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here's the latest in the kasey/jean/kerri kasem debacle

Calypso1977's picture

they are now apparently trying to have him forcibly removed from his wife and "evaluated" by a doctor...

sickofitall's picture

I am pretty obsessed with this case also. It makes my blood boil that all the typical stereotypes come out such as evil stepmother, poor thrown to the side children from first marriage, and my personal favorite-who cares about the other child fom the 2nd marriage. I think it hits all of us
right in the heart because weve all had those stereotypes thrown at us. I know I have.

I hope Jean doesnt have to give up control to that rotten daughter. Really classy going to the media
with it. I guess shes too good to go through the courts and accept the outcome privately like the rest of us.

Any word on what Caseys relationship has been like with his kids for the past 30 years?

Calypso1977's picture

i heard that he hasnt had a whole lot of involvement with them. but not sure if that's true.

i also dont know what caused the demise of marriage #1 - maybe he cheated and that's why they are mad? but again, it takes two to tango, so why would they only blame Jean? and regardless, its been 30 years. life is too short to hold onto anger and bitterness. you can be hurting (and rightly so in a "homewrecker" situation) but just because you hurt doesnt mean you simultaneously have to hate.