What would you do if your skid wanted to come live with you and your SO?
One of my biggest fears is that one of my skids, or even worse, both of my skids will want to come live with my husband and me. We have them every other weekend now, and I can't even stand that much time with them. I don't know what I would do if either one or both came to live with us. I honestly think I would move out of the house, and then my husband would probably want a divorce. I don't think I'd want a divorce, but I'd want to live on my own until his kids moved out. I know I shouldn't be worrying about something unless it happens, but I can't help it. What would you do?
I've already discussed this
I've already discussed this with my husband. He said it's nothing I'd have to worry about.
But , I don't know if I could handle her living with us. Every weekend we have her literally drive me to my breaking point. The minute she goes home I finally feel like I can breathe again. To lose that ... I'd literally lose my mind.
Or go off on the kid so fucking bad after all this time holding it in that she would change her mind and go home crying to momma.
So, I'm not alone with my
So, I'm not alone with my thinking! Thank God! I'd probably have a nervous breakdown and lose my mind too.
^^This is precisely how I
^^This is precisely how I feel. Now, if there were NO other option (i.e. BM got thrown in jail, died, whatever) I guess I'd have to just suck it up and deal with it, but as far as it being an "option" - yeah, ummmm no fucking way.
^^^This, but I would get my
^^^This, but I would get my own apartment- I would really hate to get divorced over skid but hey, sometimes there's a breaking point. Now when SD20 and her kids move out NO WAY in HELL is SD15 moving in EVER. WE have talked about this and if FDH goes against his word, I will be moving out. He says if she wants to stay with her mom now and not come over then she's not gonna come live with me when she figures out what a raging bitch her mom is!!! hahahaha
^^^^must agree with this
^^^^must agree with this one!!! But OMG I can't help but hope it never happens....
I'm with you on that. I've
I'm with you on that. I've pretty much disengaged too, and I will NOT reengage!
Unfortunately (sigh) we have
Unfortunately (sigh) we have joint custody, so we have SD almost every night of the week and almost every weekend (she ALWAYS wants to come over). This weekend we don't have her, it will be just my husband, myself and our daughter and I want to just jump for joy that the three of us will finally have some frickin time alone without little miss drama queen. For example, someone took a picture of the three of us at a family event (me, husband, DD) and she FREAKED out because she was being "left out" of the picture. I really think you are soooo lucky that you have them only every other weekend
If they ever wanted to come live with you, just have a serious discussion with your husband, and thank your lucky stars that for now they aren't there full time. Also, make darned sure that they know what the rules and expectations in YOUR house are before they ever move in, trust me because they will try to take over and use daddy guilt to their advantage. Good luck!
Right! They already use the
Right! They already use the Daddy guilt, and he falls for it!
In reality, I don't think the
In reality, I don't think the BM would let them come to live with us because 1. She won't want to give up the child support. 2. She won't want to pay child support. It's all about money!
Same here
Same here
I agree with you. That's
I agree with you. That's what we pay in child support too and I definitely believe she wouldn't know what to do without it and the main reason she doesn't give up custody.
Ugh. We pay $2500 per month.
Ugh. We pay $2500 per month. :sick:
Bitch BM would never part with that either. Sometimes I get anxious over Skids wanting to come live with us... but you just gave me some insurance. Paying that $2500 per month is worth my sanity and my home.
It happened! SD 6 and SD9 and
It happened! SD 6 and SD9 and SS12 all lived with DH and me! I raised them for last 8 years - had 2 boys of my own in that time - BM hateful saboteur that loves to stab me in the back (with help of daughters if possible) - DH works 6 days weeks, 'yes' dad - no boundaries or discipline. SS12 now 21 at university, SD's went back to BM 2 months ago - this was after I completely disengaged and let them ALL know that I was OUT - BM! DH and SD's - I'm now hated by BM and SD17 - SD13 has not said she hates me but no contact from her to me since she left -DH VERY quite and distant (you know I'm sensing he blames me!!!!!) leave me to raise your kids while your ex makes my life hell, your kids walk all over me and you never say a word and then BLAME me for disengaging?!!! yep pretty shite. If I could go back and when that call came when me and DH were sitting on sofa that "SKids wanted to live with us!" I would have stood up - looked DH in the eye and said "sorry you appear to have some childcare issues, I work full time and have no bond with your kids 6, 9 and 12 - you and your ex have a lot of organising of Nannys, childminder and finances - call me when thats sorted and well have some fun! (oh how I wish I could!!!!!!)
It's too late for me! Save
It's too late for me! Save yourselves!!! ( ha got to laugh or I will crack up at the amount of my life and energy I wasted caring for kids that would probably step over me for a pot noodle
Me too! I know how you feel.
Me too! I know how you feel. Also gave up 8 years of my life to be the best step-mom ever while BM abandoned SD. Also had two of my own in that time. SD, now 13, hates me (and tells me so), steals from me, abused (past tense because I won't let her around them at all anymore) my bios and calls me curse words. She blames her mom leaving her on me, thinks I "stole" her and her poor mom couldn't get her back. Thank God she in now my inlaws' problem...
Blimey our stories are so
Blimey our stories are so similar - my SD actually believed it was 'their' choice to live with DH and I when they were 6 and 9 and THEY were mean to HER!!! Never will they see she abandoned them - well now she has them full time and I'm not going back so she may step up and be a parent. My boys actually seem happier now -
We tried to send her back to
We tried to send her back to her BM after 7 years of BM being MIA (just earlier this year). She had her part time for 3 weeks and said she couldn't handle it anymore because SD was so horrible. Shortly after we got SD back, her horrible behaviors started back up. Inlaws were at our house during a huge outburst where SD told me she hated me and called me a bitch. So they took her to give us a break. And they are keeping her! If they ever try to send her back, I will refuse to accept her. I would rather go to jail for child abandonment than have her back in my home.
I have discussed this with my
I have discussed this with my DH, as there have been threats, over the last 3 years, of both of my SDs coming to live with us.
In the end, I told him that if this happens, I would have to move out. I suffer from depression and anxiety and my mental health would not stand up to either of these two very high maintenance girls coming to live with us full time. I can only just cope with EOW. I admire people who have SKIDs full time but personally it would signal the end of my marriage, and DH is fully aware of that.
I would definitely move out.
I would definitely move out. The skids are damaged to the point of no return, and I also have depression and anxiety. Having the skids full time would be the end of me!
Been there, done that. I was
Been there, done that. I was actually happy when SD came to live with us so I could finally kill her lice. 8 years of raising her every day later...she went to go live with her grandparents because we cannot live together anymore. She hurt my bios and made it her goal to make my life hell. I finally said no more after I realized she was damaging my bios and after she starting telling me she hates me and calling me curse words...and she is so proud of doing such things that she beams with pride when confronted about it. If DH's parents ever cannot keep her, he can move out and find a place for the two of them (and I will be resentful of course). She belongs in a group home for emotionally disturbed people...she needs that structure...but who am I to know anything. She is not allowed in my house at all. She stole from me constantly and last time she was at my house (dear inlaws letting her run free while we were gone), she took things from my master closet...no more!
"I was actually happy when SD
"I was actually happy when SD came to live with us so I could finally kill her lice."
I am sorry....that just cracked me up.
I am glad she is gone now, though!
I'm dead serious, too. So
I'm dead serious, too. So frustrating when you have to treat for lice and launder everything every weekend because BM can't take care of her own kid (nor DH for that matter).
Glad I could make you laugh!
I cannot imagine. That is
I cannot imagine. That is just sad. You are a nice person.
I needed the laugh-just had dental surgery.
OMG! that was MY first job
OMG! that was MY first job when SD moved in too - she was pickled in nits I will never forget combing them out - literally infested! What the
F£@ is wrong with these parents!?! I include DH in that - I used to protect him - now I see he is weak and avoidant about his kids.
My daughter got lice from the
My daughter got lice from the skid...what's with skids and lice? It seems that all skids have poor hygiene.
It only seems that way of
It only seems that way of course but the usual problem is a disfunctional family caused by the trauma of divorce. There are no unwounded kids or adults in a divorce.
My MIL tells me that she
My MIL tells me that she thinks the skids are going to try to go to social services to claim they are disabled. Being that I am a social worker who has experience with people needing services, I can professionally say the skids' only disabilities are extreme entitlement and laziness.
Agreed! LOL
Agreed! LOL
Believe me, if I find out
Believe me, if I find out they are doing that, I will be down at social services immediately.
There is no way the 3 skids
There is no way the 3 skids (who are young adults) will ever set foot in my house. DH and I agreed to that before I would get engaged to him, and again, before we got married. They are VILE. They lie and steal. They won't work. They won't do anything but eat, sleep and play video games. They hate me, but 2 of them are still on a mission to live here, and that will never happen. If DH changes his mind, I will be gone. There is no way it would work (even if they were remotely decent, our house is way too small). BM raised them to believe they do not have to work, and can do whatever they want-well, now they are with her, with no signs of leaving-the 3 of them, BM, and her aunt in one house that is tinier than ours.
In my case…I always knew
In my case…I always knew there was a chance that SS would want to live with DH. That is why I would not marry/live with DH for over 8 ish years. When SS turned 15 he moved away with BM and I thought that was my chance to get married finally!!
Guess who moved in with us before we were married a year. Yep..SS.But what could I say? Not a thing. It was his kid.
You never know what's going
You never know what's going to happen!
If BM died and was no longer
If BM died and was no longer in the picture, I might consider staying, but I still doubt it.
But once you "try" and find
But once you "try" and find out it doesn't work...then what? Kick them to the curb? Easier said than done, you will be arrested for abandonment. Tell social services it isn't a good match? Once you are that far in, no one will help you...and I mean NO ONE. That is the problem we faced. So SD is living with inlaws (they must believe her that I am abusive). Not what she needs but no one believes me about what she needs (a group home).
It is better to say no from the beginning if you think there is any chance it won't work. I kick myself in the arse for being so ignorant when I welcomed SD with open arms. My bios deserved better...and I am now giving it to them.
I'm too tired to even try!
I'm too tired to even try!
True! When faced with a
True! When faced with a situation, you have to find a way to handle it and just do it.
I totally agree, and I was
I totally agree, and I was willing to raise SD (and did for 8 years). However, at the time I married, I had NO CLUE SD had an extreme emotional illness. I didn't know how damaging she could be to my future children (or to myself). Had I known what the future could hold, had I known children would not be safe around SD (and I shouldn't have my own) and STILL wanted to marry...then I would likely stick to my obligation. If I didn't want and have my own kids, I would likely still be raising SD. However, I thought I was offering to raise a "normal" child (within reason, I knew she was a bit of a brat). I don't think I am obligated to raise a future felon that makes me fear for my life and the safety of my bios. I tell myself I am EXEMPT! Don't get me wrong, this decision haunts me daily and I feel like a horrible person...I just try not to think about it too long or I get to feeling like a real failure. But when SD was with us, I felt I was failing my bios. (I would rather fail SD than my bios).
However, I think I have an extreme case and hopefully most step-moms are not blind sided by this sort of situation.
Your bio kids and your own
Your bio kids and your own health come first.
I would try to make it an
I would try to make it an unbearable living arrangement for them too, so they would want to move out.
We were in our home for a
We were in our home for a couple of months when the doorbell rang late one night. There stood DH's daughter (22 at the time) demanding to be allowed to move in. The same person who had called me horrible names. The same person who treats her dad terribly.
Before I moved in with DH, I had told him I had a feeling this would happen. Although our home is very small, it is bigger than BM's, where all 3 skids and BM live with BM's aunt. I knew that 2 of the skids would want to come here.
The night his daughter showed up, I looked at him, and said loudly enough for her to hear (she was outside with him), "NO. I am not tolerating this. NO." Or something to that effect. She threw a fit and sped out of the driveway. It was very hard for DH, especially when she texted him later and said she was living in her car-she was not.
I'd weep uncontrollably for
I'd weep uncontrollably for about an hour, then pull myself together. I'd put together a plan to ensure skids never want to move to a house I live in.
LOL...I'll try to be the
LOL...I'll try to be the wicked SM now so that they won't want to move in with me!
I'm getting lots of good
I'm getting lots of good advice on here!
Yes...I would definitely need
Yes...I would definitely need a lot of space. Sounds like a good layout. I'm glad it's working out for you!
I NEVER thought SD would live
I NEVER thought SD would live with us. She barely wanted to visit, even though we had a room for her. BUT, our F'd up BM screwed up big time and DH got custody of SD. So, now SD lives with us full time. Its a big change, for everyone. We are making it work, slowly. What choice did I have? Its his child. My child lives with us, that wasnt ever an issue. So why should his be? I am not saying its been easy, it is A LOT of work, but it is what it is.
I can see the BM I'm dealing
I can see the BM I'm dealing with screwing up. That's why I'm so worried! Hopefully, she'll be able to deal with them until they're 18.
Oh how I wished that too. At
Oh how I wished that too. At least we only have one, otherwise it would really be hard. I really never thought she would do what she did, but she did. And it just continues. Now have to deal with SD9's hurt feelings and confusion about her mother. Such fun. Not SD's fault, but damn if we dont have to try to fix everything BM broke.
As I said earlier, if the BM
As I said earlier, if the BM is totally out of the picture, it wouldn't be so bad.
Our BM lost custody of SD,
Our BM lost custody of SD, and we got full custody. They only speak by phone, once a week. No other interaction, no visits until December (maybe). BM has broken ties with most everyone, and now SD knows some of what she did and that relationship is going south. Its BM's own fault, she lied to SD and was caught. It would be SO MUCH EASIER if BM were gone, dead, whatever. But we arent that lucky.
SD12 hints at moving in all
SD12 hints at moving in all the time. I don't want her to. If her mom died? YES, I'd take her in a heartbeat. But she won't die. Evil doesn't die. It outlives us all.
My SS20 is moving into my BS24s old room, which is downstairs to the far end of our house with it's own bathroom. So I won't even have to see or smell his room. So SD12 thinks that her brothers room is being transformed into a Pink Princess Haven. Well...Poor thing, she is going to get very surprised to know that while yes, it will be where she sleeps when she comes over, it is actually a guest room hence no PINK THEMES are happening at all.
I supported him, we went to
I supported him, we went to court, and won full time custody of SD. Never regretted it.
Reading this makes me sick. I
Reading this makes me sick. I fear that someday SS5 will end up with us because his mom is a big pill-poppin loser!
Never ever ever ever let that
Never ever ever ever let that happen!!! I'm living it right now and literally in tears writing this. I'm at my breaking point. I wish I would have put my foot down when I was told she would be moving in. Fuck this shit.
SD has said numerous times
SD has said numerous times that its ok for DH to remarry (me) but its not ok for BM to & that if BM gets remarried she will 'just come live with us'.
We have 50/50 custody & I can barely handle that. Thankfully DH wouldn't agree to SD moving in with us full time simply because she won't be #1 & centre of attention at her BM's. If we felt she was in danger or her BM died I guess we would have no choice but I would sincerely hate it & not sure I could cope. That's being truly honest.
I agree with Echo that when you marry a man who has kid(s) you have to at least think about the possibility of the skid(s) living with you full time. There is always that possibility.
Talk to your DH & establish just how real that possibility is, what situation would have to happen for DH to want/allow the full time custody so you know how likely it may be. Prepare yourself for the possibility & think really hard about what you really would do. Don't stress about it though as you will waste time thinking & worrying about something that may never happen. Enjoy the time you have now with only EOW & IF that moment of full time custody comes worry then but know your plan for then.
I, and others, are here to
I, and others, are here to tell you...you can say all you want that it will never happen or that you have an agreement with DH that it won't...but it can happen.
BMs flake or disappear or die. We all think "oh, but not us". We are wrong. It can happen to any one of us at any time.
It happened to us. SS lives with us, but I like him. SD lived with us for awhile, but BM eventually wanted her back. She wanted SS as well, but he was 15 at the time and refused. She knew she wouldn't win in court and let it go.
I've recently discussed this
I've recently discussed this with DH -well not in detail but lightly. I'd asked the "worse nightmare" question here a few weeks ago and almost everyone said it'd be their worst nightmare (as well as mine) to have to deal with skids full time. People say "well you know that was a chance when you married a man with kids" and no, I didn't think so because SS is not DH biochild, no legal custody or anything. I assumed (which I shouldn't have done) that Wildebeest had lined up someone in her family to raise him should anything happen to her. Yet I was clear with DH and adamant when we met that I did not want to raise another kid and if I did, I'd have my own which I had no plans to do. He agreed back then but after the past few years and that post, I felt I better remind him. Lol He still said he understands. I'm sure he'd push the issue if it ever came to reality.
Besides the full time nature and expense of raising a kid, SS is too much his Mothers child and I couldn't have that kind of manipulation, sneakiness and entitlement walking around 24/7. DH works 6 days a week and I work average of 52 hours per week. DH has been on his job for 24 years and can retire with full benefits in 9 years at age of 52. We plan to travel a lot more, to spend a year RV'ing the Country and then to open a little hamburger shack here on the beach. We are saving adamantly now. While nothing may go as planned, no matter how the plans change, it won't involve FT Parenting of some other man and woman's kid. Raising a kid is not going to impose on the latter half of my life.
I told my DH before we were
I told my DH before we were married...Unless the BM dies, kids are not living with us....his response was, "I guess I better pray for her health"...LOL! It is not their decision to say "I want to live with Daddy" just because they get mad at the BM and do not get their way. We already have them half the time anyway..which is too much already and if my DH did get custody, then they would still have to go to BM for visitation. My youngest is 17 and I can come and go as please, I am not going to have two disrepectful brats run my house because they think they can.....It would be the end of us...and DH knows that.
Hard to be an orphan of
Hard to be an orphan of living parents.
Hard to be thought of as bad because you have lice or bad hygiene when you are five.
Hard to be on your own in a stranger's house.
Hard to understand why other kids getlove no matter what and what you get, if you're lucky, is cold as charity. Or worse.
Can make a child feeel like not even trying....