
Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

I don't know what is going on but lately I have been having dreams with flashbacks of SD19 and her ways lately. Last night I woke up 3 times in panic attacks. I was having a dream that SD19 was coming back into our lives and blaming us for the way she is. It seems everything that bothers me the most (like her not telling DH that she is having a girl and its due in January and what the baby's name is because she cant set aside her differences from us and is keeping his first grandchild from him) most of this type of stuff was in my dream. It was her telling DH she is sorry but blaming me and lashing out at me. Plus there is parts of the dreams where I am reliving what we went through in real life. Its really hard to explain. This has been going on for a week and I think its because with the first holidays coming up without her being a part of them combined with the fear that she will show up to them anyways, I think that is the reason I am having these awful dreams. I feel I haven't slept well in over a week and I find myself more irritated during the day. I think I would literally pay for sleep. I wish my parents were not out of town so I could have someone to help me with my 3 year old. I am so tired. Its like I have tons of flash backs, even things I see that make me think of SD trigger a response of anxiety and sometimes panic. My off balance issues have been really bad in the last week too!

Been having a lot of thoughts of how things used to be, we were all a functioning happy family and then one day, BOOM it was all gone. We had so many struggles in the past 4 years. My heart is broken and I just wish it wasn't. I hate living like this. The only joy I have is my little girls these days. They make me happy and I find myself wanting to spend more and more time with them. The other night I let DD8 stay up with me on a school night until 10pm just because I was having so much fun playing the game "Guess Who" with her! Today though, I am so beat and so worried and have so much anxiety. I think its got to be the lack of sleep combined with the nightmares about SD19. I am sad to not be part of her pregnancy and her baby.

I think I am more upset with this whole thing of her being pregnant during the disengagement. If she changed, I could forgive the drug use and the shit she put us through but I don't know if I can forgive the fact that she doesn't even tell her dad or I anything about this baby, cant she set aside differences for the baby's sake? I mean I did! I was pregnant with DD3 when she was putting me through so much hell! Even though I didn't want her to be there during my pregnancy and didn't want her at ultrasounds and didn't want her in the room with me during labor, I still had her included. I thought, I don't want to regret not letting her be there if things got good with us again. I even kept my word, I let her be the God Mother to my DD3. I promised her that when she was 10 years old after the birth of my DD8. After DD8 was baptized, SD19, 10 at the time said that she wishes to be a God Mother so I told her if I had another baby that I would let her be the God Mother, she was such a good kid and so good to DD8. Anyways, during that year I was pregnant, even though we were not getting along she still wanted to be one and I let her. I never used my kids as ammunition to her. She uses her pregnancy as ammunition to DH, I and her BM. I am so tired. I think that is why I am venting her, to make myself feel better because I have a DD3 to take care of today and no chance for sleep. I feel like a bad parent when I feel like this because all I do is sit around and couch watch my kid. Ugh. I want to feel normal again and not have this anxiety! Yes I am seeing a doctor for this, have been, have done counseling, I just wish I knew how to make this all go away. I just want to be a happy family again and I know its not going to happen and if it does it wont be for a long time. Thanks for listening or any advice you have.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Oh my gosh! Thank you! I forgot about WINE! I haven't had a glass in a long time until this past Sunday, I had a glass of this really yummy cheap red wine while carving pumpkins with the girls and it was good! Thinking tonight when I go get my hair cut I need to stop and buy me a bottle. Yes too about the exercise, I stopped doing that for a while and I need to get back at it. Tonight I am also going to stop for a tan. I know bad for me but sometimes pampering myself for once (I am always the one to take care of everyone before myself)is not that bad Smile

I think she is still using while she is pregnant and if not, her boyfriend is. The reason being is that I have seen her when she is sobered up and she then comes around and admits to all she has done wrong and is very apologetic. She tells us the truth about her boyfriend. As soon as she is back on the drugs, she lies when we call her out on it saying that she doesn't ever remember telling us such things. When she is on drugs she flips out easily and you can hardly understand her gibberish and when she is off drugs she sounds clear and not so much flipping out. Right before we disengaged everytime this summer that we talked to her she would flip out, cry, yell, accuse and blame..thats how we know she is using. She said the last time that she is acting that way because she is pregnant. I don't think so. Anyways hers will be a "mini me" I am sure of it and I feel sorry for the baby, I actually hope that the baby has more my SDs genes anyways because my SD was a sweat heart before the drugs and had a BIG heart so at least there would be a chance for that child. Her Boyfriend comes from a long line of criminals, and losers. Not kidding and not exaggerating. He is only 21 and his record is already extremely long. His own mother died of a drug overdose. I know, I sound cruel but I have been so hurt and I guess when your hurt like that a heart can grow cold.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Smile Yup did that and still am...My 3 year old daughter and I go to "Mommy and Me art classes" on Fridays and I have been taking both girls to ride horse. Also planning to do figure skating and gymnastics...hey its a win win, they get to play sports and figure out what they love and what their passion is and I get to stay busy living my life through them. They are definitely my world. Smile Thank you Catmom2! I always do like your advice.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Thank you..I try, I am by all means not perfect Smile I am lucky right now because I ended up leaving my previous career due to becoming a mom...kind of hard to be in my old professin and raise a family, at least for me it was. I went back to school and between that and our move 3 hours from our previous place, I got to be an at home mom. I love being there for my babies. I have been job searching now since next fall 4k will start for my youngest. That will be interesting as I am so used to the way I run things to now add a 40 hour a week schedule to it haha but in a way that might also be good, it will keep me very busy. Work and family!

Sambolina1's picture

I am the same way. I work out all my troubles in my sleep. I've been married to dh for almost 18 years. Had my SD's every other weekend all summer for years. I've been there for them, mostly the older. When mom and she were feuding, I was the soft place. When mom refused to go to her wedding, I bought the dress and was there to be mom of the bride. Of course mom came back in the picture and I was not just cast aside, but shunned...there has been severe alienation for years. OSD just had baby number 2 and I've had zero contact. It has been so heartbreaking mourning what once was and what could have been. It's hard to answer questions my own young children ask about seeing them again. I finally said that we probably won't see her for a long time because she's very mad right now. Rather than be vague.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Oh I feel sorry for you. I am there right now. I keep thinking of how close SD and I were. Oh my gosh, we were inseparable and she would call me many times during her weekends at her Moms to come pick her up and she would be crying and wanting to vent to me. I miss her. I just cant have her in my life while she is making the choices she is making. Its also very hard when my 8 year old asks me questions about her because I know she misses her too. I just let her know its ok to still love your big sister but right now she is not happy with your dad and I and she wishes to be out of our lives. Its hard. Especially when its your own baby that hurts.

Sambolina1's picture

Also...I've been totally disengaged since march. Initially it hurt like hell. When she had her baby, it hurt like hell. I suspect Christmas, I will have twinges of residual guilt for not buying their love like I have in the past...but I'm to the point where I'm going to expend love and energy on people who love me back. Plain and simple. They have a mommy. It isn't me. Not my problem anymore!

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

The disengagement for DH and I started in May but with a couple of nasty text messages from her after that. We have heard nothing since August. It does hurt like hell. My SDs baby is due in January, I wont be there and I am fearful of the holidays. I am not ready to see her, I cant sit there and pretend everything is ok when its not. I cant fake my feelings anymore. I also will not be getting her anything. I already tried that, bought her tons of maternity clothing and some baby stuff and she chewed my ass over texting, her and her boyfriend said mean nasty and threatening things over text to DH and I when all I was doing was trying to give her what I bought her. She said she wants nothing from me. I think I do try to much to buy their love and I stopped with her. Hurts though. BM who was a horse shit mom gets to be Grandma when I know I did most the raising, not to mention all those talks we had when we were close and how she was going to have her kids call me Grandma and not by my name like she had to. Sad but it is what it is right.

Sambolina1's picture

Also...when she was pregnant with number one. Bm was not in her life at that time. I was to be in the labor and delivery with her, the whole nine. In a week, her mom was back in her life. That broke my heart. Sad I just couldn't understand why she can't maintain a relationship with all of us. I still don't but I had to find peace with the fact I'm never going to know.

Sambolina1's picture

Also...when she was pregnant with number one. Bm was not in her life at that time. I was to be in the labor and delivery with her, the whole nine. In a week, her mom was back in her life. That broke my heart. Sad I just couldn't understand why she can't maintain a relationship with all of us. I still don't but I had to find peace with the fact I'm never going to know. I know she's been brainwashed. I also know that in her head, she's had moments of total lucidity where she acknowledged her mom alienated her and that her dad and I have been rock solid for her. Those ties...I guess they bind. It is not within my realm of control to fix. I've tried for years. I typically threw money at it. I was so codependent on fixing them...man I wasted energy and lost sleep and in the end, mom is still number one. I've been on a strict diet of NO SD's. no Facebook stalking, no asking husband if he's heard from them, no reminding him of any milestones...it has helped. Her troubles are no longer my troubles, at least.

Patsy's picture

Ivegivenup - you are such a good soul! I work things out in my dreams too and go back to the times SD was so very close to my DH and I. It keeps me up many nights. I have three other children to raise in my home and they can all tell when SD is on my mind. I don't function well. I have a problem moving on too. That is why you see me here when really there are other things I should be doing. If you find a way to move on from this please share it with me because I am in the same boat. As far as sleeping I have been drinking sleepy time tea and It tends to put me to sleep better than when I don't have it.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Thank you Patsy, and I am sorry for you too! I will let you know when I figure it all out, you let me know if you figure it out before me too! Yes my kids also know when I am letting things get to me, they know its SD too because those are the times when DD8 will ask me questions about her and those are the times when my 3 year old will say things that she just shouldn't have to worry about, like for instance:

DD3: Mommy, why did SD hurt you?
Me: I am not sure (mainly because I want to keep DD3 innocent)
DD3: When I see her again, I am going to tell her to say sorry to my Mommy and if she wont I am going to yell at her. (all in 3 year old talk, she has a tiny sweet voice)
Me: (why changing the subject) tell her that she doesn't need to worry about that because Mommy is going to be ok.

My big issue, I loved SD like she was my own and now I am replaced with BM who wasn't there for her, her rude pathetic drug dealing boyfriend and her taste for the drug world. My heart hurts.

Patsy's picture

Just find peace that a person who is on drugs is not themselves. That this is not your SD it is the drug. I went through this with my brother and as much as we all loved him, he is NOT the person we once loved. It took me years to process this in my mind. He was the first family member I had "lost". I didn't recognize this as grief until the passing of my stepfather and I went to counseling. The sleepless nights, the confusion, the sadness and the yearning for things to be the way they were. What I have learned in counseling was:

To accept the reality of the loss
To work through to the pain of grief
To adjust to an environment in which the deceased is missing
To emotionally relocate the deceased and move on with life

All of this clicked to me and I applied what I had learned to accomplish the things above toward the "loss" of my brother. I pray I do not have to process all of this with my SD. I never understood when I would hear people say they are dead to me. I know it sound morbid, but I could not take up all of my time worrying and caring for someone who is not really there anymore.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

I kind of teared up reading this, I guess its because it is what my DH has been trying to get me to process. During one of our fights about SD he yelled it at me, he pointed at her picture and said "that little girl is dead, she left us 4 years ago and was replaced with evil, let her go!" I cried so hard, he even had watery eyes when he said it. That was when I realized I am in the mourning of the loss of someone, they don't have to be dead to lose them. Shortly after that, I replaced her senior picture (it reminded us of bad times) and put up her 5th grade picture. The 5th grade one because I remember a good memory, I caught her in my closet looking through my shirts, she really wanted to where something of mine, I let her wear a shirt that fit her (one I should have gotten rid of as of course it didn't fit me anymore) and one of my necklaces. Now her picture up doesn't bother me. Its nice to see that cute little face that I loved so much.

Patsy's picture

I have those memories of my big brother we were the closest of the 8 and I literally had to put away all of his pictures for awhile, even the ones with good memories attached. He contacted me asking for money and he wanted to move back home. By home he meant the area he grew up and of course he wanted to move in with me and my family. I will never forget that day when I had to tell him no. Even my DH had agreed to it, but I know more about my brother than him. I was a mess. He didn't call again for about 3 years and by then I had already gone through the grieving and I had it out for him. I laid into him with words that have never been in my vocabulary before. It was like I was watching myself from above. I got to say my peace to him, to tell him the terrible things he has put our family through. That helped me.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Sad Hugs. Yeah I wonder what will come out of my mouth when I finally confront her. I know that if she ever called to move back in it would be hard but we too would say no. Too much damage has been done. I put away all her pictures except that one for now, the reason being, I have all 4 of the daughters on the wall in bigger frames with their most recent picture. I didn't want to take her down yet. I wish she was that 10 year old again like in the picture. If I could see that 10 year old again, I would hug her so tight and never let her out of my site until 18...she would be hanging out with me and my kids. Smile

Patsy, you made me realize something that I forgot about and funny thing I learned it in college (I have a degree in social work. Here it is:

The 5 stages of loss and grief.
1. Denial and isolation (we went through this the first year)
2. Anger (pretty much think we went through this process the entire time)
3. Bargaining (mostly through the last 2 years)
4. Depression (where I am at now with the sadness, the fear, the missing her, and the flashbacks)
5. Acceptance (I am not here yet, but my DH he is)

So with this, I believe I am almost there! This gives me that ray of hope. I am one step away from accepting it.

sandye21's picture

It takes time for the ugliness to wear off, especially if is still on top of you. I had nightmares about SD after I banned her from my home. As time went on, they became less fequent. But you know, this is a symptom of PTSD, something I think many of the SMs on this site (including me) suffer from.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Yeah, I am pretty sure I have some PTSD. No doubt about it. Sad I am glad to hear that with time the ugliness does wear off...gives me some hope.

bi's picture

i love learning about dreams. they are so therapeutic. pay attention to them, they are trying to tell you something or else help you deal with something. over the past year, i've had a few dreams about water towers being burned up and destroyed, they were scary dreams. in one of them, the water tower was knocked down and burned, and a few people and myself were inside of it walking around, exploring it. i had a water tower dream the other night for the first time in a long time. it has taken me about a year to figure this out... the water towers represent my uterus. the towers being destroyed represent my miscarriages. me being inside of one and walking around represents me wanting answers that i'll never have.

it might take a while, but you'll figure it out.

My4kidsmom's picture

I always read your posts but rarely respond and its because your emotions hit too close to home for me. I feel what you are feeling and most days its just too much for me to go there.
I read a lot of the stories on here about stepmoms who have never loved their SD and have always just tolerated them or just been in their life as an extra adult but not really a parent.
That wasn't the case for me. From the first time I met her, I loved her because she was my husbands daughter and I just jumped in feet first to be there for her. Her mom was a wreck and abusive to the kids so it wasn't long before we had them full-time.
I have a daughter that is SD's age, but my daughter has been mentally and physically disabled since she was a baby so although she's still my baby girl at 18, she and I have never been able to have that typical mother-daughter relationship and go shopping, fix hair and make-up, talk about boys etc and we never will. She is about 5 years old mentally, functionally blind and confined to a wheelchair her whole life with limited verbal ability and social interaction and requires a lot of medical intervention. Please don't misunderstand me, I LOVE my daughter and I am NOT complaining, just explaining that when SD came along that I was thrilled that we would be able to have that mother-daughter relationship that I had always wanted to have with my own daughter but couldn't.
I poured so much time. love, and attention into her and we had some good years where I know she loved me too. I was her primary parent as my DH was deployed so much. having 5 boys in the home to contend with, we were the girl team.
That all changed over the past 3-4 years as she became a rebellious, disrespectful, manipulative, entitled liar who would do and say anything to get her way. She began purposefully trying to destroy our marriage and our home. Even though I loved the girl stuff and loved buying her things I have always been a strict mom with high standards for all of our kids. I expected responsibility, respect, good grades, hard work etc. and I didn't let her get away with the stuff she tried to pull. Anyway, long story shorter I moved out several times before DH grew a pair and stood up to her and now she is no longer a part of our lives though she is trying to worm her way back in right now. I have agreed to have her over for thanksgiving break so we will see how that goes, I guess my point is that when you have truly loved them and parented them for years and had that close relationship, its heartbreaking to see the destructive paths they choose. It feels like a death, only worse because there is never any real closure.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Thank you for taking the time to write me when I know it has to be hard for you. I walk that path too. The way you felt about your SD is the same I felt about mine. I loved her with all my heart. She has damaged me now though. I think even if she changed and we all worked things out, I will still be forever scared by some of the things she has said to me. One in particular, I am on anti anxiety medication, the reason I had to go on was because of anxiety and panic attacks all stemming from the stuff she put us through. When we last spoke, the day we finally disengaged, she told me something on the lines of my own family wont be by my side during this (which they are) because everyone knows I take crazy pills. Yeah that hurt. Lots of stuff she did hurt me. Her and her boyfriend would text or call only me because they knew I was the path of least resistance and they knew what to say to hurt me because they knew I would take it to heart. Ugh such a long story but you have read them so you know what I am talking about and you also have walked the same path from the sounds of it.

I want you to know that I admire you for the love you have for your natural daughter. One of our very good friends has a son with downs and he is the sweetest little boy. Not sure what your daughter has but I have seen what they have gone through to give him a great life. You sound like a wonderful mom. Smile
My heart goes out to you and its nice to have someone who knows what you are going through to talk to. Anytime, I am hear for you too. Thank you so much for reaching out. Take care.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

I also wanted to say I hope that thanksgiving goes well and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Don't let her ruin you anymore though.

My4kidsmom's picture

My daughter is adopted (at age 2). She was shaken by her birth father at 12 weeks old and went from a healthy baby girl to severely disabled in a moment. He only served 3 years in prison while she remains in her prison. It sickens me! She is my sisters natural child but we have no contact as she has never protected her or stood up for her. So she has cerebral palsy secondary to shaken baby syndrome, cortical blindness, paraplegic, tube fed etc. All she's ever wanted to do was walk. We found a great walker that she actually was supported in and could walk with and the insurance company denied it and said it was a "luxury item" that's a whole other rant!!
Anyway I went to see my counselor last night and neither one of us believe this thanksgiving visit will go well but at least DH has agreed that if she starts anything we will immediate send her packing her butt back to campus so at least I have that backup plan.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Oh that is so horrible. Bless your heart for adopting her! I hate when I hear stories like that, I have seen it in my career and it just bothers me that people can do that to a child so little or a child of any age! Had a case like that not too long ago. Your that little girls angel I hope you know that. I also think its ridiculous (that's a kinder word to what I would really like to say) that he only got such a short amount of time. That's another issue though, I think courts are WAY too lenient on cases! Makes me mad.

Ugh, I hate that you have to even think of thanksgiving possibly (most likely) going wrong. At least your DH sounds like he is like mine and will not put up with it. My DH tells me that if she shows up for any family functions invited or not he will not let her destroy us so she will be heading out the door if its at our home and if its at another family members and she refuses to leave then we will pack up and go. Makes me feel more secure too knowing that. I don't know if your like me though in this part, I still have anxiety and panic over even the thought of her showing up where my kids and I are at. I think if I saw her I would freeze up and go into panic mode. I am pretty sure it would be obvious too because when it comes to even a simple mean text message fight from her, immediately I go into shaking mode and can barely text back and I end up on the floor trying to hold myself together. She brings it all out in me. The sick thing, she knows she makes me sick like that and doesn't care. After all I have done for that girl, she doesn't give a rats ass about me, the person she considered "mom" and would write little notes expressing her love to me. I still have all those little kid pictures and cards and notes to me saved. Sad I figure someday she will realize what a horrible shit she was but DH is pretty sure she will never change. He says she is way too much like her mom. Its amazing how much genes can play a role no matter how they are raised. It baffles me that DH was even with BM at one point...I don't get it, they are so opposite, but like DH says, BM was a good manipulator and liar and he was a stupid young man in the Navy who really wanted to meet a woman to marry. He thought he could fix her and well, 2 kids later and flat broke when I met him was what he got. Took him years to build up again in his financial aspect of life. We are doing well but that's because of who I am. I don't bring him down. He is such a good dad and good husband, BM really lost out as far as I am concerned. Her loss! I think she knows it now while she is living the life she does, nothing to show for just like her daughter. The only thing they care about is drugs and working minimal hours, living off the state. I mean some people they deserve the help from the state but these ones, they are what you call the lazy.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Also My4kidsMom, I am not sure if you noticed yet but I sent you a message Smile

Tuff Noogies's picture

lol that happens to me quite often- we'll wake up and i'll inform him that i'm pissed as hell. "whhaaaa? what did i do?" after hearing about it we usually laugh. but i've always thought it was odd how dreams affect real emotions upon waking.

unless it's giving birth to a walleyed kitten. Wink