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Apology from skids?

Phoenix2019's picture

Hello all, first I want to say I am so grateful to have found this community during this immensely challenging time in my life. This is the only place where I’ve found people that actually get it. Prior to finding this community I’ve tried talking to many people about my experience, and was told by ignorant people who have no idea what it is to be in our shoes that I should be more understanding toward my ex’s three adult daughters that made my life a living hell. The deck is stacked against step parents, and fueled by the idiotic ‘evil step mother/father’ stereotype that continues to be propagated. So thank you all. 

With all the horror stories on here about adult skids, I’m curious whether anyone has ever received an apology from their ill-behaved adult skids for the damage they’ve done? Either during the relationship, or afterward, if the relationship ended. I am not expecting one from the three evil women whose father I finally had to walk away from, but it’s the only thing I would want from them at this point if I could have it. They’ve successfully demolished my relationship, and I don’t want anything from them or their father except for an apology. I’m curious if any of you have ever gotten one.

CANYOUHELP's picture

I wish I had better news.  From my own experience they can insult you in social media, directly insult you in front of your DH and others, even insult DH directly with you present; then call others in their chain to listen to them--with the sole purpose to run both you and your child down, etc., triangulate; and, there will be NO apology given ever, regardless of the level of insult or pain inflicted.

They have no regrets for treating us like trash; we are nobody to them (they hate we have a pulse); our feelings are not even worth consideration or none of the mess would have happened.  They know with certainty daddee will wimp out and not protect us, this gives them more courage.  I finally figured it out.  You cannot expect normalcy; they are messed up.  Behavioral norms to do apply to them with regards to us, the unwanted foreign object daddee drags around with him.

Yeah, and don't believe the mess DH says about "she told me to apologize for her,"bs.  I bet you've heard that one- like me.  When they have mouths to insult and triangulate, they certainly have proven they need no spokesperson to deliver their messages. No problem delivering the insults, right?

Unless this kind of DH has a brain transplant along with massive testosterone injections, apology will ever come your way.

It is not you though....let them be nonexistant to you too now. Look at them through the lens they see you. Take this toxicity out of your life totally; it will never change. You have to be the change your want, unfortuantely.


Phoenix2019's picture

Well put, thank you. Sadly, I believe you are totally correct that they see us as basically subhuman, unworthy of even basic norms of civil behavior. It’s so hard not to take it personally when I have done nothing to deserve this treatment. I went into my relationship five years ago happy, in love, optimistic about the future, and full of self-confidence, and I am walking away feeling beaten and defeated. And they just continue on their merry way. But it is what it is. I can still hope karma will one day knock on their door.

CANYOUHELP's picture

That is exactly how we are seen, and we can blame the men for being a worthless parent and pathetic husband, with respect to them; even if we are happy all other ways.  Most of us on this site tried hard to fit in and only wanted one big happy family-trying for years to make that happen, but knock after knock after knock ...reality reared its ugly head. And, it would be anybody daddeee was dragging around; there is even a hatred history in my case; (lol), they are that enmeshed, even others leaving him will not awaken a seriously brain injured daddeee.

Karma for them is every day you stay with being happy (especially without them); is karma times a million....

sandye21's picture

Phoenix may never be able to witness the karma that is going to visit her exH but it WILL happen.  He will never have a life of his own from this moment forward.  He will never be able to have a loving relationship with a woman, the skids will never allow that.  So exH will live the rest of his life yoyoing between lost relationships and kissing the skids' butts.  Now that Phoenix is gone, so is the motivation to 'be close' to Dadeee until the skids need a 'loan'.  The home will be painfully quiet for long periods of time because the skids will be now be too busy with other things.  Any disagreements or disppointments will be strictly between DH and the Skids because Phoenix is no longer available as a scapegoat.  He will not be able to depend on the skids to ease his loneliness, or help him in any way if it is not convenient for them.  Yes, there WILL be Karma, and it was earned.

tog redux's picture

Yeah, they won’t ever apologize, they don’t think they’ve done anything wrong. Good thing is, you won’t care about getting one for long. 

sandye21's picture

The pain is still fresh, Phoenix.  But in time you won't really care if they apologize to you or not.  You will just be glad they are no longer in your life.  In fact, at this point, I really wouldn't WANT SD to apologize - that would mean I would have to consider allowing her back in our home.  As far as DH apologizing, That's not going to happen either.  He's just too proud to do it.  It's enough punishment that he is paying the consequences from SD who alienates him for staying with me.  But then, he created and helped to perpetuate the 'mean SM' situation for 20 years so no pity for self-inflicted wounds.

I tried to talk to people about my experience too but got the same reactions you did - even from my Sister who said, "Children come first" when I attempted to communicate what I had been through.  But when I reminded her that SD was doing the same stuff that her MIL was, she suddenly saw the light.  People just don't seem to get your point until you make it personal for them.  The only people who have truly understood have been the people on Steptalk.  So I hope, even though you are not a SM anymore, that you continue to visit.  Eventually there will be another step parent going through what you did, and you will give them hope that you can find happiness without putting up with the B.S.

sandye21's picture

When I wrote the above response I was still trying to make things work with DH.  I have not seen or talked to SD since December of 2010.  She became violently angry at me for asking her and her husband to speak up when they were having one of their constant mumbled sideline conversations.  Did I ever receive an apology?  Never.  Not from SD or from DH - ever.  After 30 years of a fake marriage I am finally accepting reality.  

I take full responsibility for being in love with the 'dream' of a perfect marriage rather than the man I married.  There were red flags all over the place and I chose to ignore them.  I whined about the way I was being treated rather than taking action - which would have meant divorce (the fear of failure again!).  But finally, and there comes a day for every SM (unless DH sees the light), that the reality hits you straight between the eyes.  When I re-read the OP's post this morning I realized that when there are problems with the SKIDS it always goes back to the way the birth parent is handling it.  Some responses to the OP stated that the partner had finally put the SKIDS in their rightful place.  But many like me watched while our partners took up for the SKIDS or simply ignored the problem.  The REAL problem in my case was that the marriage was about convenience and the 'image' of a perfect marriage, not love.   

I have watched many videos in the last year and one resonated with me.  His name is Kenny Weiss.  He says before you marry a person, picture what you want in a relationship:  morals and values, needs and wants, negotiables and non-negotiables.  If love is not in the forefront of the relationship, your partner will not be able to fulfill any of these.  If they believe with all of their heart that you are worthy of being loved and respected the rest will follow through.  It's as simple as that.  If you are having issues with the SIKDS and your partner does nothing or worse, turns against you, you have far more serious problems than the relationship with the SKIDS.

sammigirl's picture

NO!  It will never happen.  My DH never apologized for his part in regards to the treatment I allowed.

I hope my SD never attempts to apologize.   I'm not sure I wouldn't call the cops on her.  

I've had my fill of her.  

Phoenix: I am sorry to hear you had to walk away.  It is heartbreaking.

FYI Karma visits often to both DH and my SD57.   It comes when I least expect it, I would be lying if I said I don't secretly smile.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Skids almost never apologize - and our culture teaches them that they don't have to. Stepmothers are evil, selfish, golddigging, child abusing daddee stealing Untouchables, so skids get a hall pass on mistreating us.

There are many posts on this site where a chasm results after a SM demands an apology or her H demands his kids make one to her. The Holy Apology becomes The Berlin Wall, and I think some Hs continue to push for one long after SM couldn't care less. These men want peace, and if a few mumbled words can keep Dsyfunction Junction operating, they can put their heads back in the sand. They think they have enough juice or leverage with their kids to demand an apology, and are astonished to find they don't.

My own DH told OSD she needed to apologize to me (via text, because he's an idiot when it comes to parenting) seven years ago, and we haven't seen her since. I didn't want an apology; I wanted to be done with her. Sorry fixes nothing.

bedazzled's picture

What you said is exactly my life. Culture does paint Sparents in a way that makes Skids treatment of them ok. My DH has also told his kids they need to apologize. They both told him they have done nothing wrong. They have nothing to apologize for. They  know DH won’t really call them out on the carpet and make them accountable. DH says he tried, they are who they are and he is willing to accept that. He still treats them like prince and princess even though they have refused to apologize or even own their behavior. They know he doesn’t have the balls to stand up to them. 

I do not want an apology from them anymore. It would not be sincere and would just give DH fuel to say look they apologized now you have to be accepting and take anything they dish out. It would only serve to make DH think that his kids really are god like. SD now has issues with her SIL’s and MIL and DH thinks they are all wrong and SD is perfect. It happened when she was in high school and college and dating. It was always everyone else and she was perfect. It is a pattern that will never change. 

I have come to believe that there is a pattern with these parents and kids. It starts with the parents not seeing their children as humans with faults. They really do believe that their children are perfect. The kids are raised being told they are perfect, without any flaws and better then every other human being. They buy it and live their lives as such. 

Healthy parents can see that their children are not perfect and have flaws like everyone else. They make their children accountable for their actions. They will stand up to their children and tell them they are wiring or acting like jerks. They are not afraid of the monsters that they created. My children and I can get mad at each other . We can express our feelings. I don’t have fear they will never speak to me again and same for them. We are flawed and normal.  We don’t have to try to paint a picture to the world that our kids are perfect and make them believe it. We know they are not. 

Getting an apology from narcissist’s would only be a manipulation ploy on their part. Like others stated you are sub human to them. You don’t matter, you have no right to feelings, respect, or anything. You are nothing to them. The only soul they have is self worship. Like also stated you cannot expect normalcy they are. It normal.

StepUltimate's picture

I sooOOoo agree with you, especially that last paragraph.

I was recently able to use this to my advantage & now SSalmost19 is permanently out of my home, as my DH told SS he'd have to repair his relationship with me, and get MY approval, before ever living here with us again (SS got kicked out late August 2018, as I've blogged).

The beautiful thing is SS already learned I will challenge & reject fake apologies and knows the only apology I would consider accepting is a Living Apology comprised of ACTIONS, not words. So I can confidently state Checkmate because SS is unwilling to change his ways and be respectful, helpful, accountable - and I will accept bothing less in my home.

shamds's picture

telling ss20 to apologise for his unacceptable behaviour and treatment towards me and the 2 kids i had with his dad. Hubby wanted a fresh start and ss accountable for his actions to not continue with his pathetic behaviour. Ss20 comes to me mumbles a hello, then with a completely grinning face says “daddy told me to apologise”. I stared at him and p.walked off. Hubby then got a nasty message how pathetic his son was that this was how he apologised

honestly hubby was fighting tooth and nail that day from work. Ss response to everything was he had imaginary stress syndrome and he has remained to have imaginary stress syndrome ever since when hubby tells him off for intentionally excluding us

hubby recently told me ss when after divorce chose to live with hubby, he would lock himself in bedroom and not talk to hubby. Hubby knew it was the result of biomum brainwashing her bullshit about hubby. That behaviour hasn’t really disappeared completely and now hubby has completely disengaged from 3 kids with ex. He only contacts when its something important, otherwise when its new years or something important, there is no happy birthday dad, happy new years or even happy birthday to our kids.

sk have all remained unaccountable for their actions, its never their fault, they never apologise. Its very hard for a bio parent to get to a point where they no longer expect much from their kids, they do not expect an apology or for them to accept responsibility and own up to their behaviour. They just give up

shamds's picture

have been raised by a narcissistic manipulative parent where they are never taught cause and effect or taking responsibility for your actions

they are brought up thinking they are special when they are not, they are brought up to blame everyone for everything that goes wrong in life. The never can do wrong

i have long gotten to a point where i said to myself people like this rarely ever change. Just accept it and move on

thinking and moping about them allows them control over your life

disrestep's picture

I am very sorry you had to walk away from your relationship. It isn't an easy thing to do. I also went into a relationship, with my now DH quite a number of years ago, we fell in love and married 4 years later.

during the time we dated, and especially at the beginning, (a few years of hell), I was treated like an outcast by his adult children and their significant others. It was nothing I expected and never experienced before. I was hopeful it would get better and they would accept me.

Like you, I knew this treatment was inhumane and just got tired of being left out of everything, the evil eyes, rude adult skid comments, hateful behavior and being accused of things I never did. 

I told my then boyfriend I didn't sign up for this hateful treatment and so long. I explained to him I would never sit back and not address anyone in my family who treated him this way, so why did he do nothing about it? What bothered me was the fact he initially did nothing. I was at the point where I could care less if his brood hated me. I lived my entire life without them and don't need hateful people in my life. 

At first, I found it hard to stick up for myself, but heck, if I don't, who will? He must of realized I was serious and understood what they were doing to me and trying to break us up was not normal. He realized they should be happy for him instead of miserable. He finally told them enough of the hateful treatment. It didn't do any good, and one of them apologized to him, but not me.

will they ever apologize? My now DH did at some point say he was sorry for the way I was treated and vowed he wouldn't leave me behind again, blah, blah. Recently, a significant other of an adult skid asked DH if it would make a difference if they apologized to me. DH told them it wasn't a good idea. It was never an adult skid who inquired about apologizing, just the busy body significant other.

The other adult skids never apologized to me and am sure never will. One did apologize to my DH for some of the things he did to us, but never to me. One told me right after she asked DH to meet with our families to discuss her wedding plans, that "we never got off to a good start". Gee, was that her way to apologize. I felt like telling her that was "because you are a spoiled, self-entitled, witch, who is now trying to contact me, because you want dadeee to give you money for your wedding." Right after her wedding and during it, she was back to the same old rudeness.

Maybe, your ex will see the light and realize what he has done is not right. Who cares if his hateful brood never apologizes. 

Best of luck to you.


Healyourslf's picture

One day at a time. Don't expect an apology and I urge you to go "no contact" for your sake.  Let this site be your own "technical" campfire where you can share the "stories"....soothing and cathartic. And, boy are people gonna throw some big logs in!!!  Let it burn Phoenix...let it burn. 

I sometimes toy with the idea that SD24 will apologize and then reality hits. Not gonna happen with a Narc. I run "what-if" scenarios...the optimist.  It is often our optimistic natures that have helped hope float through the years of emotional abuse.  Nothing can kill that spark. 

I think of karma as an unavoidable soul process that is always trying to evolve us towards higher order.  You learn the move up the spiral.  These assholes are stuck in a dark, downward eddy of life-sucking dysfunction.  People who can sincerely apologize are evolved and have seen the error of their ways.  You however, have learned vital lessons and are clearly moving upward on that spiral. Let it burn Phoenix...what awaits will be wonderful.

Take care. Peace in your heart.

Rags's picture

A warthog does not appologize for being what it is.  Generally the same applies for toxic adult Skids.

I don't recommend that anyone hold their breath waiting for an appology from toxic adult step crotch droppings.

I confront the toxicity wholesale and for damned sure don't appologize to them for bringing the pain in response for their manipulative toxic crap.

notasm3's picture

My situation is different. SS34 was never rude. He never wanted to break us up. He loved the fact that DH and I married. 

DH got financially raped from his divorce from wife #2 - who is not BM.   He could support himself modestly but qhe didn’t have extra money.  SS looked to me as “fresh kill” - a pot of resources a available for him to tap into  

When I met SS he was basically homeless- crashing in various drug dens with his hooker/junkie gf. DH tried to help him. We gave him furniture when he got an apartment which he ended up leaving behind when he would invariably get evicted. 

He eventually found a sucker GF to mooch off of. She had a job, car etc. when she got pregnant her mother bought her a house.  SS actually got a job.  Things were looking up and I let SS and GF  come into our life.  Had them over to dinner.  Was going to let them use my vacation condo. 

And then - DH and I went on vacation for 2 weeks. SS had the code to the garage as he’d borrowed some tools. We unfortunately did not lock the door into the house. They MOVED IN - slept in our bed, ransacked the house hoping to find dh’s medical marijuana or pain pills left from my surgery.  Helped themselves to what ever they wanted which included FIVE brand new 1.7 litter bottles of liquor. 

I have never been so furious or felt more violated.  At that point I told DH to keep them away from me. Did I ever get an apology?  Hell no - the only thing I was told was that I needed to get over it. 

They could grovel and beg for forgiveness and all I would want to do would be to piss on them. It’s been 2 years.   I do not need toxic POS trash in my life. 

They actually did me a favor.  I no longer have to deal with them on any level. My DH has never once pressured me to do otherwise. 

RLZ0073's picture

Please don’t hold your breath, OP.

You will be waiting til the day you die to get an apology from Skids. They feel like they’re entitled to treat you like crap because you’re the sucker that decided to get into a relationship with either parent, even though you had absolutely nothing to do with the end of their marriage.

They’re miserable, so why the hell should anyone else be happy?!?

HowBoutScottyDont's picture

I wouldn't expect one. Especially if their father is not encouraging it.

Find a way to forgive for your own sanity, and then move on.

MissTexas's picture

After DH told his narcissitic adult daughter she needed to apologize (she had profusely done so to her father, via email, phone calls etc. however, I'm the one she screamed at for almost an hour while he looked on, doing absolutely nothing.)

So, to show daddeee, she could "play nice" she sent a group text to me, DH and another family member. It never once stated an apology to me specifically, but rather a "let's skirt the issue, and I refuse to take responsibility for my part, because I"m a poster child for narcissism". It was pathetic. Even our clergyman laughed when I showed it to him. It was clearly a dog and pony show for DH, because later in the evening, she called DH and asked how the apology went. He told her "Not very well. She feels the apology must fit the offense, and it should be individually done by either a phone call, card, or letter, not by a group text." Well of course that really upset her. Narcissists cannot stand it when THEY are not in control or calling the shots.

I would blow it off. Even if they should or happen to "apologize", it will be a hollow attempt they can hold over you for years, and say, "I tried to apologize. She's the problem, not me."

The thing about an apology is, it is up to the recipient to accept or decline it. Because I could see the lack of empathy, sincerity and ownership, I elected to decline and call BS on it.

Don't dwell on it. There are so many other things that can get your energy.

Good luck.

SacrificialLamb's picture

We have the same SD, except she screamed her apology into my voicemail rather than a group text. She still tells her father that was an apology.   And in true narcissistic form, she told DH she wished we could go back to how things were before. No accountability whatsoever.  I laughed and told DH that was convenient for them but it did not work for me.

I've told my DH that I won't have anything to do with her because of her lack of remorse, sincerity and accountability.   He agrees, and also agrees she is not likely to ever meet my requirements. Narcissists do not change.

Disillusioned's picture

Although I've never received an apology from OSD for all the damage she's caused, funnily enough when YSD was in her 20's (so about 10 years into my relationship with their father/DH) she apologized to me for her sister's behavior

YSD made a big public speech about it too

We were at OSD's engagement party and OSD had publicly insulted DH, calling him "nothing but a pieice of s*&^ father" and so on

We ignored this but as we were leaving that night out of the blue YSD rushes up to me, and then makes a big deal about telling me how she's so sorry for the terrible way her sister (OSD) has treated me (no mention of DH which was strange) that she didn't know why she was like that, that I was the best thing that ever happened to DH and one of the best things to come into their lives too

DH was standing there waiting for me to leave as YSD said this

And BM was standing there waiting for YSD to leave, as YSD said this

I remember being totally shocked (in a good way) but figured it was just a drama act and that she didn't really mean it, but she has always been better with me since that night

Her sister, OSD, the one that owes me the actual apology - nah! I doubt that would ever happen!!

notasm3's picture

If someone is just a blithering ahole no apology is going to change that.   Sometimes a decent human being makes a mistake that a sincere apology can rectify.   The two situations are not the same. 

bedazzled's picture

They stop their mean actions and take accountability for their actions. These narcsisists don't feel they have anything to apoligize for, they may give you a fake sorry. If they really were sorry they would have changed their ways years ago. My SD has been at it for 15 years. The only change she has made is to up her game. DH keeps trying to push her in to an apology. For what? For his comfort. She said she forgave me once. He sees that a her way of trying to say she is sorry. BS. 

Like someone said earlier. There is a time frame on an apology. I am way past that time frame. It is way to late. 15 years of abuse. No way would I ever accept any lame sorry from SD. That ship sailed. DH can keep pushing all he wants to try to get her to say she is sorry. It won't happen. It wouldn't be real. Again it is all just for his comfort. If he is uncomfortable it is his own fault. His lack of balls created the problem. It's is his to live with now. He needs to face up to the fact he created a evil monster.

shamds's picture

I’ve been married to my husbandjust over 4 years and have a 3yr old and almost 2 yr old with him. I am past forgiveness, an apology is meaningless when the little aholes chose to emotionally abuse us and take pleasure causing us this pain and even laughing when the tears came out... thats just evil... 

i remember the day my 2 yr old was screaming hysterically at the sight of her then 20yr old half brother who pretended we all don’t exist. He laughed, it was so friggin funny to him that his own little half sister was traumatised to see him. I just told hubby how dare you put me in that situation.

the sad thing is when others pathetically justify their behaviour and claim we were imagining it and your kid was just crying like toddlers always do... hmmm she’s fine the whole day until she sees him and she’s clutching to me hysterically, thats not normal...

as such i refuse to participate in any meets with skids, they are not my family but hubbys.. they have not treated our kids like their own siblings or made an effort for a relationship so i don’t see my kids ever wanting one with them...

Irene H.'s picture

Not me, but my stepmom.

My BM was a train wreck, a violent, toxic, alcoholic. When I came to my stepmom, I was pretty messed up. We had a rough go of it. I never apologized, per se, because (1) it never occurred to me, and (2) even now, I don't remember doing anything vindictive or on purpose. I was just wild because I'd come from a household where no one cared to teach me anything, and I was really defensive and pissed off from having been abused. She put a lot of effort into me, just trying to get me to be basically normal, teach me how to do basic things and have basic manners. But I have thanked her several times, even for being hard on me when she had to be. In my case, the "step" naturally, eventually fell away, and she just became "mom." She wasn't perfect (who is?), but if I had stayed with BM, I might well have not survived my childhood. And if I hadn't had the strong-willed, loving/tough love stepmom I ended up with, I wouldn't have been reformed into who I am; also not perfect, but relatively happy, healthy, and successful. I've told her so. So yes, it's possible for a stepparent to be appreciated. But I think in my case, my BM being so messed up (to a Criminal degree), and then disappearing so there was no back and forth, made it easier for the relationship w/ my stepmom to become successful.

Skimonkey's picture

An apology is only meaningful if someone truly understands how/ why they have been a complete a$$, and commits to behaving differently.  One of my SS's is so deep into his delusions, that's not possible.  Just like saying "thank you" is not indicative of actual gratitude - it' sjust good manners.