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Does being married to bio parent make one legally responsible for skid?

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Bear with me, slow to get to the point sometimes. This incident really happened - many years ago. Just wondering what some of you with experience think and how "legally responsible" was I?

Okay, my skid 2, then 14, was constantly badgering dh to "take him to KMart" on the weekends. Finally, on Sunday, dh lost it with the kid and said "if you want to go to KMart, WALK". Well KMart was TEN MILES AWAY...and I said "he can't walk there" but by gosh, dh let him in spite of my pleas to the contrary.

Then...dh takes off in his semi truck to go to work, leaving me with a 2 year old and an infant and NO IDEA where skid is or if he is alright, etc. So I am worried sick...

After awhile I start loading toddler and infant in the car...mind you it was 95 degrees go look for skid. While I am doing so, a state police officer pulls up outside -- with skid in the car and wants to know "who is responsible for this boy" to which I replied "I am his step mother" and I got read the riot act about how hot it was and how DANGEROUS to let skid walk so far, etc. etc.

Well I explained what had happened about dh letting him do this and then leaving...meanwhile my babies are in the damn car...and the officer seemed to have a little bit of understanding for my situation and just said "tell your dh this can't happen again" and left.

So my question...was I "legally responsible" for skid that day being that he was in my care or was his FATHER responsible for neglect or whatever? DH wasn't even LEGALLY the custodial parent --skid's mother was and she lived 700 miles away.

When bm sent him to live with us there was never a legal transfer or custody or anything -- so maybe SHE was responsible...ha ha ha!

Whatcha think?? Thanks!!