Oh God...I think this is what happened to us-article on second marriage pitfalls/why they fail
Searching for answers as usual and came across this article. I think this may be what H is doing.
- Sita Tara's blog
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It very well could be.
It very well could be.
I was talking about my
I was talking about my situation. My H spent 15 yrs (10 married) with a borderline exW who did everything she could to upset his career and family relationships. I think perhaps he feels he wasted time. When they divorced he went on a ton of dates trying to find a new mate- me.
Then he poured everything into winning my love/marrying me.
Now? I am thinking MOW convinced him that there were better matches out there, and even if it's not her, he better not waste 10 more years with me trying to fix this only to miss out on someone better.
I am so completely utterly sad today. Why would anyone not try to fix a marriage before tossing it? Especially a second one? This has to be part of his thinking. He turned 40 in Oct and I found something in one of his books that he filled out- some survey of where you are and where you want to be in 10 years.
I think turning 40 hit him hard that he was unhappy and rather than look for ways to change that in a positive way he bailed on us to find relief.
I didn't mean this to be everyone's situation. There are a list of other pitfalls on that site. I think it would be a good read for anyone struggling to try and see if they or their spouse have adapted any of those dysfunctional relational attitudes about their marriage.
But I'm 42 in a few weeks and this DEFINITELY relates to me. I don't know why you'd think it was just for 20 somethings?
This sounds like me...
This sounds like me...
I think it's a lot of
I think it's a lot of people.
When I left my first marriage, I had a bit of this in me too. Why waste another day beating a dead horse?
But beat that horse we did- several times in fact, going to counseling and trying to compromise etc.
My beef here, with what my H has done?
Is not even try to tell me he was unhappy and thinking of splitting up. Not ever trusting me with the conversations that something has to change or we won't make it. Not trying to find solutions to fix things himself.
His tossing and running.
My God he gave that first wife every ounce of marital/relational attempts he had in him.
He never even let me know til he had already shut down and decided.
It was so...
intentionally dysfunctional in a way. B/c telling me might have opened a door to trying and well...
he spent all that the first time.
I would never have imagined him so incapable of working on us through the "worse" parts of better or worse. But it appears so.
And if he never has this epiphany of what the right thing to do is?
I will never view him the same way again. He will forever be broken in my eyes.
Not that he seems to care about what I think of him of course, or he wouldn't have done all he has already.
Sorry- still crying. He called last night- and I didn't answer b/c I had already sobbed after seeing him yesterday on a last minute request to have BD for a few hours.
I had BD call him back figuring it was her he wanted anyway. She told me after hanging up that he wanted to ask me something.
I sobbed again.
In front of her.
I just am a mess still and highly frustrated with myself for it.
I was with a man like this
I was with a man like this before BF...I discovered he was broken and no amount of love on my part was going to fix him.
I think it is wrong that he would not at least try counseling. My exH and I went to counseling and figured out the problem; however, we couldn't fix it. Seems like history is repeating itself with BF.
The thing is, do you want to be with someone who is willing to so easily walk away from his family and marriage? I know you've had some health issues lately...you deserve someone who is going to always be there, through good and bad.
I'm sorry you're so down. Do you have any family or friends you could spend some time with? I know that helps me sometimes when I am really down and out.
Hugst to you...
I do have tons of family and
I do have tons of family and friends. I was so amazingly independent once upon a time. I had no real issues like this dealing with my first marriage ending. I was sad, I tried hard to save it and in the end I had to walk away to find myself without my exh. And that made me sad that I couldn't find a way to do it in the context of that marriage.
I don't want to be with the guy I see now no. I just can't believe that this is the real guy I guess. I have known him to be so much more for so many years. Where did that guy go?
I feel alone no matter who's around right now. No one can reach me and I can't feel loved. Just despair and loss. And so very grief stricken in a way I have never felt in my whole life. I posted a week or so ago it's as if every other loss has finally pushed into some abyss- the most horrible thing in the world.
I have had so much in my life, and was always determined to trudge through it and come out stronger, always convinced it served a higher purpose and there would be a better life on the other side of it all. This is the first time I don't feel that way. Like maybe...
there isn't a greater good- all knowing purpose filled meaning I'm heading toward
I feel weak and knocked off my feet in a way that's totally unfamiliar to me. You know how Alice falls forever down the rabbit hole? I'm there and just keep falling and falling....
I can't stop crying every day. When will that stop? It feels like never, until there's another love in my life. Yet I know rationally that's not the answer- that's what he's doing wrong - jumping to another to end/avoid dealing with us. It will just mean worse pain later in my opinion, when you realize you didn't do the hard work to heal and gain perspective on where YOU went wrong this time.
And believe me, I know many mistakes I've made and it's tough to examine them.
But why won't he? Why is he ok with not figuring out how to avoid more heartache later? Why is he ok with jumping into a new person?
Is there another person in the world who is capable of the hard work who will be with me one day?
Last time I was single-it was FIVE YEARS single. I don't want that life again, the struggle, the holidays alone, no one special to spend my life with. Did I grow? Was I strong and independent and self sufficient? Yes. Will I be again? I'm sure.
Yet I'm not there yet. I am tempted to sit right here, pining away til I just don't want to pine away anymore. A good friend told me to do that. If it's not on his time frame, then let him file.
What I'm most stuck with is the feeling that I should be shoving papers his way and making demands and I don't want to. I am not ready to. When will I be? What does it take for me to find that person who at 30, left a comfortable marriage in search for something more? Why is less good enough?
I don't know. I didn't know it was less til he told me so.
But good bad etc... it was MY marriage. This is my HOME. These are my CHILDREN.
I was thinking today about my anger toward MOW again. It was MY FAMILY, MY MARRIAGE she walked into, took a look around in, and said, "Yep...I would like to have me some of this."
How dare she do that?
I am angry with him yes, and I have been an ignorant OW in my younger single days....
But now I really get it. How dare she? Who does she think she is?
Why does she feel so entitled to hi-jack my life like this?
Why doesn't she worry about my children and how they feel? Why does she think she can just take over my life and make it hers?
There is some narcissism involved there too, isn't there? The entitlement, the lack of empathy for what you're doing to someone else without them having one bit of say.
I was depressed. I admit that. I admitted it to my H at the time. Does that mean I didn't deserve a chance, some space away from this other woman to try and save my marriage? Why does she think that divorce is the best thing for me? And I'm sure...
she does. Because she wants one so that makes it the answer for all. And he felt relief after his last one so he will feel relief again from leaving me.
I am so disgusted with our culture's attitude toward all things expendable. Your spouse acting funny? Well, here- try this NEW one.
I am just going to take one day at a time til I'm ready to start over again. And I guess they will have no choice in waiting me out while I do.
I may not have most of the choices, but I do have a right to grieve, to process, to move at the pace that benefits myself and my children the most.
He wanted to be on his own, so I can't concern myself with what he wants of me now.
I understand. I was single
I understand. I was single for four years before meeting my BF. When I think about starting all over again it is horrible. It takes time to find someone who is a good fit and time to get to know one another.
My dad always says, "If you don't know what to do, do nothing." Unfortunately, this has become my mantra, lol. But seriously, you're saying you're not ready to do anything so there's no rush or time table for you.
I know you're saying you're not clinically depressed but you sound very depressed. I took antidepressants years ago and they helped so much...it was only for a few months but it was enough to help clear my depression enough so that I could deal with things -- mainly getting a new job that paid better and dealing with a very painful breakup. After that, I had a great job (which I left to be with BF) and new friends, my finances were better, better hours for work so my home life was better...have you considered taking them or taken them before?
I am so sorry you're having such a hard time.
What's hard for me Kat is I
What's hard for me Kat is I was always tossed aside too when I was younger. I thought it was my fault in the choosing and still do, b/c those men pretty much wore signs stating "I'm an ASSHOLE" in neon letters.
But this time? I had NO FEARS or insecurities that he would leave me.
I wish I had some warning of it so I could have prepared myself. I don't think the article is about leaving first so you don't get hurt.
But leaving someone when you feel discomfort or unhappiness. Blaming the other person for that rather than looking at ways you can find happiness or improve things yourself. I was ALWAYS trying to do that, always communicating to him that I was trying to do that.
He didn't communicate to me that he was that unhappy. Just shut down and left me.
This kind of blindsided is so very hard for me to deal with. I am just sitting waiting for some epiphany to hit me about how much better off I will be, or how I'll find someone better.
And those may be true, but...
All people are flawed and all relationships/marriage have times of vulnerability. Second marriages/ long term relationships, especially steps, are highly fragile.
Why do men in particular not see that and why do they spend so much time on those first highly dysfunctional women/wives only to toss one capable of the hard work that lifetime commitment requires? Why can't he see my ability to forgive and work through this as the gift of unconditional love that it is?
And since he's determined to kill every ounce of what was left between us....
How can I make sure I never pick someone incapable of lifetime commitment and relationship coping skills/tools again?
I wish he would tell me if
I wish he would tell me if that's the case.
I still love him very much Kat. I know I shouldn't but I did commit for a lifetime, and until I feel differently there's nothing else I can do but allow myself to acknowledge that love is still there, the desire to stay married is still there.
I'm pretty sure it's what's holding me up on the healing, letting go, moving on etc front.
I really, truly, loved him unconditionally.
I don't know that I ever have done that before. And my fear is to let go b/c...
I won't be able to ever trust enough to do it again.
With anyone.
If he was able to do
If he was able to do whatever it took, including sharing his passwords to all accts, putting a keylogger on all computers, etc.
Problem is, I don't know that he's capable of that level of commitment to reconcile, b/c like you say about the smoking, every time he has to share it would be admitting he violated my trust.
Far better to cut your losses and start fresh, when you feel bad? I suppose it might be.
But it's not how I live my life.
Knowing this, means I know he and I are different.
When I finally believed we could work out together in the beginning of our relationship, I thought it was because we valued and treated people the same way.
This has been a gross display of that not being true.
But is it who he is? Or did he have some sort of break from who he is from the stress of blending, from the stress of my being overwhelmed and depressed, from the stress of SD.
He can't leave her. So...
that leaves leaving me as the only option to reduce his stress.
Not functional relationally...
I'm still struggling with whether or not I can forgive him if he never even tries to fix us.
Every day that passes is a lost opportunity and the door closes ever so slightly another inch.
Some days I want to slam it shut, but I'm not there yet.
Other days? When he asks about my dreams we used to talk about, and tries to offer encouragement on how I should follow thru with them?
The door opens a crack and tears flow out of it.
I just want the pain to stop, but am far too functional relationally to run into the arms of another to make it so.
That never works long term. Or rarely, and there's too much baggage for it to run smoothly.
So I know it wouldn't benefit me long term to find a replacement and soothe my weary heart...
As well as it breaking my heart that he doesn't know better himself than to do that.
I'm inbetween a rock and a hard place Kat. Healing from grief is not for wimps.
From what I understand about
From what I understand about reconciling...
He needs to find closure and forgive himself. She has likely forgiven him after all this time.
As long as he is always accountable and makes every effort to stay connected with her, that they both do, then it can work out.
I'm glad he atoned for it Kat. I wish my STBX could.
God I hate even typing that out "STBX."
I so long for the days I was able to write "DH"...
I miss my DH...
How pathetic am I? What does it take to break me anyway?
I love ya Vic. Thanks for
I love ya Vic.
Thanks for chiming in.
I wish I could share this all with my H (there I said it --- I HATE typing STBX when I'm not ready for him to be such.)
Am I delusional? Or just fragile, grief stricken, and in mourning?
Sometimes I wanna take the advice of several friends and tell him I'm not filing til I feel like it. If he wants to file for the more expensive route then he can, right?
I wish I could slow him down. We just separated, how 'bout we do that for a bit while I adjust.
I just know the question for how soon I can get a job and move out now that I've had week plus of "space" is next.
And I haven't really had much space as I've had to see him/hear from him a lot regarding visitation of BD4.
I wonder if I should just set little deadlines for myself/make lists of what I need to accomplish.
Type resume by---
make list of potential employers by---
And refuse to consider moving until that first step of a job is there.
I dunno.
Still stuck and starting to worry I'm not strong enough to let go.
Thanks Kat... I am
Thanks Kat...
I am struggling with the stuck part bc I want a short cut to the happy alone part. Or the wow- this new guy is great now I'm happy it ended with H - part.
There are no short cuts are there.
Well....but he seems to have found one, yes?
Why is it the ones who inflict the most pain are so at peace with having done so while those inflicted upon struggle to pick up the pieces?
I am so hard on myself b/c I know I am a strong woman underneath all this sadness. But man...
I just miss him and that's all there is to it.
I think I hinged way too much on the "peace" I would feel when they moved out.
And you know what else I
And you know what else I struggle with?
How others will see me as weak, view me as pathetic b/c they are so sure of what they would do (drop his ass and not let the door hit him on the way out kinda thinking.)
I know.
I used to think that too.
And TOLD HIM SO many times regarding infidelity.
He did this as a way for me to have no choice but to toss him.
I don't think he expected I would want to try to work things out.
I feel we have so much at stake. I know how damaging divorce/blended families can be now, even in best case scenarios.
I see BD4 struggling already with what this means for her.
I was thinking today of my own parents, how unhappy my mom was and how she blamed my dad for it.
My sister always wanted them to divorce. I did too by the time I was 10 b/c my mom was so unhappy.
I am thinking back to when I was 5 years old, and remembering how I wanted my daddy there at night (he worked swing shift) and how the times he wasn't I had nightmares and was sad and felt unsafe.
I loved my daddy, even if my mom was unhappy.
And as an adult I let that effect my own first marriage, to a degree where I forgot about the 5 year old Sita loving her parents together completely, to focus on the angry 10 yr old Sita's wanting my mom to be happy at the expense of my dad's happiness.
But once I was on my own for five years and saw the compromises I placed on my sons lives- the cost of my "happiness" and "fulfillment" I realized they craved a family together. I tried to give them one and they embraced it.
Now he's tossing it and once again I'm reminded that I may not have put their best interests at heart my first marriage, as I believe my H is not doing with BD4 now.
What is wrong with giving us a year to try to work things out?
It's only a year.
Why isn't he capable of that?
Why am I so capable and not afforded that chance?
Why does MOW's needs rank above the family's needs?
I knew I'd have a rough Monday after having kids home the past two weeks on their spring breaks.
I don't think it shows any
I don't think it shows any weakness Sita.
I've told DH several times that if he cheats he's out...no questions asked. It's a little bit harder than that though when you love him isn't it? I can't imagine being without him, no matter what he would or ever could do I love the man and want to be with him. Walking away would be the hardest thing ever. It's not a weakness, it's simpily love.
You also have your daughter that you see missing her dad.......it's terrible. She's so young, she doesn't deserve to go through this.
I worry the most about her....of course I worry for you, but this is going to affect her for the rest of her life.
You loved, and still love, this man so much. You never saw any of this coming, that makes it even more hurtful. I remember you blogging about things and wondering what was going on between you two. Someone suggested another woman maybe and you shut that down and said no way would he do that. You had such faith in him.....now it's broken.
That's hard to deal with and wrap your head around. You trusted someone fully and he did this to you.
It's going to be a while Sita before you can move on. Don't rush yourself. You take as much time as you need, don't let him rush you either. You didn't ask for this.............he did. Now it's time for HIM to deal with the consequences. Of course you have to deal with the hurt, but you don't have to be rushed into a divorce. If he wants to push it like that then he can file it and stand in front of the judge and tell him why he wants to end his marriage, while you are telling the judge that you still love him and don't want to give up just yet........
I keep thinking he has to wake up from all of this. What could have possibly happened to make HIM of all the DH's I've read about here do this? I'm lost, and I'm sure you are the most lost of all. (((((((Sita)))))) I'm so sorry you are going through this.
Thank you Jen... For you to
Thank you Jen...
For you to understand, to wish for some happy ending for me means a lot to me.
I am struggling most of all with why I still want to wait it all out myself. Why I am not saying you cheated get OUT of my head and my heart already. Why?
My mom said something that surprised me the other day. I told her that one concern I have is what if he did have a change of heart. My family is so angry with him. His too, but of course they would be thrilled if he had a change of heart, they wish for it too.
My mom said...
"If you thought it would work we would have to support you fully, wouldn't we. We love you and just want your happiness."
I was shocked.
Then sad, b/c deep down I feel hopeless that he'll ever see the light. I picture him so happy with his new apartment, dating MOW whenever she's free if she's not fully free yet. Going to work and joking with people and totally relieved to not have to see or talk to me anymore.
That's how I feel. Like he's just thrilled to be free of me, while I'm sitting here sobbing and missing him and unable to tell him so.
I struggle with not wanting to be that ridiculous BM we have all talked about on here, the "LET GO ALREADY- YOU'RE PATHETIC" post that someone will be writing one day about me.
Thanks too for mentioning how I wrote of how much I loved him for so many years on here...how all of you were shocked that this man I raved about could do this to me.
Reminds me why I'm shocked and sad.
He really was that guy. I don't know what happened to him or where he went.
I wish like hell he'd show up again soon. I really do.
Oh honey you aren't ordering
Oh honey you aren't ordering him out of your heart and head yet because you aren't ready to do that, you love him. You can't turn it on and off like water. No matter what he's done you love him.........and it's just going to take time for you to not. You're so not pathetic. And if anyone ever writes that you are I'll hurt them.
I believe he's losing the best thing that ever happened to him. He won't find another girl like you, there's no way. He's going to regret it, but it's going to be to late because you're going to be free of all of his messes and you are going to be happy. One day at a time Sita, that's all you can do.
Just remember, you ARE going to be happy. This will fade over time, as all things do that hurt.
And while he may be having so much fun with this tramp right now, sooner or later he isn't going to be having fun. And you're not even going to care........because you're going to be over him completley.
You feel what you need to feel, you take as much time to mourn this marriage as you need. Don't be rushed, there's nothing to rush tward right now. All you can do is take it day by day and try to keep your chin up as much as possible.
PS......I read every blog you write. I often don't respond because I didn't know if you still love me.
The last thing I'd ever want to do to you is hurt you by offering my advice. I'm really glad you see the difference between me and this hoochie he's throwing his life away on.
Thanks for chiming in
Thanks for chiming in Crayon. I know you've been through the gauntlet yourself. You are one inspiring survivor of the stepworld for sure.
Its not a long article, but it gave me some insight.
Thanks Brightside. I know
Thanks Brightside. I know you're right there with me sorting out life...
I can't do self help books/articles right now. I've been there done that. I find a few interesting relevant things in them now, then I start going all numb to them. Once again...
I end up reading, saying, "Yeah...I know...I remember feeling that there was a greater good coming and I just needed to plow through til I got there and it would all make sense. But, SO what."
That's how I feel about nearly all advice. No epiphanies like there used to be. Just so what. Empty words that used to have meaning and relevance.
I don't know where I am, who I am, where I could possibly be going. I see, meet, am finding many mentors in older women who have said "F" all men I'm done with them. They seem so happy and fulfilled.
I don't want to turn out like them when it comes to love though. I want the long haul. I want the happily ever after, with the understanding that takes a lot of concerted effort.
I thought so much that I found that in him. That all his stories of trying to work through his problems with his ex meant he would be able to do it with me for sure b/c I can comprehend how to work through things, I can let go of taking things so personally in the long run for the big picture/greater good sort of thing.
I sit and think of all those stories he shared of sitting there trying to explain to BM what had to change and why it would benefit them both to change it.
Where was my conversation? Where was my H? Why didn't he TELL me he was on a brink and needed me to help him through it? Why did he tell someone else and not me after all those years of doing more for his first wife to try to make it work?
Sad again.
Had a chat with him tonight regarding taxes. I kept it a text/chat b/c I can't talk to him right now about anything b/c I just want to cry.
The chat was enough to make me ache for him to want to talk to me again about more than taxes. Just a texting chat. I had to finally tell him I was putting BD to bed and Goodnight.
He texted back Goodnight...
I want him to tell me goodnight...kiss me goodnight and good morning.
I fell asleep with BD4 when I put her down and when I woke up it was still that feeling of forgetting what's happening and then remembering again.
When will my stupid head stop doing that? I still have nightmares about him and OW. The other night it was one where he took me to a work event (which they don't have in the real world anyway) but then realized he wanted to be with her there instead. In the dream she approached me with a rationally toned conversation about how I really wasn't doing myself any good by pining for him, by holding on, how their love was more than ours ever was, and how much better she would be for them, for SD, for my own BD4 than I am...
I woke up drenched in sweat and tears. I was crying while I was dreaming.
I just can't get a break, even in my sleep.
Thanks again for the outlet. It has been a purging of sorts on here since he moved out.
I hope he's not reading, but I can't worry about it right now.
I need this outlet, this writing to catharsis.
I'm not going to say anything that's not in my heart.
And I appreciate all the responses and the tone of understanding for my pain and situation that everyone is showing.
Warms my soul to know someone cares and doesn't mind my purging.
The other night I went to an arts event- got paid to walk around and chat to customers while in costume (50's costume from the murder mystery I did a few weeks ago.)
A friend who hung out with me a lot, graduated with me from college while I was singe to married and pregnant with BD4 was at the event. Her BF is a metal artist who was exhibiting there.
We chatted a bit. I kept my sad chat to a minimum since I was working. But I could tell that my sadness emulated out of me to a degree where she was uncomfortable seeing my pain. She promised to meet me for coffee soon, then excused herself to get back to the booth. But when I did a loop again I saw her checking out the art with another friend instead of being back at her BFs booth.
What I can get here, I can't get always out there with my friends and family. My pain right now is too frustrating for them to bear, even if I don't talk about it.
They don't want to see it. I guess that's part of why my H had to move out too.
So here I turn.
And here you all deliver your ears, patience, unconditional support.
This is a blessing for me, and I appreciate it more than you all could ever know.
No DPWB... I am not, but I
No DPWB...
I am not, but I understand where you're coming from.
Our relationship was very much all that for many years. This year?
It fell down.
You know I was watching the view the other day, which I don't really even watch any TV now but I happened to turn it on.
Whoppie was saying how affairs only happen in an already broken marriage, and Joy (who is not married but in a 25 yr plus committed relationship) and Elizabeth who is so ultra conservative I NEVER agree with her and neither does Joy come to think...
Were chastising Whoppie for it. Now I know Whoppie's been the OW and the committed person cheating many times, and she admitted that.
So that's where she's coming from, and where I came from before now.
But Elizabeth was dead on.
She said, "No one is above being vulnerable to cheat. But a married person should be considered off limits period. Because all long term marriages have vulnerable periods of time. If they are left alone, most make it through to another phase/period of time. So when a spouse is distracted and not there for the other spouse, if no one is around eventually the slighted spouse will let the other know they need to fix it, or the distracted spouse will stop being so and refocus on the slighted spouse and fix it."
I'm paraphrasing, but that's the main point.
But when someone seizes that opportunity to sway the slighted spouse away from the other spouse?
It can happen. Where a formerly good marriage becomes vulnerable, and if left to the parties involved it would have made it through to something better.
But if interrupted by someone else during that vulnerability it will crumble under the influence of another.
I truly believe that's what happened here. I'm not absolving him and his inability to resist, sense what was happening and turn toward us.
I am saying a lot happened the last year to sabotage our ability to reconnect. And sometimes the right string of circumstances can hinder the ability for a couple who does love each other to find their way back to the marriage.
He's not a serial cheater.
He is a man who cheated when vulnerable.
He may not even think that, but I suspect with enough digging he could still get that.
If he wanted to dig.
What this article helped me see, was why he may not have felt up to digging. He dug too big a hole the first time with someone incapable of lifting their own shovel.
So his experience is telling him it will not work again and why invest. Meanwhile there's someone else, on their own way out of their own hole, offering to lift their shovel to help him out of his.
This was true a bit in the affair I was involved in during my early 30's.
I had been through divorce and felt like it was for the greater good. I imposed that thinking on the man I was involved with and his wife actually. Everyone would be happier one day when everyone was with the "right" person.
What I have seen with him though, is by staying together, forgiving themselves and each other, that they found a different happier than I envisioned. Perhaps...
A more fulfilling one for the hard work they did to move forward.
I wanted that here. That may be what's holding me up too.
And remember DPWB...
I may have found out about the affair months ago, but he just moved out a week plus ago.
And unlike your situation, and BS's situation, I have to see him and have contact with him all the time, even via texting.
That's going to make my healing letting go journey take more time.
I think through this post and the others the past few weeks I'm starting to let go of at least that fact.
That I cannot rush, cannot push, cannot take more than baby steps away from this marriage, b/c you can't take a short cut through your individually tailored grieving process.
I know all about some of the pitfalls I'm making in moving forward. But they are acutely related to who I am, how I process, who I'm working with here, etc etc.
It took me a year and a half to move on from the married man, and I didn't share a child, a home, a life with him.
I think I have to sit back and realize I'm in for a long haul.
Its so simple. As much as
Its so simple.
As much as you want it. He has to want it too.
He doesn't. He is too simple
He doesn't. He is too simple to want it TBS. He wants things to come too easily to make a marriage work.
I am so exhausted and now getting a cold again. This weekend I head to the writers retreat I go to every year. The first year I went was when I met my H. Now...I don't want to go. I don't want to go on sometimes with the things I used to love.
I didn't realize how much I loved my life and am struggling with how much I want it back and how little he cares about me.
"Don't seek, don't search,
"Don't seek, don't search, don't ask, don't knock, don't demand - relax. If you relax, it is there. If you relax, God shows you the way."
But I am a seeker, a
But I am a seeker, a searcher, a questioner...
I should perhaps be more demanding yes.
It's who I am. And why I was so picky and stayed single so long. I wanted a man I could depend on. Who was capable of the hard work. He likely misrepresented that part, b/c he didn't know he wasn't so.
If I didn't have BD4 I'm sure I could go NC and pull myself out of the funk. As it is, I've made the appt for antidepressants. I just hate taking those meds. I took xanax for a month or so, just at bedtime mostly, and it gave me horrible dreams. Vivid dreams of them together. And besides, I took med for ADD when I was really overwhelmed with SD's issues, thinking if I could have help focusing I'd do better. I took it for a year and a half and stopped when I had the precancerous lesion removed for fear that the med was making it grow faster since it increases metabolism.
Anyway...that med affected my libido in a big way, as in I couldn't sleep and being touched made me jumpy. That contributed to our inability to connect, though when I went off of it and told him how much better I felt he thought it was an excuse for my withdrawing.
So those meds don't usually agree with me. But I can't go on this way, crying all the time and unable to enjoy anything. So maybe some antidepressants will help me be able to focus on something else for a bit.
"Some people mistakenly
"Some people mistakenly believe that their loneliness is a product of another person's absence."
I read that one, and believe
I read that one, and believe the old Sita guru could have written that quote myself.
But this level of grief is like nothing I've ever gone through.
I think it's b/c it's not just him I'm losing. It's not just his absence that makes me feel so lost.
It's the dreams of raising our daughter together so she didn't have to go through step crap. It's the dreams of family. It's the fact that I have to leave my home and move, get a job and put BD4 in daycare, that I have to go back to being a single mom again, which I've already done and though I grew a lot, I was over the nostalgia of it by the time I met him. Its about losing my MIL/FIL/SIL/BIL/Nieces/nephews....all those Jersey cousins. And SD no matter what our issues were. We were family for the past 6 years.
Not to mention the friends I've met of his that I loved.
It's an exponential loss. It's not just security, since obviously THAT was an illusion anyway.
It's not just a love, a friend, a companion.
It's my whole flippin' life the past 6 years-
My exH didn't have to do that. He moved back into his childhood home. He had a job that he loved already. My family could still visit with him and "kept" him as part of the family.
A great deal of that he owes to me for ending it without adding a 3rd party. And the fact that I was strong enough to own the ending and not need to place blame his way.
There's a lot to deal with. I feel like I've been through a huge traumatic event and just can't pull myself out of it.
I have done this work before...
and I think...
am very frustrated and sad that I am facing it again.
If that makes sense.
As in...