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WIC Fraud? What should we do?

jessielynne's picture

Hi all. BF and I are going through a major dilemma at the moment. SS has been residing with paternal grandparents since March 2010, living 2-4 days a week with us, and 1-2 days every other week with his BM. BM receives child support from my fiance, state aid, etc, in spite of SS not residing with her. He does not see any of these benefits with the exception of diapers BM brings to paternal grandparents' home.

The dilemma- we are aware BM has been using the WIC program fraudulently since SS moved in with paternal grandparents. She has been keeping the food which is meant for SS to herself and not where it belongs, with him. This was just an annoyance/frustration to us for some time, until someone pointed out that us just knowing about it and not reporting her is illegal.

She has an upcoming appointment for WIC in a couple of weeks and has already arranged with the paternal grandparents to bring him with.

Do we report her???

Fiance and I are very torn at this point on what we should do. We are worried if she gets caught then BF's parents and us could be implicated, and also worried that BM would be pulled out of SS's life completely. While I'm not a fan of her, I don't feel it would be right to have her taken away from him.

Or, are my fiance and I freaking out over nothing, and if she is caught it wouldn't have any major implications anyway? I've read the consequences of WIC fraud can be pretty huge, but not sure how true that really turns out to be.

Any advice?

Justwantsomepeace's picture

We had a similar problem with our BM. She was claiming the kids lived with her full time and getting food stamps and other benefits (she has never ben the custodial parent). We only found out about it because in our state it automatically signs the kids up for free lunch at school. At first we reported it to the school and they did nothing. The next year we went to DSS with a copy of the custody order and talked to the fraud investigator. We think she got kicked out of her govt housing and maybe had to pay the money back but no charges or anything were filed. This school year, same thing AGAIN. But the letter about free lunch came addressed to me WTF! I'm the SM! This time we got our lawyer involved and he called a friend of his at DSS and we are still waiting to hear the outcome.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

The crap BMs pull, I swear! BM2 was getting child support from DH for SD8 when they had 50/50 custody. She was recieving public assistance for her as well, and not claiming the child support as income. So CSSD contacted DH and asked why he wasn't paying. He WAS paying, and it had been coming out of his paychecks. She was kicked of the program and ineligable to recieve it for a year or two...we don't know how long. She grabbed the kids PFDs and skipped town and hid out for a few years.

It's fine, though, because now DH has sole legal and primary physical custody. And she looks like a giant tool every time we have to go to court because this gets brought up.

TexasBelle_80's picture

You must be in Alaska too! We have the same situation. DH pays CS for 50/50 but she also gets all the PFDs AND the tax break. It's retarded.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Yeah, the year she stole the PFD DH had it in the court order that they were 50/50 and she had to split the PFD with him. It was the year (I think 2008) when the PFD was huge, like $3200. Before the PFDs came out that year, she split, and he got emergency interim custody, and the judge issued a court order that he would recieve the PFD for that year.

So he filed in court today to sue her civilly for fraudently collecting the dividend. She's indigent, but I hope they order it garneished from her current PFD.

She's sooooo horrible. It seems like we're constantly in court with her about something. She has no interest in her kids as anything other than paychecks.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

She's not going to have her parental rights terminated for fraudently collecting WIC. Even if she defrauds public assistance, the penalty for the first time offense is not being eligable for benefits for a period of 1-2 years, and possibly having to pay back any benefits she recieved.

If she is caught defrauding WIC, she will most likely be made ineligable for the program for a term, and ordered to repay benefits she used. You are not going to get in any trouble with WIC, although, in my opinion, it is VERY WRONG for you to turn a blind eye while someone takes advantage of a program fraudulently. You should absolutely report it.

However, if you don't have something in writing, such as a court order, be aware that it is your word against hers.

jessielynne's picture

I definitely agree with you wholeheartedly here. Fact is, my fiance and I want SS2 here with us. Our job schedules only allow for us to have him part of the time, but I am looking into different jobs that would make our schedules work better so we can have him 5 to 6 nights a week or all of the time. I'm praying something will pan out there. We've been advised by friends/family that if we keep him more than half time for a couple of months we may be able to get primary custody, which is our goal.

Paternal grandparents do not like this situation either. They agreed for SS to reside with them for a month or two at first, and every time BM claims she will have a living situation where he can move back in with her, she bails out at the last second. It's been nearly 9 months and grandparents don't know what to do and have been pushing my fiance and I to step up and take over, which I understand completely. SS is BM and our responsibility, not theirs. We recognize this, but BM does not. She's dumped SS on whoever she can his entire life. Before living with the grandparents, he was living with BM's aunt for months. Bm's aunt handed SS to BM and told her he wasn't welcome there anymore because BM wasn't working toward being able to raise him herself- this happened the same day SS moved in with paternal grandparents.

Huge mess. I just want this beautiful little boy in a stable home surrounded by love.

Rags's picture

Yes you report her. And your BF should immediately file for emergency custody on the grounds of child abandonment and request immediate CS from BM retroactive to the date she dumped the kids off on WombGrandPa and WombGrandMa.

We learned very early in our blended family adventure that the only way to protect our son's (my SS) best interests were to smack the shit out of the SpermIdiot and the SpermClan every time they even thought about violating the Court Order. They eventually learned that every time they went whining to the court about how much the were paying in CS or how hard it was to raise the SpermIdiot's younger three also out-of-wedlock spawn the their CS went up.

Eventually all we had to do was roll the CO up and smack them about the head with it and they crawled back under their multi-generational entitlement mentality rock. Giving them basic reading lessons from the CO was always fun for us and demeaning to them. Which is exactly what I was shooting for.

If they got particularly lippy all we had to do was mention going back to court and they would shut the hell up.

Learn to enjoy beating the snot out of the blended family opposition with the CO and in court if you have to.

It sure beats having to cater to their idiot asses.

Best regards,

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Reading your response just made me feel 23% more gratified over slowly and condescendingly reading the CO to BM2 in front of the troopers when she shows up to pick SD8 up on the wrong day and I deny access.

Who can't read a court order? Evidently some bio donors can't. I find it difficult to misinterpret, but evidently it takes an IQ greater than 4. Too bad.

Rags's picture

It is amazing that for more than 16yrs neither BioDad nor SpermGrandMa apparently read the CO. SGM used to call fairly often threatening us with what the Judges or Attorneys that she cleans houses/offices for said about how there should be more visitation and less CS. She would whine to them about the situation but never showed them the CO.

We got to the point that we would just say "if those idiots can not read a CO any better than you can it is no wonder why the entire state you live in is bankrupt .... see you in court". At that she would blow her stack "you would like to go back to court wouldn't you?" We just told her to keep pissing us off and we would start filing for CS amendments every 24mos and her deadbeat POS son would dump even more CS on she and SpermGrandPa.

We heard constantly about how the SpermGrandParents could not afford to raise the younger three out-of-wedlock SpermIdiotSpawn and pay the CS on my SS.

Not our F-in problem.

If she had read the CO she would have denied me much fun and enjoyment over the past 16+ years. Fortunately she apparently can't read which let us roll the CO up and beat the snot out of her with it everytime she got even more stupid than usual.

The real travesty is that she did not beat the snot out of her idiot son with the CO and make him work his tail off to support his 4 out of wedlock children instead of allowing him to dump three of them off on her.

But, you can't fix stupid even if you read the CO to them over, and over and over again. Apparently many who are bound by a CO don't have the double digit IQ capacity to actually read it.

Have fun.

WifeVersion2.0's picture

We had this problem last Friday about BM not knowing/understanding the court order. I asked DH if she had a copy of the order and SS responded by saying "She probably shredded because she didnd't like what was in it". I think DH about died laughing.....these kids know her soooo well!

caregiver1127's picture

My thoughts on this are that if she is taking the WIC and using it for herself she is quite literally stealing food from the mouth of another child or her own child. She is also stealing from every person paying taxes - the money from these programs does not magically appear on the money tree in the back yard it comes from the tax payers. Report her not because you are afraid it could somehow bite you or her in the ass but do it because what she is doing is wrong on so many levels. Unfortunately this is not a case of just one person doing this you know this is being done by hundreds of thousands of people all over the country - if it was just one person doing it the financial stress would be nothing but when it is hundreds of thousands of people that money adds up.

I know you feel she should be in the life of your SS but I am not quite sure why - she dumped him on her parents - she steals from the government, she wants really nothing to do with her child I don't see this woman as being a positive influence in your SS's life and I know all the arguments about how children really need their BP's but I have to say sometimes I think they are better off not having too much contact with someone who has so little regard for anyone but themselves - then we wonder why when we force these parents to try and parent that their child starts to become like said birth parent - if you are a teenager and you have a parent that is responsible and works hard and abides by the law and is respectful to others and is not selfish and then your other parent does not work lives off the system, parties all the time, makes sure they have everything they as the parent want and need, respects nothing which parent do you think the teenager wants to be like of course the one that seems to have the fun and easy life not like the parent who gets up each morning and goes to work, who makes the kids do chores and have the homework done and wants to know where they are and holds them accountable.

People who are responsible did not suddenly wake up one day and say hey you know what I think today I am going to become responsible, respect others, become hard working, be honest and become a working member of society no these people were taught this by their parents who were responsible - I am not quite sure how parents today who coddle and let their children get away with everything because they are children of divorce think that their children are going to end up being responsible adults - it cracks me up when people say I am a hard worker and I really try to be a good human being but I don't know what happened to my child he/she are lazy, nasty to others and are so selfish well usually it is because the child was allowed by his parents to be that way - most people think well my example of being a good and responsible human being should be enough but if we do not reinforce that and make our child act the way we want them to then all of our actions say nothing unless we back them up with making the children be accountable for their own actions.

caregiver1127's picture

I know the amount she is defrauding is a drop in the bucket not even a drop unfortunately for us she is not the only single person doing it - there are hundreds of thousands of people doing it and that is what adds up!! And yes the government should be monitoring it but a little help from concerned citizens helps the government and really the food should be going to SS and the grandparents that are watching him not to the BM.

jenstep's picture

Failure to report a crime? I don't want to have any part of that. I am not going to participate in breaking the law for BM. You don't want BM to find out it was you who turned her in, but I'd be more worried about the WIC program finding out that you knew about it and didn't report it. Is it likely that they will find out - no. Is it possible - yes. If they did find out - what are the chances you'd be implicated? Low. Still, I'm not taking any chances just to help out a shitty BM. I'd consider it my civic duty to do what I could to prevent this kind of fraud. Our BM did the same thing - claiming the children on WIC when we had legal custody. As soon as we found out I badgered DH to call WIC and let them know we had custody. Even sent a copy of the CO. Nothing ever happened to her (as far as we know) but she was stealing from me - a taxpayer. I'm paying to raise her children and she's stealing from me? Not on my watch.

herewegoagain's picture

PS-WIC is for women, infants and children...but NOT for WOMEN is ONLY for women who HAVE infants or children or who are pregnant with a baby...hmmm...not for every woman out there...

LizzieA's picture

I think the bigger issue here is CS. You are paying it but for all intents and purposes she DOES NOT have custody. Why can't you go for it? Even if he stays with GPs while you work, just like millions of other kids.

Jsmom's picture

I would turn her in and go back to court about the CS. If everyone just sits by and lets these people defraud the govt, then they are just as guilty as the ones doing the defrauding.

RaeRae's picture

We turned BM in just yesterday for stealing food stamps. DH's business is doing terribly right now, and we went to apply. Low and behold, she has been getting food stamps for herself, her husband, her 4 kids, and his 2 kids. We looked up income guidelines and he makes about $900 more than that household size. But what's worse, NEITHER OF THEM have custody of the kids! We have the 4 from BM and DH, and her husband's ex wife has custody of the other 2!!

So, hell yeah we turned them in. And provided all the evidence they needed. Because of them, we won't be able to get much needed assistance for at least 2 months.

They are stealing food from 6 kids. And talking about their 'gourmet meals' and how they always have 4 different kinds of milk in the fridge and 6 different kinds of chips and salsas opened--on a freakin video they posted online. So not only are they stealing food from their kids mouths, they are gloating about it online. Bitches. Both of them.

LizzieA's picture

I'd be tempted to write a comment--anon of course--about the great meals food stamps pay for.

crazee_gurl87's picture

Our problem was our BM was obtaining food stamps through two different states using the same social security number but with two different names (using my step-son's fathers last name in one state and using her maiden name in another.) To make matters worse she didn't even have physical custody of her son nor did she even attempt to visit him either. We received a letter in detail about it because my husband had just received full custody of him. We turned the letter into our local DFCS office but nothing was done. Someone within the office knows my step-son's mother and did nothing about the situation. This isn't the first time she's dismissed information we have submitted about the BM. We would have taken it higher up but all the evidence we had for it we have already turned in.

jessielynne's picture

We decided to report her. I emailed the person who runs the public assistance fraud program in wisconsin. I received a reply the next morning thanking me for the information and saying that he assures me they will follow up on it, though he cannot tell me what happens because of confidentiality reasons. that's fine with me so long as something is done.

I just wish we had full custody and this nightmare would be over. BM is taking advantage of the system in so many ways.

k222719's picture

go in for custody, you can do it thru the family courts in your area. It is a PITA with the lingo, you have to submit your evidence to the judge and to her tho so be prepared for that.. our experience anyway..