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Coincidence?? Or not...

Exmouth's picture

As both DH's sons are over 18 now, we are done with child support, however we continued for a while after 18 out of own choice. We stopped it then as we could no longer afford it and due to a lack of appreciation and an entitlement issues on the kids side. DH did have a discussion with them re his obligation which stopped, however did not mention anything re the entitlement etc. Nowadays we just give $ for birhtday's.

We have been married for over 10 years now and I always received a call or text for my birthday. This is the first time I did not receive any call or message...DH was actually the one who mentioned the "coincidence". Was there interest in me just limited to our purse - like they had to do the "right" thing ONLY to ensure $'s...?

Any similar experiences?

Auteur's picture

EXTREMELY typical with today's self-absorbed entitled generation! And Happy Birthday fellow Scorpio!!