your thoughts
sd 26 gave a fathers day card to her father. in her teens this young woman would barely talk to her father even when he begged her to call him on the phone and bought everything her heart desired.
this card said something like this. i am so honored to have you for my father. as each year passes i grow to love you more and am so grateful for your support all these years. you are my best friend for ever. kisses and hugs and smooches.
the other sd is also visiting her ex sf out of town who she is very close to. dh is very mad over this as ex sf cheated with bm and she married him.
your thoughts?
cat, thank you forthe wishes.
cat, thank you forthe wishes. dh is too proud that he has been taken advantage of.
My thoughts? They are
My thoughts? They are entitled bitches, which is what my SD will become if FDH doesn't put his foot down! }:)
justagirl, great way with
justagirl, great way with your words.
thank you for the advise. oh
thank you for the advise. oh and what was going to be a private fathers day lunch is now a party for the friends of sd. free food and a lunch for her friends. plus dad does the cooking in the hot kitchen.
thank you, stepaside. its
thank you, stepaside. its just hard when sd thinks of dh as a bestfriend. doesnt she have any girl friends her own age?