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What to do in the rare occasion that you agree with BM.

iqrt's picture

BM and my SO recently went to court to adjust parenting times. My SO got nearly everything he asked for.

There is one other issue that never actually got settled in court where BM wants us to return all of the clothes she has ever sent SD6 over to our house in.

Kind of petty, but whatever, as long as she also returns the clothing we sent SD6 over to HER house in, so SD doesn't have to run around our place naked. Right?

But her dad is dead sent against it because he will not allow BM to control his life anymore. Okay, I get that she's a psycho controlling bitch, but seriously, what is the harm in exchanging clothing? Especially if it means we don't have to listen to her bitch about it 3 times a week?

I also suggested that BM might pack 2 pairs of clothing with when she comes over so we can send the dirty ones back with her and SD can wear a clean pair of clothes, but my SO says that would stifle his daughter's creativity, or some such.

I'm half tempted just to pack up all of SD's clothing and take it to her mom's house myself.

onebright1's picture

I, um, actually, cough cough, said to SO, ahem, this morning. "I agree with Nutburger on this one"
It was about the Skids being disgusting pigs and leaving food in their rooms and dishes and icky gross stuff, and apparently last Thurs BM started chucking their crap in their rooms in a dumpster, So SD17 "rescued some of it and to it to Grandmas(MIL)
Wth? stifle creativity?
Just pack the clothes in a bag and send them back with SD next time she comes and leave enough for her to wear when she is with ya'all.

Not_what_I_wanted's picture

Has never, ever happened. Pretty sure it never will. BM is a friggin nut job.

IronRose's picture

Yes. ^^^THIS^^^ Used to do this, but I'd throw away the socks & underwear- they just wouldn't come clean... :jawdrop:

I would wash wash wash everything & repair where needed. Everything was washed & ready to be worn home to BMs, & left my house in better shape than it arrived in... Wink

I agree with OP & BM. And if your BM is anything like the one in my life, I wouldn't want any of the rags, erm, clothes from her pig-sty anyway. The clothes stink of sausages, and are handed down rags from friends, anyway, so who wants to keep that crap anyway?

And the SDs used to BEG BEG BEG me to let them to bring OUR clothes to their BMs b/c the stuff they had there was garbage. SD wanted to take some bras & underwear back to her mom's, but BM would not accept clothes from us. Dressed my poor skid in 5 layers of clothes so she could have some decent shit @ her mom's place. Really, I did this several times.

Let's face it, for me, clothes are cheap, and I don't want any rags from their dirty BM anyway.

Is this really worth fighting over?

SMof2Girls's picture

I hardly ever agree with BM. That would mean me actually being MORE concerned with HER best interest, wants, and desires OVER DH's and the skids'.

The only time this actually happens is when she says "I'm going out drinking with XYZ and I figured it'd be better for my kids to see their dad than some random babysitter." We all know this really means she can't afford and/or doesn't want to pay a sitter .. but that's besides the point.

WTHDISUF's picture

No such thing will ever happen in my world...unless she suddenly agrees it's time to tell SS the truth and go find his real Father, then I'll agree with her. Lol

hereiam's picture

I agreed with her once, although she doesn't know it.

When SD21 and her husband and 2 kids lived with BM, they were all kinds of pissed off about the rules of the house. They were adults you know and shouldn't have to follow rules or contribute anything to the household. Never mind that if they were such adults, why couldn't they manage to live on their own? (and still can't)

I actually said the words to my husband, "I agree with BM." It scared me a little.