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Alimony Question

frustratedmom's picture

My BF has been paying alimony to his EX for a few years now and she has taken my BF to court in the past for various reasons to get more money for this and that, you name it!

Anyway my question is....
I was looking at a copy of my BF's, EX's paycheck stub and she has listed on her stub as "M" for tax status. Which means "married" Right??? Do you think EX put this on her W-4 when she got hired- to have "less" taxes taken out of her check every month? and if she did put "M" on the form does she have to list a "spouse name?" my BF and his EX have divorced for several years and his EX just got this job a year ago, so she can't say "oh i forgot to change it to "S-single. I am thinking she is doing something illegal here. When I fill out forms for a new job, I put "S" for single. I also noticed on her paycheck stub it says: DEP LIF 4. I would think this means "dependent life" coverage for 4 people?? I thought when people take out life insurance on someone it's either with kids, or spouse?

My other question is if the above is true, is this something my BF should check into?? or is this a way to possibly have his alimony cancelled??

ColorMeGone2's picture

I don't think it matters a whole helluva lot to her employer, but it may matter to the IRS. If she claims married on her taxes, then yes, it's a problem. But if she claims married to have less taxes taken out of her check, then it just means she'll have to pay more taxes when it comes time to file her tax return. (IF she is honest with the IRS, that is.) You can claim fifty exemptions on your W-4, but when it comes time to file your tax return, you'd better be able to supply proof that you have 49 dependents. If she's truly single, but putting M on her W-4 AND filing as married on her taxes, then yeah, she's doing something shady. Is she living with someone? Even if she hasn't remarried on paper, I wonder if she's living with someone and what the laws are in your state concerning common law marriage. She may be filling forms out this way to take advantage of "civil union" laws without losing her alimony.

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

TheSaneOne's picture

Go to the courthouse and research marriage records to see if she has gotten re-married
If she is claiming the civil union laws then she can't have her cake and eat it too -she can't benefit on one hand from being married while benefiting on the other hand by not being married and getting alimony. Let us know what you find out.
How many kids does she have....could she have life insurance on herself and the kids or this possible spouse?

frustratedmom's picture

As far as I know the EX's BF doesn't live with her, but he sure does stay there all weekend when we have my BF's kids. I have asked my BF kids if EX's BF stays the night there alot and they told me "no." but still I am wondering could she have remarried in another state? and just not be living with him and covering it to keep her alimony going?? or is that just crazy thinking on my part? but I also find it very strange what I discovered also. I'm just really wondering.... i'm definitely going to look into it. Oh, what is "civil union laws"??? a couple of you have menttioned it but I have never heard of that. also for the record up above on the life insurance. She has 2 children.

smurfy1smile's picture

Find out if BM remarried. Her stating married on her w-2 can cause her troubles with the IRS, but that won't hurt BF. I think civil union laws are like common law marriages where 2 people only have to live together for X amount of time and in the eyes of the law they are "married" but they didn't have the ceremony.

frustratedmom's picture

Well it's been awhile but I found out what is going on. My BF's ex put down on her paycheck stubbed that she was "married" to have less taxes taken out through out the year, and apparently that is legal for a person to do. As far as the "DEP LIF 4" I still don't know what that means, and I am at this point I could give a crap less. After all who would marry that witch? LOL!