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Beaten down and tired, SD wins

Unsureofthis's picture

You were all right. The mini-wife is back, it didn't take long and I am a fool for thinking I could tame this beast. University started this week after the COVID19 shut and on Sunday the question came; SD20 wants to come and stay. My heart jumped. I thought I had made my position clear that I don't want her to stay over anymore and I was so disappointed. I kept it together and said I can handle a once-off visit but not a regular every-week-kind-of-arrangement. DH got his nose out of joint and said he wants all his kids to be welcome at any time. He says that a lot, because he knows I only have an issue with OSD, not YSD and SS. It is mini-wife SD20 that I have an issue with but that is offensive to him and he cannot accept that.

Anyway, she decided that she had somewhere else she needed to be the next day so she no longer wanted to stay over which was great, and she parked her car at our house and then stayed for dinner. All was well. Only a few comments that caused me to raise an eyebrow and only one head rub for SO but otherwise all was good. Then she went home (20 minute drive). Great.

The next day I had organised for bridesmaids dress shopping (because I had been lulled into a false sense of security thinking SO had finally listened to me and the wedding can proceed) and took my DDs and invited SD20 along to try on some dresses. YSD couldn't make it. To cut a long story short, SD20 is by far the biggest of the girls and there were only a few sizes left of the dress we had picked out and SD20 squeezed into a dress I had set aside for DD16 and then proceeded to go on and on about how fat she felt being in that size, meanwhile DD16 who already has body complex issues got upset as she was left with the dress that was 2 sizes up and had to be altered. I didn’t manage it well and didn’t (in hindsight I should have) intervene in the discussions but it resulted in DD16 feeling sad because SD20 made her feel fat and ugly. I felt completely devastated that I had failed to protect her feelings from nasty, manipulative and self obsessed SD20.

Later in the evening SO and I had a talk about the situation and though he recognises that SD20 should not inflict her body image issues onto a 16 year old he still refuses to acknowledge that his daughter causes these dramas. I decided to have it all out with him and rattled off a long list of stuff she has said and done over the last few months and SO cross examined me on every single one like I was under oath with the objective of proving to me that it is all in my head and that I am the crazy one. For example he said a number of times “wow, if only SD20 knew what powers she holds over people! Impressive!” In a very sarcastic tone of voice.

He had a response to everything. SD20 still talks excessively about memories from their previous family holidays, shows photos she has accumulated on her phone of SO's old family including BM, plus admits she only ever dates guys that are like her dad. He doesn’t think there is anything wrong with any of that and she is just sharing and being caring, and gets angry when I suggest that he doesn't get anywhere near as excited and bouyant when his other children announce they are coming to visit us.

He then raised his voice saying that my DDs are not angels either and he has had to adjust to living with us too, to which I agreed, they are not perfect and can be little brats, but this is their home and they are minors and can you please not take that tone with me. No, that didn’t cut it and he then started at me for not being able to take what I dish out. He said “Oh so when the tables are turned you can’t accept any responsibility”. I shut down completely when someone goes at me like that and it felt like he used a diversion tactic that just made no sense in the moment.

We are forever going around in circles with no resolution and it always ends with me caving and things continue the way they are, until the next time. So, the wedding must be cancelled, I can really see that now.

Thanks to all for your support and advice, it is invaluable to have people who understand and can relate.

tog redux's picture

It must be hard to cancel a wedding so close, but good for you for realizing it. It's easier than divorce, and this will be a thorn in your side forever. I would insist on couples' counseling if you decide to continue in a relationship with him. 

Winterglow's picture

 “wow, if only SD20 knew what powers she holds over people! Impressive!” 

He's a complete and utter idiot. Of COURSE she know how much power she has.

I'm sorry about your wedding. Be strong. It won't be easy.

Unsureofthis's picture

This is terrible, I have never heard of this before! It's so accurate.

Definition: Deny the abuse ever took place, then Attack the victim for attempting to hold the abuser accountable; then they will lie and claim that they, the abuser, are the real victim in the situation, thus Reversing the Victim and Offender.

Shocking!! What do you do with someone that does that? I try to put myself in his shoes, to understand it from his perspective, but he is not doing the same for me. He just goes on the attack and assigns the blame on me. The psychology behind it is fascinating, but it is comforting in a sense that it is a recognised phenomenon.

I should add that I am starting to suspect that he did the same to his XW - of course the story I have been fed is that she was mentally ill and would scream at him that she hated him regularly. According to him he never did anything wrong and she had unreasonable expectations... Where there is smoke there is normally fire...

Rags's picture

What do you do?  You purge them and anything to do with them from your life.  To do anything less is to voluntarily continue to serve yourself up as their victim.

IMHO of course.

Rags's picture

Don't just cancel the wedding, cancel the relationship all together.  To do anything less is just to serve yourself up to his dysfunction and the alter of Sparental martyrdom to a failed man, father, and gaslighting breeder of toxic spawn.

This guy is comparing the behaviors of young children to that of adults.  smh

StepStrwbry's picture

You are correct...cancel the whole relationship. I'm sorry for your heartache and headache but it will likely not get any better.

still learning's picture


it resulted in DD16 feeling sad because SD20 made her feel fat and ugly.

Your DD needs to own her feelings and not blame someone else for making her feel a certain way.  This attitude sets up DD for a lifetime of being victimized by careless things someone else says.  SD was talking about herself not your DD. SD20 had no way of knowing the dress was set aside for DD.  


I felt completely devastated that I had failed to protect her feelings from nasty, manipulative and self obsessed SD20.

Isn't this what the overprotective Disney Daddee's on this board do is "protect" their adult babies feelings.  How is SD's bad body image any different from your DD's?  

You can't shield your daughter from feeling bad about herself all the time. As a parent you can encourage her to do body positive activities that build her stregnth and self confidence.  How do you think it makes your DD feel that mom has to be there to buffer responses from the big bad world? You're emotionally crippling your daughter just like SO is his.  You get a bit more leeway because your daughter is a minor but I get the sense that you'll be one of those mothers forever trying to shield your poor dear from taking responsibilty for herself.  Your daughter is almost an adult and needs to learn to speak up and emotionally fend for herself.  

he still refuses to acknowledge that his daughter causes these dramas.

You set the dress aside for DD but didn't say anything when SD tried it on.  Technically you're the one who caused this unnecessary drama.  

Yes the wedding should be cancelled! Do you really want to legally unite two train wrecks??? I think you should give SO notice and focus on the well being of your own child/children.  Take a good look at yourself; ask yourself what you are getting from having an emotionally stunted daughter. Does it make you feel important to come to her emotional rescue all the time? SO could ask himselft the same as he's defending SD.  The two of you are so much alike that it could work if you're both honest and work on your issues or you'll all just make each other miserable by continuing to work out each family's drama on the other.  

Unsureofthis's picture

100% correct and all fair points. I didn't handle it at all well. I asked SD20 to try on the larger size but she refused because she didn't want to be that size, but she was quite happy for DD16 to have it despite DD being smaller. 

DD16 went and stayed with her dad after the dress fitting (we have shared custody) and the SM at their end (XDH's wife - who I get along with really well) emailed me to say that DD was really upset about the comments SD20 had made - this probably added to my dispair at the time. I assigned blame to SD20 when it was really myself I was the most angry with. For NOT taking charge and just letting it play out. I also hadn't anticipated the strong feelings around the largest size as we were going to have it altered so in my mind it was a just a number.

When I analyse it it is less about the dress incident and more about the pattern of behaviour - SD20 in my mind always manages to manipulate the situation to suit her and it's not the first time she has taken something from my DDs if she fancies what they have.

On reflection I think it has everything to do with what has happened in the past and I'm on the lookout for more signs that this is what my life will be like FOREVER if I marry SO. I tend to be quite catastrophic in my thinking lol

Now that the wedding has been postponed  it gives us time to come up with strategies for how to shape and influence the kind of family dynamic we want for us all, if at all, without the pressure of a deadline looming.

Thanks for you insights, it made me think along a different line.

NYCEastside's picture

This guy is a manipulative loser. You have asked him on numerous occaisions to leave, he refuses to do so. That shows what a dependent taker he is. Stand your ground and show your DD that you respect yourself too much to EVER let anyone take advantage of you, You also refuse to subject your daughter to the SD's bullying. This relationship is never going to work because he will never change.

Let him find someone else to mooch off of. Tell him leave by a certain date. If that doesn't happen, change the locks and proceed as advised by others. 

Find someone who respects both you and your daughter and create a happy life with him.


ldvilen's picture

Personally, I wasn't aware that someone could ever live in someone else's home without their permission.  I mean, what if some strange man (not too far off from this man, apparently) moved into your home, OP and sat in your bed and had you cook and clean for him.  Would you just let it go and say, "Oh, well.  I asked him to move out and he refuses."  What would you have done then?   Do the same here.

still learning's picture

Depending on the state laws anyone who lives with you has tenant's rights after a certain period and cannot just be thrown out.  If she really wants him out she'll have to legally evict him with notice or make it very uncomfortable for him to live there.  

ldvilen's picture

Then it's legally evict him with notice that should be done.  I mean. . . does the OP still get cozy with this guy?  Sounds like she wants him out, yet feels she has no choice but to put up with him?  I hope that doesn't include him still getting bedroom time or such.  I hope it means he is at least sleeping in the guest bedroom or on the sofa.  I'm getting a weird kind of creep factor here just thinking about some adult woman allowing a man she wants out of her home to live in her home, while she cooks and cleans for him and performs bedroom duties.  But, maybe I'm naiive, and it happens more than you'd think, or at least more than I'd like to think.

Unsureofthis's picture

Yes we share a bed and we are a proper couple in that sense. It is the old cliche "everything would be perfect if it wasn't for SD". I enjoy his company when she's not here, he treats me well always, even when she's here, there are no such issues. He is not abusive to me other than being manipulative and a bit mean when I say things about his DD that he doesn't like to hear. Everything else is fine. It has been GREAT during lock down when she couldn't come to our house and when the threat of her coming had been removed. Everyone in the house was so much happier - except SO.

I have lived alone before for many years and like my space. He has invaded it, and if it was just him I could deal with it, but because he comes will 3 more people, one of which I don't enjoy the company of, I am slowly coming to the conclusion that I would prefer to live apart. I have voiced this (for the lack of a better expression, because I haven't actually demanded that he moves out) but he pushes back - which I guess is reasonable because everyone knows it is going backwards and a nail in the coffin. I don't actually want him out of my life; if I did I would have told him to go a long time ago and he would have, I'm sure of it.

I just want this angst and uncomfortable feeling to go away and I want to do what is right for my DDs, not make sure that someone else's adult child is happy and can get to and from university easier.

If I need to get him out quickly though, I will definitely use the advice I have been given in this discussion, some very useful tips here!