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why are people so nasty...

1996z28's picture

My boyfriend and I have been together for about two yrs; he has a 12 year old son. We get him every other weekend, he won't shower, brush his teethetc for days unless you make him. Whenever he's out of school my bf makes me watch him, and bitches and complains when after working late (which what is the point of me watching your kid if you're going to work late), he comes home and bitches at me bc his kid hasn't showered. Not my job. When I was his age I was cooking for myself. Really? To make things worse, I'm never allowed to do anything bc he is so scorned from the ex wife. I told him I wanted to pay for myself to get a breast augmentation. He said he won't allow it bc he paid 5000 for his ex to get one. Ridiculous. He won't let me get a job bc his ex got a job and ended up cheating on him. What the Hell should I do?

midnyt's picture


Are your bio kids also his bio kids?

It sounds to me like he is either really controlling or really insecure.

If these are things you really want to do then you need to sit him down, and tell him rationally that you really want to do these things for yourself and that you will be doing them whether he likes it or not, dont lose your temper, just state it as fact. Reassure him that just because you want to do these things does not mean you will have an affair or leave him, just that you need to have a life of your own.

I could be way off base here but thats what I am getting out of your post. If these are things you want his denying your right to do them could drive a wedge between you and ultimately drive you away anyway. If thats the way you are feeling then you really need to make sure he knows that this could be the outcome if he persists with the non working etc

As for his kid, well, perhaps you could explain to him that SS doesnt listen to what you say so when he gets home from work, late or not, he needs to ensure that his son does what he should be doing hygenically. His son, his responsibility.

Good luck!

1996z28's picture

Haha, the thing is I don't believe you should have to tell a 12 yr old to shower. I have two sons of my own, 6 and 3, and they can already take their own showers. I even bought them a stool, and they take their dishes to the sink. But his kid is allowed to leave wrappers dishes in his room etc and it is disgusting. Why are my toddlers held to their own standard and yet I am required to pick up after his lazy kid? It is nuts's picture

Charge him for babysitting his son, save up the money, and pay for your own augmentation! Smile

B22S22's picture

Wait.... is he your boyfriend, or husband?

Boyfriend?? 'Nuf said.

Who the hell is HE to tell YOU what you can do and can't do? You CAN'T get a job? WTF.

Absolutely not, no how, no way would I put up with THAT.

1996z28's picture

Boyfriend, but he is financially supporting me right now. I'm actually a college student enrolled in courses for a degree he chose for me. I know, stupid, but I don't really have any other way