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Dear Prudie: Ex-Aunt at the Wedding. Love Trumps Blood.

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Taking wedding ugliness to new heights:

Q. Ex-Aunt at the Wedding: Growing up, my mom’s brother and sister-in-law, my favorite uncle and aunt, lived nearby. When my mom was diagnosed with cancer and eventually lost the battle when I was 12, my aunt became a second mother. She helped me through puberty, bought me my prom dress, advised me on boys, etc. Unfortunately, my aunt and uncle went through a bitter divorce when I was in college but my aunt and I managed to stay close. I’m in my 30s now and she still sends me cookies, we exchange letters and knitting projects, play Scrabble online every day. I’m getting married next year and I want my favorite aunt and mother figure there. However my uncle and his new wife have made it clear that they will not attend if she’s invited and it’s become a divisive issue among my mom’s family. How do I decide what to do?

A: If your mother had lived and your parents had had a bitter divorce, one parent would not be able to say, “Choose between us.” OK, this happens all the time, but I mean one parent should not to do this, and frankly the one who does can be the one who doesn’t come. Your aunt is like a mother to you, and she should be at your wedding. Love trumps blood and your uncle and his new wife are being despicable. You can tell them you are inviting your aunt and you hope he and his new wife will also be at the wedding. Say that if they can’t be, you will miss them.

Shaman29's picture

I agree with her advice. It's not up to the guests to decide who is attending and who is not attending.

I hate this kind of shit. My answer would have been, gee....I will fill out your RSVP for you as no.

Orange County Ca's picture

You invite people you want to be there and expect them to act like adults. If some of them decide to not attend then its their business.

Make it clear that anyone not RSVPing will not have a table at the reception if there is a meal involved.

Rags's picture

Brilliant advice IMHO. The right answer too.

No one should tolerate or allow manipulation by anyone in their lives including family. I would suggest that this young lady put her response to her uncle and his new wife in writing so she can counter any further bullshit manipulation if the Unc/NW try to play the "She excluded us!" card.

You never know that these types of toxic maniputive morons will do so it is best to cover your bases/ass when dealing with them.

IMHO of course.