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been married for over 20 yrs and home still not in my name too

MrsF's picture

When hubby(has 2 grown spoiled DDs) and I(no kids) married, he already had a home he had bought. I moved in and since that time we have improved, remodeled and enlarged portions of the home. I know in my heart he has never changed his will or the papers on the house to include my name. If he dies tomorrow, his 2 spoiled daughters will inherit the home that I have slaved over for over 20 years. If he dies and the house isnt in my name as well as his, and his daughters inherit it, I will be left with nothing. Any advice on how to bring this up to hubby? Im guessing I just need to grow some and tell him it needs to be done, end of story. But Im afraid of the fallout it will cause, like world war 3. Advise???

glynne's picture

I would broach the subject by saying that "we" need to get our estate in order. Make an appointment with an attorney with or without your husband. You need to know your rights. You need a current will as does your husband. Glynne

LONGTIME SM's picture

I agree that you need to immediately consult an attorney as property ownership laws vary by state as does estate law. Some states offer the surviving spouse use of fruc (the use of) of property until death or remarrriage - but others do not.

In my state you would never want to sink funds into improvements to property in someone else's name as it still belongs to them. If you did do this - did you and your husband have any sort of agreement or understanding? If you did - this may make things easier when approaching your husband.

For the near future, until this is legally settled, I would not recommend your investing any future funds into this property or household. You may also have to prove in the event of his death which of the household contents are yours if he dies without a will that addresses this.

I once heard an estate attorney state in a seminar that second wives and their husbands need to have a will if you do not want your skids going through your dresser drawers when your husband passes!