Adult step-children and CRAZY Bio-mom ruining my marriage.... advice please!
The last straw has been drawn!!
I am pretty new here. I kind of hide in the shadows and maybe answer a post or 2 but never tell my story. I was worried telling my story and some of us are vague only to not disclose too much so someone will figure out who we are not because we are fake posters but I can see why some think the posters are fake some probably are .. I am just saying that now so that all know that if I am vague or “change the details to protect my innocence” that is all it is... with that said here goes..
It is a 15 year story so I guess I will highlight it so that this post is readable and not too horribly long and we get to today's problem that has me un-decorating the house before Christmas and loosing my mind.
First let me say when I came upon this site I thought it was a miracle! I thought I was alone!! and that I was the only step-mom who had issues. All step-moms I know in person paint a picture perfect life so I thought I was alone. Bless this site and all of you !!!
So here goes.. My husband and I are both second time arounds. My marriage ended many years ago. I get along with my ex, his family and his 2nd wife and now his 3rd wife.
I have a son who is grown and married. My husband has 2 children a son married and a daughter engaged. Well stupid me thought I could have the same cordial relationship with his ex since I knew her family (small town I worked with a few of them) and they all liked me. They were apart for years before I came along so I never expected problems.
It all started right away the ex went crazy when she found out my husband and I were dating. Let's paint the picture with the details. She cheated on him more than once he took her back a few times because of the kids. After the 3rd or 4th time he called it quits and divorced her. I know all of it is true because during the years for legal reasons I have read the entire divorce about her treatment of my husband. HORRIBLE!!!
My guess is she thought she was always coming back and when he fell in love with me that tactic did not work anymore.
She never contacted him about the kids where she didn't have to start out the conversation by calling me a B**** or some other name. We have been up and down the roller coaster a bunch of times through the 15 years we have been together. The kids were 11 and 13 when we met so we tolerated it out of respect for the kids. So when the kids both were 21 we blocked her from my husbands phone.
That did not stop her. She called from her work, she called from other peoples phones, she would go into verizon stores and uses their display phones to text, just constant harassment!! We should have called the police but the kids were young and she poisoned them to thinking she only contacted him about the kids and we were causing the problem.
Recently she started messaging people I know and trying to get me to contact her because she blames me for my husband blocking her. CRAZY!!! I know what she is trying to do in her crazy mind, she wants to get me to call her so she can say See she is harassing me. No one ever calls her back …. well normally read on …
Problem 2 the Adult step-children are a hot mess!! They have one problem after the other and are very immature. The married son never should be married he is way to immature and now also has a gambling problem too. He has lost jobs wrecked cars and Lord knows what else. The daughter lives with Bio-mom and is 25 and lives like she is 16 and works part time at the mall.
The thousands and thousands of dollars we have spent is insane!!!!! My money too!!
The crazy ex has been harassing us for 15 years and every time something goes wrong with these adult children she thinks she needs to head to the verizon store and find a phone to bother us or borrow someone elses. She is not normal, she caused her childrens problems, she lies about the details and has no information we need.
Bottom line is she uses all of these things to have a reason to contact my husband. She wants him back and she has stated that and asked him before. Most of her contact is not about the kids. If it starts out that way you give her an inch and she takes that as he likes her and wants her back. Not that he was concerned about his kids and called. Then she starts contacting him ALL the time at all hours. He knows this so I just don't understand why he ever would answer her!!
Then she goes all over telling the world that I am jealous of her and she wants to call my husband just about the kids and I am too jealous of her and block her. But he wants to talk to her and I won't let him. So crazy!! She would have been more than welcome to text or call my husband about the kids if that was all it was about and if she did it without disrespecting me. That ship has sailed now her kids are adults and if she would start treating them that way then maybe they wouldn't have so many problems.
So here we are today. The latest fiasco with my step-son brought her to contact my husband at midnight. Not an emergency just drama that she was making into an emergency so that she could contact him. So for whatever reason he believed her, he called her back. Same nonsense as always and now after we were doing the solid ground on the no contact with her, now he has broken that and I am so upset with him. I get that he was worried about his son but he knows she is crazy and I listened to her message it did not warrant a phone call to her. I don't know what he is thinking. He knows better!!!!
How could he be cordial and civil to ANYONE for ANY reason who has treated me how she has treated me and threatened me. I am not sure!! He should have called his son not her, his son is not 5 he is an adult. That is what he normally does when he receives a message from her, calls the child directly. I feel so angry and I am not putting up with her and these messed up adult step-children for the rest of my life. If they had a problem or 2 here and there but they cause all of their own drama, she enables it and then when it falls apart they call my husband. And God forbid he offer more than money because that is all they want just what he can give them. They treat him terrible!!
I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick of them ruining my day, my holidays and vacations!!! They have a problem that makes that nut call us every single time! And when they don't, that crazy nut decides to just text my husband anyway with family pictures of him and her and the kids or to call me names. She has never left us alone for more than 3 or 4 months. How could he call her for any reason and risk getting her going again!!!! I am so upset and I don't understand!!! I thought we made progress and now I feel that it is all NEVER going to stop!
I have one room already un-decorated and I love Christmas … anyone out there can help please I have no one in real life that I can talk to ….
Your DH needs to take himself
Your DH needs to take himself to the police station and file harassment charges, then drive to the courthouse and obtain a restraining order.
It's ridiculous that he hasn't shut this shit down long ago.
We were on our way ....
to the police station a few months back and I now wish that we had. My husband always thought we should just ignore it but the more we ignored the crazier it got. He agreed that it would never stop.
I save all the text messages and phone logs and keep the details. He always forwards it to me so I can keep it. We are private people and didn't want to bring the police into our lives. But now I wish we had. He didn't seem to get at first that this was another game of hers to get him to call her. He doesn't seem to know how sick she is ...
The "kids" are adults. He
The "kids" are adults. He should only contact them. In general, there should be no need to have contact with Bm.
If your DH. REALLY wants
NO contact, just not gaslighting you, He will file for an restraining order against BM. But there is always the possibility he likes the attention from his EX. So let’s see what he does
I'm sorry, I totally get how
I'm sorry, I totally get how you feel. Go somewhere else for Christmas - family, friend, alone to Mexico, whatever. Just go take care of yourself.
DH has to do whatever he can to make this stop if he wants you to stay, and that includes police action if needed.I always tell myself I should just not let it bother me, but that's impossible for me when it's hanging over our heads all the time.
Thank you !!
No family in town at all .... but we are going to see my son for New Years....
I try to tell myself the same thing ... I also realize it is how my husband is with everyone not just Crazy.... he has a hard time cutting toxic people off... it took years but he finally got it. He was with crazy and those toxic step-kids for so long he didn't know what normal was until he spent years with me.
He still has moments and apparently this is one of them.
If BM is effecting your time
as this. Then you have to go the legal route. File the paperwork and have her arrest if she doesn’t stop. This most likely will do major damage between DH and his kids, having there mother arrested. Or move on alone and let this disfunction go on without you. Your in a no win place
I understand exactly how you
I understand exactly how you feel. I have already taken down the Christmas tree. I always loved Christmas too. It is already hard since my Mom and brother both died. His daughter makes it horrible. I just want the holidays over. The stress is to much.
So sorry for your loss
I am so sorry for your loss!! I lost my parents my mother just recently and my sister many years ago. I don't have any other siblings or family. Holidays can be hard I know! It makes it more difficult when you have all of the drama as well I am sorry for you too
thank you for reaching out to me
Why can't YOU file
Why can't YOU file harrassment charges since you say she's bothered you too not just your DH?
And why can't your DH hang up the phone the instant he hears her voice? Answer: Because he doesn't want to.
Again unhelpful
Friends with the other I am sure.
My husband never takes her calls anymore it has been at least 6 years. She lied to him and said that my step- son was in danger when he was not so that is why he called her back.
I already posted about going to the police
You still didn't answer my
You still didn't answer my question on why YOU don't file harrassment charges if she's calling you too.
Actually I did twice
I actually did explain twice in two other posts. If You took the time to read the conversation instead of posting unhelpful comments you would know that.
This woman has
Said she was having a heart attack when she wasn't.
Faked cancer and illnesses to get my husband's attention and get him to call her and then when he doesn't that's when she retaliates by getting mad and starting all of the other things.
People who haven't lived with
People who haven't lived with a relentless ex-wife in the picture don't understand. As for that other poster, I have said before that my DH ignores BM entirely, and I get accused of not allowing them to communicate, so you can't win. She has a bug up her a$$ about women who dare to get upset about their husband's ex-wife's toxic behavior. Just ignore (or delete).
Thank you!!
Thank you!! I truly appreciate all the support from you and the others on this board. It helps to have people that understand and you're right you have to ignore the ones that just post unhelpful comments .I am new to this I will get the hang of it thank you again
We both seem to have the same crazy bio mum ex wife
who used to be married to hubby. Hubby says his cheated on him because while going through divorce in our religion its forbidden to be dating and going out with other men because you are dealing with a divorce where you were still living together and if you get pregnant, nobody wants a hot mess of who’s the daddy. She married in secret at the courthouse while her 3 kids were in primary school. Then told them when they got home from school they have a new daddy now.
she blabbed how in demand she is that she could hook a man right after divorce and noone wanted hubby. The reality is hubby had been tortured and emotionally, mentally destroyed by this psycho of an exwife that he needed breathing space and to find himself, focus on his career. Shortly after he moved up corporate latter and got very successful
5 yrs after divorce he married me, ex wife told the 2 girls she’d kidnap a few years earlier before me and hubby even met, that their dad had converted to christianity and it was her duty to protect her kids. She just saw our marriage as a means to spin things her way.
she was jealous hubby remarried a caucasian woman, much younger than her, able to easily get pregnant and have kids while she’s all dried up and useless at raising the 3 kids she popped out. She doesn’t deserve the respect and title of mum.
she even told the daughters to emphasize how she told them to initiate contacting their dad that she really wants to make amends. Hubby dorsn’t believe it and neither do his family members
i’ve learnt that when you’re dealing with a high conflict narcissistic ex wife, they never change or make amends. They are always out to hurt people, control people, get all the gossip they can to use it to hurt people even more. There comes a point where you shut them out.
exwife has even tried using the daughters as emotional guilt and blackmail hubby to come to her place to meet up and she can apologis eand they can be happy family again. She is married and living in this new husbands home, she has 2 new stepkids and hubby wants nothing to do with her and won’t respond to any comments. Any private issues or apologies she needs to make are sent via daughters phone to hubby, she involves the girls in adult personal stuff, thats her way of controlling everyone.
the midnight call, it could have been hubby thought it was an emergency because i know sometimes we rush to a phone thinking a family member could be hurt. So ask hubby straight up why answer the phone at that time when we’ve had this hot mess with the ex. See what he says. As the 2nd wife and with husbands or spouses who can’t see things as objectively as us, we sometimes do need to make them see sense and remind them or they get suckered in and taken advantage of. My husband is only now learning to disengage from his 3 kids.
why? Because i told him they couldn’t care less about you, you’re their bank. You stop messaging and contacting them every few days and i guarantee nobody will call or message you to see how you are. I felt hubby couldn’t sed how he was letting them rule his life around them, it should be the other way around or some degree of compromise but hubby was non stop cowtowing to their every whim or demand. He’s seen how selfish and self centred they all are and it continues ti get worse
Your DH shouldn’t be calling
Your DH shouldn’t be calling her back because then he can’t claim harassment if he calls her too. He shouldn’t ever respond. My DHs ex also attempted to harass him when we first got together. He blocked her email address and phone number. She then tried to call from other people’s phones so he got a new phone number. So it could be done. If your DH wants it to stop, there are things he could do to try to stop it. At the very least he should never contact her. It just gives her encouragement. For whatever reason your DH doesn’t want it to stop
I can’t imagine my DH ever calling crazy BM back or keep allowing this or keep answering to her. Never ever. I feel for you. Your DH is an issue here
It was just this time
It was just this time that he called her back in the last 6 years since he blocked her. That is what brought me to be so upset and post in the first place. I can't believe that he would believe anything that she said and that he would ever call her back. He didn't get the voicemail until the morning and he called the other persons phone she was calling from and then came to tell me the whole story.
We were on the same page before this. He said that she said he was in danger and he fell for it. It didn't seem to remember all of the other exaggerations and stories of heart attacks and cancer that she told.
You said this nonsense has
You said this nonsense has been going on for 15 years. That’s a very long time to allow such crap
Your DH needs to be treating BM like she is a stalker.
Your DH needs to be treating BM like she is a stalker, not his ex-wife. She wants his attention, and every single time he answers the phone or calls her back he is giving her exactly what she wants. He is providing her "fix." As long as he communicates with her at all, she is going to keep trying. On his end, there seems to be some reason he can't go "no contact" with her - it might be helpful to see if you can figure out why.
You both need to change your phone numbers. DH should keep his previous number active, that way he will have a record of every incoming call. He can use that one to communicate with his kids. If it is not them calling, no need to answer - ever. If you change your number, there should be no way for her to reach you.
You have more than enough evidence to get a restraining order for yourself. When she breaks it, you can bring charges. Depending on your state, you may be able to bring stalking charges against her now. It is clear that DH is not going to protect you, so you need to start looking out for yourself.
Read "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin DeBecker. There are sections in it on how to deal with a stalker and how to deal with a threatening person. You will find lots of helpful, practical advice.
Great book, agree
I mean this as kindly as
I mean this as kindly as possible, so think of it as a pep talk from a good friend.
If you want the situation to change, take over and take action. Your H has made it abundantly clear that he's not going to handle it, so quit wringing your hands, accept that he's incapable, and take the reins.
LAWYER UP! Find a shark, and hire him to A) send BM a Cease and Desist letter demanding she stop contacting your DH and you, and then when she freaks out and ramps up,
to draw up and petition for Restraining Orders. Get the orders, and enforce them EVERY TIME BM breeches them.
Has it occurred to you that mental illness is likely a component of all this strife? That's why BM and her kids are a$$es. So get your documentation in order, and get ready to use the legal system to inconvenience BM the way she's inconvenienced you all these years.
Thank you so much for your post ....
Yes mental illness is definitely and issue here. She has bipolar tendencies and takes medication. This is one of the reasons I am so afraid of her.
Thank you!! Your words were definitely like a pep talk and appreciated!!!
I doubt lawyer will take on a
I doubt lawyer will take on a case. If BM calls only once in 3 to 4 months and talks about kids (only later switching topics) and she only calls DH and last time he even called her, I don’t see how could SM start legal actions?
Actually most of the problem is ...
She is not calling, or texting ANYTHING to do with the kids most of the time and the kids are adults in their later 20's ....
This time she called about my step-son a few months back she was sending pictures of herself and her friends. And also family pictures from 20 years ago. Then calling me names and telling him she would call or text anytime she felt like it... It is bizarre behavior.
I also need to clarify sometimes it is more often than every 3-4 months what I said was that we have never gone more than 3 or 4 months without her contacting him in some way. Then once she does contact him it is not a single incident. If he doesn't respond she tries something else. Until she either gets bored or runs out of phones to use.
Also my husband didn't call her, he returned a call from her where she said for him to call my step-son was in danger. Big difference. He didn't just out of the blue call her. He used poor judgment because he was half asleep and she made him believe he was in danger.
Then why not file for
Then why not file for restraining order? She calls you names calling you on your phone? Then for sure make a police report.
Or is she calling your DH and in those phone calls she calls you names?
And DH does nothing about it? 15 years and he does nothing?
Why is he entertainig her phone calls? He hears her voice he should hang up. He shouldn’t be long enough on the phone wuth her giving her opportunity to call you names.
You have a husband problem here. Get to the bottom of why he is allowing it.
I think some of this gets confused...
I think some of this gets confused...
It is hard to explain all of this typing out the story ... part of it gets lost or confused...
SHE is surley the problem regardless of what you think my husband and I should do about it... Just because a person WAS married to someone and just because they have children with them does not give them a license to be connected to that person for the rest of their life.
So with that said. Yes this has been going on for 15 years but not all of the behavior that I stated. It was much smaller in the beginiing and has escalted through the years.
We tried ta peaceful solution because we preferred not to have the police go to her house and talk to her because of the kids. It really does make weddings and funerals difficult if there are restraining orders and crazy behavior.
He doesn't entertain her phone calls and never answers any number that he doesn't know who it is. Most of her contact when it happens is text messages through other peoples phones.
She never bothered me directly before. She would call me names in text messages to him and phone messages on HIS phone. It is just recently that she started to bother me. She did not call my phone she found my cousin online and sent messages to her and asked her to send them to me. She said all kinds of crazy stuff... This was new behavior and very crazy behavior for a woman in her 50's ...
Bottom line no matter what she is harrassing us I am not sure why anyone would not see that it is abnormal behavior and she is 100% the problem. Normal adult people do not act in this way. If she was making normal contact over the children no reason to call names and harrasss people that would be MORE than willing to be on friendly terms with a normal person. We are not the abnormal ones just because we didn't run to to police. It seems people think that if you don't run to the police than it isn't really happening ... or that my husband wants to talk to her ... he is a non-confrontational person not just with her with EVERYONE... I assure that it is happening and that she is the problem..
I think everyone agrees that
I think everyone agrees that her behavior is abnormal and she is an issue. What everyone is saying though is that allowing this behavior for 15 long years is very strange especially your DH allowing her to harass you. She called you names in texts to him and voice mails yet DH allows it to go on. That’s unbelvable
I understand you don’t want police involved but lawyer writing a letter doesn’t need to involve police. Also i understand not being tech savvy but 15 years is a long time not to research your options/not looking up what could be done etc I suspect the issue is that your DH doesnt want to rock the boat and now you are the only one upset about it and objecting to all this.
If he had an issue with it, especially you being harrassed, he’d take actions long time ago. Allowing his wife to be harrassed/called names by his ex wife and not doing anything about it would be a major deal breaker for many women.
Actually all did not agree
Actually all did not agree that her behavior was the problem which is what put me on the defensive to begin with ...
The details I shared were bits and pieces over the 15 year period. No one had time for me to explain a 15 year problem detail by detail and how we got to where it is today ....
So briefly... It started out much smaller and ignoring her worked some what in the begining. My husband never accepted her behavior, she was told on several occassions to control her mouth and actions and that she was only to call about an emergency with the kids. When the kids were younger she was ignored unless it was something directly to do with the kids. Even then he never called her, she would always call back about an issue more than once and if necessary he answered but most times he called the kids.
Flash foward many years. Once the kids turned 21 he told her that the kids could contact him themselves and he blocked her. Her behavior escalated once she was blocked and that is when she started borrowing other peoples phones and contacting him. It was random every 3-4 months and we kept blocking each number... it was just this past year it got worse and as I stated in another post we were going to the police. We should have it was my fault that we didn't. We had a death in our family and there were other things going on.
We pushed back against this long and hard since she was blocked and never answered her no matter what. This was why I was so upset that my husband would believe that my step-son was in danger and return her call. I was upset wth him which is why I posted to begin with. I also agree with you that he shouldn't tolerate her calling me names and he didn't.
He does have an issue with all of her behavior however it definatley had to be pointed out to him that what he tolerates for himself is not necessarily going to be tolerated by others. In other words this is his problem and he if wants to tolerate it for his life I suppose he can but I wasn't going to. He lived with her long enough before he was with me to also be damaged by living with the craziness and not realizing how abnormal it all was and thinking he had to tolerate it. He was with me a long while before he realized what normal should look like. The crazy ex and those kids took advantage of him for so long it took time to bring him around.
So to have him fall into that by calling her back after we came so far was very diffiuclt for me. So I vented here.
It is very difficult to have someone crazy like this in your life and very easy to say what you would do until it happens.
And we tried many things through the 15 year period and again WE are not the problem and suggesting my husband doesn't want to do something about it is not helpful...
Change your numbers
None of this makes sense. Simply change his phone number. Give the older kids a Google number incase she gets it. Once she does they are easily changed. Meanwhile, you could do what we did. Have the lawyer draft a letter warnig her of legal action, send it by certifield mail. and clearly state neither of you want any sort of relationship with her. That may be enough to scare her.
Thank You the only reason ...
Thank You the only reason we had not changed his number was because he has had it for 20 years and we thought that if the kids had it which they would then she would get it anyway. We thought it was a lot to go through if she would get it anyway.
We are not really teach savvy at all and I don't know anything about a Google phone but could look into it.
I really like the part about the lawyer. I was wondering if we could do something like that as there is a statement in their divorce that says something about not bothering the other and your being free to go on with your life without the former spouse meddling in your life. I think it is standard language however it is there for a reason and maybe could be used.
I have visual voicemail on my
I have visual voicemail on my phone., so voicemails come through as texts. It makes it a lot easier to delete and ignore.
Selective call forwarding
Find out if your carrier has that. I use to forward certain numbers to a company number that just rings. I also did that to BM's number, lol. We almost divorced over this garbage, but thankfully I had a good friend that owned her own private detective firm. She taught me some good stuff that I still laugh about when I think about it. Probably saved my marriage. Back in the day when they had pagers you could change out your spouses pager for the exact same one. When spouse got a page, you merely put it through except you could see who is calling. This busted cheating spouses, or those who were in contact with their exes. After a week or so exchange them back. And if you had someone harassing your dh you didn't have to put that one through. Also, great for certain in-laws that liked to wreck vacations and such..
Thanks for the advice
Thanks for the advice Miss Denise!!
I know this post is older but I was curious if you had any resolutions? I came on here to search for this topic. Your story could be my story. My Skids are 20 and 25 and BM uses any drama with them to contact DH. This woman is BAT SH!T CRAZY! I was wondering at what point should he block her permanently? They can communicate with him directly. They are no longer co-parenting these kids so why does she have to constantly call and text? My husband says she wont be happy until he is dead![Sad](
If your Skids are 20 and 25
If your Skids are 20 and 25 than he needs to tell BM that they are no longer needing to "Co-Parent" these two young adults. I mean, OMG. She is his EX wife. The days of communication between them should have stopped when the skids turned 18, as far as I'm concerned. It's not as though they need to discuss a visitation schedule, or a problem at school. They got divorced because they probably weren't good communicators when they were married. Why do they need to communicate NOW?
The only reason that she should ever have to contact him, is if one of the skids is in an emergency situation and the other Skid is not available to call him. A firm line needs to be drawn. You and your DH are now a united team. She is no longer part of his circle and communication should not exist between the two of them. You should be the center of his circle, and there is no room for two in that thing! ...drama or no drama. She needs to vent to someone in HER OWN circle.