Why is the Ex such a WITCH
Well, Once again I get home from work to my husband being in rareform, he was not angry he just had a shiteatin grin on his face...I asked what was wrong and at first he didn't want to say anything...Finally he said he called to check on his daughter and had a conversation with the EX, he just wanted to remind her of the childs doctors appt for tomorrow, yeah since she never bothered to get the kid a regualar family doctor we recently had to make an appt. for her with our family doctor as she has been having really bad headaches, so tomorrows vist is just a follow up and since its our dr. they called our house with reminder...When he reminded his ex of appt. she flipped out he said just call them if you can't make it as we will be charged regardless, he then asked to speak to his daughter and she flipped out and said she is sleeping "WHAT I GUESS YOU WANT ME TO WAKE HER UP??" (You know the tone) He said no just have her call me when she wakes up, she then said what the F--- ever and hung up on him....I just don't understand how you can be sooo nasty to someone and want them to jump through hoops for you all the time...I have a real problem with her talking to MY husband like that, she does it all the time no matter what the conversation is about unless of course she wants something I am ready to bite her head off my damn self...ANY ADVICE...
That is so rude of her...
That is so rude of her... Why does he continue to let her speak to him that way? He should say something about it. If not don't let her take SD to any appts if she is going to be rude. He should definately stand up for himself.
-happy mom
That used to happen with my husband and his ex...
My husband's ex used to talk to him like that as well. It used to make me very upset and then eventually, it made me lose a bit of respect for him that he allowed her to manipulate him and stomp all over him....this is the man that I married...the protector...the person I am supposed to feel safe with. I made the mistake of defending his honour with his ex, with his kids...and always somehow I was the bad guy. So I decided to stay out of those issues completely. It was definitely in my best interest to do this!
same boat with the respect thing
I am in the same boat with my husband not standing up to his manipulating ex. I told him he needs to figure out who he is married too. He is a puppet to her and he always has a excuse for her. And your right it makes you loose respect for him as a man. It's like he can stand up to everyone else in the world but not her!!! he keeps his tail between his legs. How do you get them to realize?
I know exactly how you feel. They think that just because they have a kid with this man that gives them the right to be nasty whenever they want. Just try to be calm and don't let her nasty attitude get to you. She's being nasty because she's not happy and she wants to drag you two down and be miserable with her. Don't let her drag you down! If she's too irresponsible to take her own child to the doctor, maybe you guys should take care of all that stuff from now on.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*