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Can she take his car?

Step2be's picture

BF's job was recently outsourced and he is currently looking for new employment. He is NOT delinquent on CS. However, the BM keeps leaving threatening messages about taking his car when he falls behind (which will not happen) My question is....could she really take his car?

frustratedinMA's picture

NOPE! Not at all. She sounds a bit Psycho. They can garnish his wages at a job, but I do not believe taking a vehicle is included in what they can take. If you get a home.. put it in your name solely.

I owned my home before my DH asked me to marry him... To this day, the house is in my MAIDEN name, and his name will NOT go on the deed until the day those children are emancipated. I refuse to put everything I worked for all my life on the line to that crazy lazy Be otch.

Step2be's picture

Believe me....Psycho doesn't even scratch the surface with this one. Thank you for your comment. We will make sure we keep everything separate!

Angel's picture

property state and you do not have a prenup & don't have him sign off of the house----presto, his name is on the house! But she still can't take it. Nor the car.
I understand exactly how you feel. You can mess with me, but not my kids nor my money!


If he is behind on child support and they have tried to garnish wages and levy his bank account, suspend his license and still no payment then they can take his property and auction it off to pay the back child support. But there is a chain of command to go through. My ex is suppose to pay me $2000 a month in child support and he is refusing, so the child support services told me that they have to follow this chain of command first before they attack his assets. But like you said that he is not behind on child support so she obviously doesnt know what she is talking about. He can be a month late and still nothing that drastic can happen. I am not sure what state you are in but here in California that is what happens. Maybe you should check with your child support website and print out the chain of command and send it to the ex wife. Maybe then she will see her head is full of air.

Step2be's picture

Fortunately he is up to date on his child support. I would make sure he was even if I had to pay it. We will not give her any type of leverage to use. Thank you for your input!