Back from Family Reunion and it wasn't bad at all.
This was a drama free event for the most part.
As for SD32, the first night there we did not speak probably because I didn't see her much. Hubster and I had another event to go to. We all had breakfast the next day and she was at the other end of the table which was fine. After breakfast, she was quite civil and was so for the rest of the weekend. So was I. There was no drama and no chewing out by here for some perceived injustice. This was a first.
I'm thinking her fiance has a lot to do with the change in behavior. The only time she and her sis got upset was when they wanted to go to dinner at 10PM (hubs and I ate already) and we were going to skip it. Before the sh!t-storm started, we said we would go and have a cocktail or a snack. The whole group (16, 6 of them the gkids) went and we stayed the latest. They can't get upset about that! (by the way, who feeds little kids dinner at 10-11PM?).
Thanks all for your previous advice. Worked great!. Now we wait the normal 7-days post visit. It's been a habit of SD32 to send a nasty long toxic text after a visit to shred her dad for something he did "wrong." Hopefully, not this time
It sounds like your sd always
It sounds like your sd always needs to have the last word. It is too bad that she sees things so negatively and wants to color those around her the same way. I agree with, Sally, however I would let your DH know beforehand that you had a lovely time, he was a perfect gentleman and that you are glad you went. I would also mentioned that the SD's pattern of behavior is to send out these very negative emails to you after the fact and that if it happens this time to please not share that information with you because you want your memories to remain pleasant of your experience and do not what her trying to influence you with her outlook.
Yes, agreed. I did that.
Yes, agreed. I did that. Already told him how great it was and I'm glad I went, even posted my pictures on FB (including pix of SD32 because I'm taking the high road) and reminded him of the pattern. I will be sure to tell him tonight not to share if something comes over via text or email. Great idea. Thanks
I hope he doesn't share it
I hope he doesn't share it with you. Too bad he doesn't tell her that while she is an adult, he refuses to be shredded by his child. What a beeyotch.