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Cell Phones

furbabie45's picture

My husband is the one that pays the cell phone bill.His 20 year old son and me are on his plan. In the past he has had restrictions on sons phone because he misuses it. Well this past weekend husband got an up grade and gave his android phone to his son.this plan has unlimited mobile to mobile and text. His son has already used 980 some min and 77 texts just in the few days he has had it. Mind you its not costing anything but I still think there should be limits. The boy don't have a job and living with grand-parents and they give him everything to. I just don't know if I should say anything and tell him he is doing nothing but helping handicap him more. I know if everybody gave me everything I wouldn't look a job either. Grandpa is the one sending out the resumes to.

furbabie45's picture

Yes I know but he can't keep a job he is so lazy that he gets fired. The truck he has was given to him and he keeps tearing that up and grandpa pays to have it fixed and in the mean time the boy gets to drive his.They give him gas money and he does nothing but ride the roads. They say he is a little mentally retarded. But he can learn what he wants to like maneuver around a computer and figure out the android phone. LAZY is my diagnosis. But if I say anything about what to do I get fussed at.

furbabie45's picture

That's my thing, He is a good kid for the most part,but he will never learn anything as long as they keep doing this. I guess the best thing is for me to wash my hands of it. And when he is sitting at the neighborhood store with the rest of the non workers I can say I told you so. He could put the blocks he had on his other phone.

furbabie45's picture

Thanks for the comments and I think I will let go and let them suffer the consequences. Besides I've raised my kids and they don't seem to need my help.

Miss-Step's picture

I agree with Blue Belle - pick your battles and this really isn't one of them. Kids today will text and call more than you can ever imagine. It is their life line and actually you are saving yourselves money giving him unlimited plan. While at 20 he should have some sort of job and be in school. If he is lazy doing nothing - then kick him to the curb, but let him keep the cell phone so that when the resume-job offers start rolling in - they can reach him.

Let this one go.......

trystme's picture

Oh don't get me started on the GD cell phone issue! Dh insists on paying for SD30's cell phone. We had to get the most expensive plan because she uses the GD thing so much. When I was 30, I had a life and wasn't on the phone all the time.

crayon2u's picture

They are enabling him left right and center. Total disservice. It needs to stop but there's no way a STEPparent can do anything about it.

I would ask guity daddy what would happen if guilty gramps passes on? I'm sure he'll reply "inheritance" or some such crap like that.

sweetas_atl's picture

If the money for the cell phone comes from a budget that doesn't impact you, don't worry about it. DH will get tired of it and cut him off. I have to believe that no man wants to take care of another man for the rest of his life.

Poodle's picture

I agree don't worry about the cell phone. and look at it this way. If SS wanted to bitch about you this would be a great cause, he could say "Look she does not even want you to give me freebies that cost you nothing". Leave it to cook and challenge his dependency only when it impacts on you. He will self-destruct anyway.

imthewife's picture

I agree with picking battles...but the cel phone thing really pisses me off.

My SD is 19 and really started to abuse the cel. She is on our plan which is in my name. After starting this second semester college and failing to get a job...I have opted to restrict her use through the plan we have.

Anyone over 18 needs to contribute to this luxury. So while this may be included on the "unlimited"part of the plan...the adults are still paying for something they couldn't afford on their own.