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Online Family Wizard

wub901's picture

I found this while searching for stuff on my own problems and although this has no use to me it may help somebody else

Crazy_in_Ohio's picture

I thought it looked like it had real potential.

Horsehead was asked to use this by the courts and she wouldn't do it because she didn't have reliable internet, etc. So she said she'd only use it if SO was court ordered to pay for it and her internet connection at her house. Obviously that didn't happen and the court can't order you to have internet and a computer available to you.

bloodynapkin's picture

Thank you for sharing this one. I really need this and I'm going to use this. By the way i also want to share this to you free seo this helps your site be more popular on search engine sites. I know you have a great website. I hope that you will use this to your website. Hoping that I helped somebody. Have a great day guys.