So I am the BM to a dd23 and ds25 and for mothers day I received nothing so there sd my husband texted them to tel them i was upset and half heartedley told them they were fire as children. ds25 is fine with it knew ther was some truth to it and laughesdit off after he called me, my dd23 and her huband attacked my husband saying that he was a dickhead 100% of the time and a selfish asshole. so here is my issue I am not a huge fan of the son in law but now that they have both felt they had the right to call my husband out about not liking him, that our relationship will never be the same. I just feel it is disrespectful and that sometimes we have to keep our dislike of kids spouses as well as parents spouses to our self. Please comment I need help!
well the son in law sent a
well the son in law sent a nasty message to my husbanf and to me that is not his place to say horrible things about my husband when it really had nothng to do with him, ecspecially if you think my husband was out of place, wouldnt that make him out of place too. And i get what you are saying about nothis place to Chastise, but it is his place to let them know they might have hurt my feelings like they do every year.
clever, i feel so sorry for
clever, i feel so sorry for the way your own children treated you. you are right to be upset.
actions speak louder than words. kids and skids might say how much they love you and how important you are to them but the proof is in their actions.
Well, my two cents believe
Well, my two cents believe both your husband (your adult children's stepfather) and your adult daughter's husband (your SIL) need to keep their noses out of your personal relationship with your daughter.
Your Dh didn't need to tell his SD she was neglecting her mother (you) on Mother's Day. I'm sure your daughter was well aware of her actions (or in this case, lack of action). Neither did the SIL need to inform your Dh (his step-father-in-law) that your DH was being an ass.
How about Mom and daughter worry about their own ins and outs of their relationship and the men stay out of it. Your daughter is 23yrs old. She doesn't need StepDad chewing her out guilt tripping her on lack of acknowledgement of you on Mother's Day. You raised this daughter. The relationship is between mother/daughter and if you didn't raise your daughter to have more respect towards her mother than the now adult woman has, your Dh's reprimanding her isn't going to change anything.
I'm never quite sure what to think when I read different blogs/forum posts on this site on how the parent and/or stepparent is suppose to make the adult children behave or act differently...time for teaching is not age 23. And no one, parent, stepparent nor any other adult can force another adult to do this or that.
Your daughter ignored you. Your DH stuck his nose in, her husband whacked your husband back into place. So what did any of it accomplish?
If you're disappointed , hurt and/or angry with your adult daughter you pick up the phone and tell her yourself. You work with your daughter o the relationship between mother and daughter or you let the relationship go. It's on your daughter and yourself to make or break. Not StepDad's. Not SIL's.
I'm sorry you and your daughter didn't connect on Mother's Day. However, the moves the men made didn't help, it actually made it worse.
THIS ^^^^^
THIS ^^^^^
Unless your DH had a
Unless your DH had a previously good relationship with your kids, I don't think that him scolding them over mother's day was going to be very effective.
I'm not sure that he could have expected any better response from children that blew off mother's day.
It was not your husband's
It was not your husband's place to text your adult kids about how awful they are, which is basically what he did (firing them as your children?). I get that he was concerned that you were upset but he handled it wrong. And your daughter and SIL returned the favor.
In 20 years, I have never scolded my SD25 for not acknowledging my DH's birthday or Father's Day, not my place. DH is a big boy and can handle it how he sees fit.
In general I would agree that
In general I would agree that it's not his place to chastise your children.
However, as a SKID (on both sides, NOT a holiday person, and self-absorbed a dozen years ago when I was in my 20's) more than once my SM or SD called to say I got your Mom/Dad XYZ for Mother's/Father's Day.. I know s/he would love to hear from you on the big day.
I actually came to REALLY appreciate this.
My Dad still calls me with a reminder to call my SM on her birthday, etc. I actually appreciate it. If a phone call a few times a year make mu Dad's life easier because my SM feels appreciated it's a small price to pay (I feel).
P.S. My SM broke up my parent's marriage with an affair while my Mom and Dad were married to I have a pretty good reason to be a HATER but learned years back that only hurts me.
I had no problem jumping down
I had no problem jumping down my SS's throat when he was being a total ass to my DH. It was a few years ago while he was visiting at our vacation condo (last time that happened). I calmly told him that no one was going to disrespect my husband in MY home. He shut up immediately.
I don't care what the DNA connection is or is not. No one is going to be an ass to a guest in my home. I realize that is not the same as OP's situation. But I don't think a SP has to always keep their mouth shut.
OP - I'm sorry - but your daughter and her DH sound like asses.
i have to agree with this.
i have to agree with this. when the skids were younger they did not acknowlege fathers day or his birthday. then it was a week late or something lam. or an after thought.
the bad part is that dh would project his anger and disappointment onto ME! thats when i put the blame on the skids where it belonged. no calls or cards but when they want something or money, they call and flatter daddeeeee. he is a sucker and eats it up. they would make a big deal about their step father though. buy him gifts and theb fight over who would give it to him with the money dh gave them! this was the married man who cheated while their mother was married to their father.
i think the OP husband had
i think the OP husband had good intentions and should not be thrashed for what he attempted to do - tell his wifes children has disappointed her on her birthday.
i agree with clevergirlfriend: TO THE OP: you need to call your daughter out on her disrespectful comments to your husband. You need to stick up for your husband. I'm not sure what his tone was, but he was clearly upset for you, and unless he was really rude, I think your daughter was WAY out of line and shouldn't have made personal attacks.
your own children disrespected you and your husband felt bad for you.
It was your place to address
It was your place to address the issue, not your husband's....and the son in law should have stayed completely out of it as well. It is between you and your daughter, why make the problem larger than it needs to be?
What is the relationship like
What is the relationship like between you and your DD? It sounds like you both need to sit down and hash things out without SIL or Husband. I'd take DD off the hook, "It appears you don't want to observe Mother's Day or both of our Birthdays anymore, right?"
Maybe they're Jehovah's
Maybe they're Jehovah's Witnesses now
LOL When my nephew became an
LOL When my nephew became an adult he still wanted me to give him presents but didn't want to reciprocate. I told him I no longer wanted him to feel obligated. It took us both off the hook.
Write them out of the will
Write them out of the will
This is one big triangulation
This is one big triangulation f*** fest. Where's my damn mother's day card!!!
My son didn't send me a message until 2am the following morning and I just laughed. He has a life. He is a bigger factor in my life than I am in his, obviously. Time to get over our feelings of entitlement. The world doesn't always function according to our little expectation templates.
This very thing happened to
This very thing happened to me. The straw that broke the camels back was the exact words that caused me to totally disengage from my SD58.
Long story short: I had a career and worked long hours (retired now from that great career). My DH has been disabled and home for years. DH was visiting his DD (my SD) daily, she doesn't work or have a career. His visits turned into gossip sessions about everyone and anyone, including me. DH betrayed our life, marriage, finances, all that he could think of to SD. This went on for almost 15 years and I didn't realize it, because I was busy working, supplying us health insurance and a nice income. I had all types of red flags from their behavior, that I was being thrown under the bus. This site doesn't have enough pages for me to give all the red flags to you. I thought I was being jealous and paranoid; but I was being attacked.
One day I open my email; there was a two page hate email, from SD58, blaming absolutely everything on me, and throwing DH under the bus in regards to the betrayal. I was to divorce her Dad, move out and give him our lovely new home, leave him to his family and disappear off the earth. I was in total shock; NOW I put it all together. I printed the email handed it to DH and told him to move out, with his princess. He refused, so I called Law Enforcement and had DH kicked to the curb for SD to pick up.
Rest of the story: DH caused it all with gossip and betrayal. SD put her two cents in and should not have repeated anything, thinking she could break us up. DH and I are working through it the past three years. I am totally disengaged from SD and she will go to jail if she comes near me again, in my lifetime. SD visits DH and I allow that only, because DH is disabled; she is to leave me totally alone and stay totally away from me personally. I will never forgive DH nor will I forget what SD said to me; my attorney has the email. Believe me, I'm not finished with this woman, if she messes with me.
I do not trust DH concerning SD. Our marriage will survive, but is totally a different marriage and life. Even though it was DH's doing, it was none of SD's business.
When someone outside a marriage decides they should speak up, believe me they should shut up.
as always you have great
as always you have great advice from first hand experience.
what happened to you is very sad as dh turned his skid into a mini wife and confidant. i also have this same situation in many ways.
things are different now with dh after several turning points.
What usually happens, when
What usually happens, when someone sticks their nose into someone else's business, especially marriage problems, it back fires. This is what happened to my SD58.
My SD kept pushing me verbally, until she finally got me cornered. I have NEVER had words with my SD for the entire 37 years; I still have not. I ignored her hate email, never responded to any of her verbal attacks. Instead I took the silent attack. SD is still scratching her head. I just totally disengaged cold turkey. If I had it to do over, I would never have engaged with SD from day one. My Attorney does have the original email on file and I have a copy tucked away. If SD goes any further with her aggression, I will file charges and she will be banned from our home. I have told DH this. I'm sure he has related this on to SD.
My Skids are allowed to come visit DH anytime they wish. I do not invite them, I do not hostess them, they are not invited to spend the night in our home, they get a motel room. I do not offer them anything when they visit; they know where the cold drinks are and DH can handle that. I am civil, but cold (and I mean cold). I leave no doubt in their minds how I feel. I disinvite myself from all family dinners at their homes. DH can do as he wishes, when he wishes, and anytime he wishes with his kids and grandkids. It has been made clear that I will NOT join them, unless it's my choice. I do as I wish, not what DH nor his kids wish. I don't disrespect them or verbally attack them, as SD does me.
I am so much happier and free of 99% of SD's passive aggression. SD still cannot help herself, if she's around me more than 5 minutes. I usually just leave the room, go to the kitchen, pour myself a glass of wine, and busy myself. I totally ignore her! I have a private kitchen, which is a must in a household. Lol....
It is sad when you have to basically disengage from DH also, when he will not have your back. But in my situation, it is what it is; I've accepted the fact that I must move forward. I am at peace, in my marriage; DH treats me better. I have set myself boundaries and will never go back to the bad treatment.
My SD and DH viewed my
My SD and DH viewed my kindness as weakness. When I had enough (30+ years) they realized my unkindness could move the earth.
Their loss of kindness became my peace and strength.
They should have appreciated my intentions.
I hear you Stepaside....why
I hear you Stepaside....why do we take this off of anybody? Why did I not speak up the first time? I think I know why.....because I wanted to make it work primarily and the other reason is because daddeee is a doormat, and the kids just keep wiping their feet all over him and it makes him seriously happy....
Nobody else would EVER treat me that way, so WHY would I go for it with this bunch?
Reality sets in over time, huh?
lol! sometimes the best
lol! sometimes the best defence is a good offence!
many skids, after years of step mothers tip toeing around them and having their father disney them at their whim, are surprised to get a taste of their own medicine. when my dh did not back me up with teen sd bad mouthing me to my face, i gave her taste of her own medicine. it was not pretty with the words i chose. the look on her face was priceless and she never talked back to me again. i guess nothing is better than the truth. i dont take personal attacks without a response.
these days i just sit back and laugh at the beds they have made for themselves as adults with drugs car crashes and other bad life choices. i am not about to offer advice or help them in any way after all the misery i had to endure when they were children.
Before I had enough I took a
Before I had enough I took a world of grief from my SD that I never tolerated from my bio-sons; they never mistreated or talked back to my DH, their Step-dad. My son's knew I would never tolerate it.
Funny, my DH never tolerated any of the boys, SS's nor my bio sons, talking back or mistreating me; but he let SD walk all over me or anyone else she wished.
Shows today.
the problem is the mini wife
the problem is the mini wife syndrome that men allow with their daughter. multiply the number of daughters and multiply the grief. as horrible as i sounds just be thankful you only have one sd. pity those of use who have more than one.
I do feel bad for you having
I do feel bad for you having more than one SD56, believe me. I am grateful that I have only one and of course my SGD31 too (mother/daughter).
Once I decided I'd had enough, it was difficult to break the ice, but when I did disengage it has become easier. They are joined at the hip, so it's like handling one BIG SD. Lol.
When I realized my DH wasn't going to have my back where these women are concerned, I just decided it would never change, unless I changed it. I still have days, when I wonder why I let this get so out of hand, before I stopped it; but for the most part, I'm handling disengagement with peace and I recognize myself in the mirror now.
i am right where you are
i am right where you are sammi! disengaging makes all the difference. if they dont want your input on anything dont give it. i also have those "days" too.
you get to sit back and watch them deal with the consequences of their bad decisions. i dont kiss anyones backside and i dont go out of my way for anyone anymore.
i have had enough of ingratitude.
I know the gratitude I got
I know the gratitude I got for being "the one" to disengage. It shocked my toxic SD58 beyond words. She was always the one in control (so she thought). When I began my disengagement eight years ago, it set her back and she was extremely angry and aggressive. Now that she has realized I will never go back and I truly disengaged, she is so furious, she won't even come around me or DH.
SD is using the tactic of punishing DH now. I know she will never give up and thinks I will back off if she mistreats and never speaks to her Dad. What she doesn't realize is: I don't care any more and it is her and DH's problem. I'm out of it, thru disengagement and SD is bewildered.
SD is a control freak and will never know how to handle it from here. She's stumped and mad as hell.
They are adults who hurt his
They are adults who hurt his wife. If I were your DH I would have called them out on that crap too. Their response is far more indicative of the fact that they know they screwed up and is in all likelihood driven by their embarrassment.
I am not one to ignore toxic crap. In fact I am a firm believer that it is to be confronted immediately any time it arises.
Your DH addressed the problem with humor and far from being the "100% selfish asshole" that your DD and SIL accused him of being he is caring and concerned about his bride's feelings. It is your DD and her idiot husband who are the 100% selfish assholes in this picture.
IMHO of course.
I don't have bio kids, only
I don't have bio kids, only step kids. I have to say that I respect the love and the protectiveness your husband felt. Let me tell you something, your kids and his relationship is no different than it was before he sent the text telling them (nicely) that they are inconsiderate a-holes. And they are. You're their Mom and I'm sure you didn't raise them to be and so it makes you feel bad that 1) they forgot you and 2) they are inconsiderate a-holes. It's not your fault, so let it go.
The kids are just using this as an excuse to make their actions seem less cruel and to punish stepfather and drive a wedge between the two of you. Don't go down the toxic rabbit hole! Tell them you didn't ask him to text, but he did out of concern and love for you and you appreciate his efforts. If they were misunderstood by your kids, that's unfortunate. And by the way, it was terribly hurtful to you that they forgot your day.
Then leave it alone, don't address it anymore. Everyone will stomp around in an emotional snit for a few weeks and then it will blow over. I would never refer to it again and, if anyone tried to bring it up, tell them that book it written and finished, no discussion. And give your hubby a kiss and thank him, he loves you and he was trying to be your knight in shining armor. If he miffed it, so what, at least he tried. That's more than the kids did!
So what if your DH stuck up
So what if your DH stuck up for you? Good for him.
Disrespect sucks. Whoever it’s from – whoever it’s to.
Any reminders of that are not only needed but welcome.
Never mind ‘not his place’. HE’S SHOWING HE CARES!
I’ve been through step-hate-land and come out the other side – never to return.
At the age of 64 I will not tolerate disrespect – on the street – in the supermarket – on the roads.
I wish I had learned this lesson years ago.
I treat everyone with respect, politeness, and human kindness UNTIL it’s not returned.
Zero tolerance. No more ‘allowances’ ‘over-thinking’ ‘being the bigger person’ ‘being the adult’.
Disrespect is disrespect. If someone in the street was rude to you, you would expect DH to have your back.
Politics shouldn't come into it. Your DH was not in the wrong but you might want to wonder about your kids.