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DH and I received FB Messages

ffwife908's picture

Wow SD will not quit!! DH and I have blocked her, her family and her friends on FB. Now she is making up fake profiles just to send us nasty messages, they go to the "other" box. Here is what she wrote to me. I apologize for the language.

1st Message:

listen here you fucking loser. you fucking leave my mother alone or i will go off. you are far from above me. you are SCUMB!!!! no one wants you MY dad only wants you becasue you are easy. you are the one lying. your the one starting trouble. you are the the one that started this whole thing being immature on twitter dumb cunt. GO FUCKING CU YOURSELF SOME MORE AND SO MORE DRUGS. Everyone knows how you are. thats why no one likes you and talks shit on you. I am doing perfect without MY FATHER! i am in school. working. and have everything and plus more. i have a phone what isnt getting shut off bc i cant pay and it aint no boost. its a verizon with an actual plan. I am going USF for collge and i am getting married. And guess who is throwing me the wedding MY MOTHER!!!! guess who is walking down the asile, RICK is. since you are nothing to me you will not be there, you will never be part of anything. tell MY FATHER that he is never going to have grandchilderen. he is never allowed in my life. My life down at the fire house is MY life not yours. stop begging people for info remmeber people talk and i have very good relationships down there. I am much better than you both. Go have fun with your loser life. btw i think your bills need paid. oh wait you cant pay your bills because you lost yet another job bc you are LAZY FAT AND A CUNT.

Meanwhile she hacked my Twitter account, I have had the same PW for years for everything. I know it was hacked because I could not get in to my account and my email said PW was changed which I did not do. Do not know what she is referring to about leave her mother alone. The only thing I can think of is my DH and I were out at a friend's bar. She and her BF came in and we had the owner ask them to leave before trouble started, owner told them to go. Our phones were not shut off we changed the numbers, but I guess since no one will give them to her or her BM she thinks our phones are off, good let her think that. I like to know how she is going to college when she did not graduate high school and neither did her BM. I have a college degree and I am the looser....hahahaha. Love how SD lies to make herself look like she is doing so well in life.

2nd Message:

you are such a loser blocking people you dont even know... all i said was the truth. LOW LIFE SCUMB BAG!!!! WHORE, CUNT, DRUGGIE

Message to DH

you are not a father at all. you lost you ONYL TWO KIDS!!! A SON AND DAUGHTER. you are such a deadbeat. I fucking hate you so much. you were never a father to me. you are oly a spern donor. get a fucking life and stay out of mine. you will not be in my kids lives you will not be at my wedding you never be at anything of mine. as far as now i have NO father. My real father is dead. My pappy. he was the true father in my life.. all those years you werent there and then all of sudden "wanted me" bullshit you wanted the fucking money. well guess what,you are without money yet again bc of you fat lazy cunt wife. i am living my life, move on with our pathic one.

Will SD ever stop!! She sends stuff like this and then wonders why we do not want to be bothered. Just go on with your life.

ffwife908's picture

She just want to cause trouble, her BM is the same way. SD nor BM have no friends because of the way they are.

I enjoy my FB, I sell Thirty-One and run a dog rescue and it is a good way to get news out.

sandye21's picture

Wow!! It sounds like she needs both a shrink and an English course so she can finish college. Is there any way you legally stop her from doing this?

AVR1962's picture

Don't feel alone and don't take it personally. My stepson did the very same thing thru emails, just would not stop sending these very hateful emails to both his dad and I. All because he was protecting his mommmy. We decided we didn't want to attend his daughter's first birthday because bio mom was going to attend and we suggested that we come a different time and just drop off a present instead. Holy cow, did that ever open a flood gate of pure hate, hate I'd felt from stepson for years. This was almost 3 years ago and have not talked to him since. I raised the terd because his mom abandoned him and his brother but when she came back in their lives they sucked up all her lies and all of her negative thinking. It's frustrating and it is hurtful but life goes on. Ignore it all. Don't even open any more emails or messages. If you have to close your FB acct for now, do so, so this ungrateful worm gets your message. As far as your husband is concerned though, he needs to try and talk this thru with her. If she wants to yell and scream and make accusations then your husband can tell her that "until you are ready to have a civil conversation there is no reason for us to talk." Your husband needs to be firm with his daughter and let her know that this kind of disrespectful behavior is destructive and perhaps even suggest to her that if she needs help sorting out her feeling maybe she could go to counseling, perhaps he would be willing to join her so they can work thru some issues together. You, my lady, have to stay out of it though. As soon as you say one word the fault/blame is put on you and I have a feeling her hurt comes from the split of her parents and she is taking that out on you.

momto3's picture

What a dingbat! Best thing you can do is ignore her, which I'm sure you're already doing. My SD18 just tried something similar. She didn't get her way with daddy after shutting us out of her life for several months, so she retaliated by sending SD15 a text calling her a slut & telling her she thinks she's better than everyone. Not even close to being true, but SD15 just ignored her and all it did was just prove what her dad told her (she's selfish and has the worst attitude ever) and what we already know (girl needs conseling).