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Casey kasum

Newimprvmodel's picture

Remember him? Seems he has dementia and his children are going to court in battle with his current wife. She says they are evil and cruel.. Hmmmm. She has been their S M for 30 years!!
Scary...what scares me is this could easily be my fate. Although if I live another 30 years I won't give a flying fig.

yoursandmine's picture

This is what I think too. I was by my grandfathers side on his last day, and my grandmas next husnands to. If their was a way to keep my kids and grandkids away from me if I was dying or had demetia, I sure as hell would do it. I would want them to remember the good things, not the sadthings.

herewegoagain's picture

Funny, you can find this shitty daughter's page on Facebook…it seems everyone has access to write comments as I am not friends with her and I could…she probably did it so that she could get more people behind her lol And yes, some claim "don't worry, the KARMA train will get that witch"…hmmm, no honey, "maybe the KARMA TRAIN hit his kids finally! lol"

yoursandmine's picture

Did you see the picture? I assume it was BM and BD kissing little girl. Effin creepy.

Newimprvmodel's picture

Well it sounds like the lawyers will profit from this!
My dh was angry to get a letter from our state dept of social services, which was a reminder that either parties could request a re evaluation of child support as it had been three years since the last "shake the tree and see how much money falls out" re. Force the other to show income. So his ex got the same letter! What bullshit! Nothing more than the family court system trying to drum up business for all feeders of the court debacles. It clearly was encouraging parties to request a new look see............stirring the pot.
So now dh has something new to feel,uneasy about.....and going to the mailbox in the next month or so might be anxiety provoking.
All this for a 21 year old "child". Sickening isn't .

herewegoagain's picture

Ugh! Sorry about that. I understand. We went through the same thing. The BS line we were fed is that is standard procedure…not sure I buy it. Anyway, we were on pins and needles for years until the frea$##$%ing CS ended. No, idiot BM claimed she would NOT take him back to court…no, NOT because she was nice, but because she knew that DH would LOSE IT and spill the beans of loser not even living with her, but instead with a boyfriend at the age of 14-15 that mom allowed and not attending school, etc…ugh#$%$#%

Sorry, not trying to get sidetracked on the Casey mess…just trying to show support here. ugh

sickofitall's picture

You must be in one of those states...NY here. We got the same letter and was threatened over and over by BM for years that she should do it but shes too nice :sick: ...basically blackmailed my DH for years and he proceeded to kiss her ass so she didnt take him back and it worked for a long time.
My DH was a wreck. Winds up she went for it anyway and LOST!! CS stayed the same for 21 year old "child" Sad
Now were done in 8 months and she cant try again. I hate the state so much. They definately love to
keep the pot stirring and the more they collect from our DHs the more they get reimbursed for their collections.

My DH hates calling CS. They make him feel like a loser deadbeat. They give the 3rd degree before
you even say a word. Name, address, phone number, job address and number, insurance. Weve had
people be so nasty to DH and supposedly send us important paper work. Call back in a week and paperwork was never sent.

We didnt need a lawyer and never knew she actually went for it. Im guessing they got our tax returns or something because we didnt send them anything or even know. We got a letter saying the CS could be evaluated like we always got. About 2 months later we got a letter saying CS will remain the same because there wasnt enough a change. When DH called they said she went for a reevaluation and it was denied!! }:)

Took all mine and DHs strength to resist texting her and saying BAHAHAHAHA SUCKER!! But we didnt.
Someone has to be the adult, LOL

Anyway hope it all comes down to nothing for you like it did to us. Dont know how much longer you have but hopefully it will be ending soon for you.

Orange County Ca's picture

Smart parents insure that their children will receive their inheritance when the smart parent passes or after both smart parent and current spouse passes. A Living Trust does just that allowing the surviving spouse to use a house for instance while maintaining the children's right to inherit after the second spouse dies.

This removes much of the concern children have about a bio-parent pre-deceasing a second spouse. Of course this can't be done after a person is incompetent or even shows suggestions of such incompetence.

It's not too late for you.

sandye21's picture

"I remember when one of my SD's referred to our son, then 2, as a bastard." What?!!!! Is this the same SD who is always striving for shock value?

Newimprvmodel's picture

I saw the pics outside the nursing home and it was a circus, set up for photo ops. I think his daughter has morphed a legal tv show out of this debacle. In some ways, it seems self driven by her, and she gets her name in lights..
I know these smells like a schtick......professional victim for own gain.
Look it sounds like this guy is gone.....and I do not mean missing......brain function gone. Give it up.......

Newimprvmodel's picture

Again, I suspect the man is gone.....he doesn't know anyone these days. And yes I think this is likely payback, for years of taking her skids crap..
Who benefits? Lawyers, and his daughter it seems......lots of free photo ops, and boy is she taking this far......
Would I do something like this? has only been a few years for me, and I abhor dh's offspring.. 30 years??? Obviously she has the money to fight back in court, and so far she is showing class by not going public with their private dirt..
I saw Kerri has hooked up with Jason patric..........who is fighting to see his son.......maybe a chance to rejuvenate his acting career??
Yes I am a cynic!!

Newimprvmodel's picture

I guess it makes sense. If our dh's develop dementia some day, and have little cognitive function remaining, essentially leaving us, the spouse to engage with our SKids, would we acquiesce to their demands? Throw open our homes? Hell I wouldn't now after 8 years, and this woman has endured 30?

morethanibargainedfor's picture

My Aunt has a friend who was in a relationship with a divorced man. They had been together almost 10 years when he passed away suddenly. They are in their late 40s, were not married and the house was in his name. Once he passed away, his ex-wife and his kids came in and took everything. Literally a couple days after he died. They kicked her out of her own home, wouldn't let her take anything except for her clothes and obvious personal items, and got the bank accounts froze. She was devastated. I guess he had not changed his will since getting divorced and then it came out after that they were never really divorced, only separated.
It scares me that this can happen so easily. She hired a great lawyer who basically told her that there was not much she could do since they were not married.
Very sad that people are like that and would rip everything out from under this poor girl.

tabby yabba do's picture

I'm sort of surprised at the number of posters who question Jean and her motives. There are always two sides to every story, but usually one side makes more sense.

Are we all not step-moms?

Do we not know how rotten skids' behaviors can be? And how they perfect that rottenness as they age? And how that affects a second marriage?

Is it really a stretch to believe that maybe, just maybe, Jean went into this May-December marriage with good intentions but was quickly faced a PASing BM who couldn't stand the younger, hotter wife?

We read these stories here every single day. And the fact Jean isn't trying to defend herself publicly tells me she knows people will "never get it" when it comes to what she's endured at the hands of a BM and PASed skids. We get it. Or at least we should.

After everything I've read, I'm 100% TeamJean. Go step-moms!

momof5_1969's picture

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS! I think the bottom line is that these skids are assholes, like many of us here who have asshole skids. I completely understand why Jean is keeping him away from all of this. She probably wants his final days to be peaceful ones, and that is why she took him someplace else -- she is probably thinking she can deal with the backlash later. I don't blame her for not saying anything either. What's the point? The court of public opinion has made up its mind.

Unless people have been a step parent of asshole skids, they will never understand.

momof5_1969's picture

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS! I think the bottom line is that these skids are assholes, like many of us here who have asshole skids. I completely understand why Jean is keeping him away from all of this. She probably wants his final days to be peaceful ones, and that is why she took him someplace else -- she is probably thinking she can deal with the backlash later. I don't blame her for not saying anything either. What's the point? The court of public opinion has made up its mind.

Unless people have been a step parent of asshole skids, they will never understand.

AllySkoo's picture

Honestly, I wish their bio daughter (Liberty, right?) would say something. I can see why Jean wouldn't - anything she said would just get twisted, there's almost no point in her trying to defend herself. But if Liberty told some stories of things that happened between her sisters and her mom, I think that would carry a lot more weight. (Oddly I get the feeling the boy - Mike? - just wasn't that involved. It seems to be primarily Kerri and Julie is just following Kerri's lead.)