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Done dealing with it

calimom1's picture

I am so sick of trying to get my DH to call, see, and spend time with his daughter as there is no custody/visitation order. I feel like I make more of an effort than he does. With my own baby on the way I just dont have the energy to deal with the fight and deal with BM attitude. I just want whats best for my SD, but she's not my kid. I have my own to worry about now. Is that selfish and wrong of me to think?

kathc's picture

If HE doesn't want to make the effort, let it drop.

If you keep pushing you might regret it. Lots of people ended up with skids and then realized what nightmares they were.

Orange County Ca's picture

You have a preview of what's to come. This guy doesn't care or thinks its not his role to concern himself with children. In his view his role is to bring home money - your role is to take care of kids. It's a workable situation as long as you two don't split whereupon your kid will suffer the same fate. Reconsider before you have more kids with this guy.

calimom1's picture

I see what you are saying, though I think I made him come off badly. He is a good dad and a good guy. Just from so many issues with BM and her malicious ways he tends to not want to deal with her anymore. But I say if you didn't want to deal with her you shoulda been protecting yourself. SD is a "oops" from a booty call. But still. So its not like he doesnt want to see his daughter its that dealing with BM sucks, which is why they need to file some kind of visitation order so he doesnt get the no you can't have her and then before you know it months have gone by.

sixteensmom's picture

When I stopped chasing a relationship with skids I began the greatest phase of my life!
Your responsibility is to be an amazing wife and mother to your child.
If he can't be bothered to build a relationship with his other kid, neither should you be!

calimom1's picture

Thank you. That is so true. Its so hard to stay out of it being a mother and knowing what should be done. But again its not my fight....

Willow2010's picture

Not selfish but you need to stop. Way too many SM's bully their DH in to contact with skid. They almost ALWAYS regret it.

hereiam's picture

His relationship with his daughter is his responsibility. You've tried, let it go.