova's picture

I have been in your situation and have heard exactly the same words from my ex -fiancee. He even said his kids are evil monsters. He knows that - he will see them at his mothers etc. I get to chose when and whether to go with him and see them. In time the guilt will start eating at him. They will show their best when you are not there. In my case there was pressure from his daughter to stay with us for a weekend or vacation since the brother from another mother (who is decent and kind) has stayed with us several times. In my case there was a lot of pressure and guilt from BM, his mother and his daughter. They were all in owe that he dares to make me happy and respects my feelings.
At the end when we were close to getting married and the crazy in them escalated- it was obvious that he was too weak and I just had to let him go to focus on his 14 year old daughter and 16 year old son.
Guilt from the kids and family and shaming are very very powerful tools. He is back living in his mother`s basement and commuting 2 hours back and forth to work.
I should have never stayed that long in that relationship. He was talking just like your SO and I gave him time to work with his kids on the things that he needed to work with them. He never did. He is a weak person and does not parent at all . Delegates that to his mother and at the end she controls the household.
I should have run the first year when I spend thanksgiving with them and saw the signs of poor parenting. I gave him a chance.
When I say : "Do not allow to be sucked into the shame, guilt, drama of it all." I mean let your SO parent and set straight his daughters and keep your house happy and healthy. From experience and the perspective of time - it is not worth it to get entangled in the drama. It will influence your health, mental state, professional career - everything.
Find someone whose kids will be respectful and loving. Mostly their parent would have taught them that. Just like you have parented your kids to be respectful and loving.
Please, love life and be happy and do not allow them to suck you into the drama:). Life is so beautiful and loving and there are so many good people out there who will embrace you and not put you through this. All of this is so unnecessary. When he had cleared his situation he can come to you but not before that. Please, stay away and love yourself!

savemysanity's picture

Ugh, honestly, I think I've been the weak one. SO would get so upset at his daughters' actions, and I would be the one calming him down, begging him not to say anything. So I guess I had a part in creating the monsters. Although, they seemed to be petty things. It escalated quickly, and I regret taking up for them. I've been no better than SM and I hate that I haven't been supportive of him as a parent. When they were married, she would leave all the discipline up to him, then reverse the punishments the next day. I'm starting to feel better, and I haven't seen them in two weeks, and I'm realizing how my house is returning to its happy state. Slowly, but surely.

Towanda's picture

Your husband is spot on. You have no reason to feel guilty but it is going to take some time for this all to sink in. Block them out of your head.

sandye21's picture

"I don't think I could ever, ever shut the door on my BKs, no matter HOW toxic they were." But you kids aren't toxic, your SD is. Do you want SD's toxicity to inifitrate your relationship with your BKs? Many times kids see young 'adults' as more hip and knowledgable than their parents. They copy behaviors and can get innocently sucked up in lies. If you keep telling yourself this is the best thing for your BKs, the guilt will fade fast.

savemysanity's picture

Now THIS is EXACTLY what I needed to hear. I read it last night on my phone, but phone was acting up and I couldn't respond. However, thank you, thank you, thank gave me a PEACEFUL night's sleep!!! I cannot, will not, allow my children to copy that behavior. There was one night a few weeks ago, that SD21 spewed such HORRIBLE language that I truly felt guilty the next day, like CPS should take my children out of this house. My DS14 even asked me if that was criminal for her to talk like that in front of DD10. That was the beginning of the end. Today is a new day, the sun is shining, I've taken my anti-depressants, and I'm moving on with this life with those that love and respect me, my SO, and my precious family. (Don't hold me to this, I could have a breakdown before the day is But feeling good right now!!! )