
sickofbs8's picture

So, for no reason that I can SD21 deleted myself and my bio daughter from Facebook. My hubby thinks the sun rises and sets out his little princesses butt, but I know better. She is a manipulative liar. I just can't figure out what this game is. I really don't care, but fear that she is gong to lie to daddy and say she didn't and that we must have deleted her or something else conniving. I am trying to be prepared for the next onslaught of her nasty behavior. Has anyone any idea as to what I might expect?

StepMom15thYear's picture

She wants to get your attention. Don't give it.
You will benefit from this advise. Block and never add her back.
Life is too short. Just enjoy your daughter.

zerostepdrama's picture


twopines's picture

When SD deleted DD and me from her FB, I blocked her from our accounts. I doubt she was expecting that, and I know she knows she's blocked.

What's the worst that can happen if she lies about it? I can't imagine it would be anything to lose sleep over.

twoviewpoints's picture

" but fear that she is gong to lie to daddy and say she didn't and that we must have deleted her or something else conniving. I am trying to be prepared for the next onslaught of her nasty behavior. Has anyone any idea as to what I might expect?"

What you might expect? Hopefully your DH , if told his daughter 'unfriended' you, looks at you and says 'so?' . What exactly are you expecting DH to do if you mention it to him. It sounds like you believe he should confront her and demand to know why. As if not being your fb 'friend' is a bad thing or somehow a punishable offense.

I 'unfriended' and blocked my SS ages ago. Never said a word to SS or DH about it. As far as I know, SS never mentioned it to Dad either. If SS did I know DH would have responded with 'So?'. Actually I pitched SS off because what he posted to and about wasn't topics/comments I wanted to see/read/ nor agreed with. It was as simple as that.

Monchichi's picture


sammigirl's picture

You don't have to block her; you can "unfollow" your SD21 on FB, and act like you know nothing about any of it. To "unfollow", you don't have to read her BS. Your SD21 is trying to pick a battle, don't play the game. You set the rules and boundaries. Nobody needs to know right now what "your" next move is, because if you're smart you wont make a move and deny, deny, deny...knowing anything.

If she lies, let her; KARMA will visit soon.

I've been here, done this. I blocked my SD56 and SGD31 seven years ago, do to a lie SD told; buy I unfollowed them 2 years prior to blocking them. They figured it out after about 1 year and threw a big hissy; their problem, I didn't give an explanation or excuse for my actions, my FB!

notsobad's picture

SD is in Europe and we've been communicating through FB. It's been great actually, we can see her pictures and the pictures her friends post. We can talk in real time and so we know where she is and where she's going next. It's all at no cost because she can get free wifi.

However, there has been this odd thing going on between BM and I. BM and I are Not friends on FB or anywhere else for that matter.

I think it's great that she's traveling, BM never wanted her to go in the first place. BM threw a fit when she couldn't talk to her and could only communicate with FB or emails.

I post on the pictures that I love that SD is traveling and checking items off her bucket list and BM posts right after me. BMs posts are oh my daughter, your happiness is mine and this reminds me of when we were camping and I can't wait till you get home. Always after I've posted something, it's odd and other family members have even said something about it.

I just ignore it. It's one of the crazy side effects of FB.

oneoffour's picture

If your husband thinks you 'blocking' his daughter on FB is the Crime of the Century... well you have much bigger problems.

Just tell him FB is for friends and stuff. Just a distraction and rather unimportant. If his daughter is so upset about FB then she probably needs some kind of help.