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What age

snoopyinoz's picture

What age is the cutoff for Halloween trick or treating and cutting off the "tooth Fairy"? Dh and I are in disagreement about this. I say 10 is old enough to stop paying for teeth and saying the "tooth fairy" came. As for Halloween, I say 4th grade or 10. (the oldest sd is almost 11 and will be going into the 5th grade in a few weeks) and the oldest went last year.

hismineandours's picture

I dont necessarily think there is a cutoff age. Tooth fairy I guess wuold be when they stop losing teeth? It was about 5th grade for my two oldest kids. Halloween is a lot of fun, IMO. My 13 year old dd didnt dress up last year, but my 12 year old son did. My 9 year old certainly did, oh, and my 37 year old husband did as well. We do Halloween pretty big here at a local campground and its lots of fun for everybody.

Anon2009's picture

I knew people who continued to celebrate Halloween into high school. I didn't choose to, but I think it's ok. My SDs and their friends dress up for Halloween. They choose not to trick-or-treat. They are in high school.

As for the tooth fairy, if she's 10, it doesn't sound like she has many years left of losing teeth anyway, so I think the best idea is to let her continue to enjoy it until she stops losing teeth.

Does her dad parent her correctly, as in correcting her when she misbehaves? Often times we stepparents will get irritated at even the smallest of things that our DHs/stepkids do, and that irritation is very frequently a manifestation of all of this frustration over the lack of parenting done by the parents/rude behavior of the stepkids.

If Dad isn't parenting his kids reasonably, that is definitely a big thing you two need to address. Once you address that and he starts making positive changes, you'll feel a lot less negativity about the smaller stuff.

Disneyfan's picture

Let the kids decide when they want to stop dressing up for halloween. Most kids will stop trick or treating by middle school. However, at that age they may still want costumes for school,church or house parties.

buttercookie's picture

Trick or treating should end at 12, 13 at the latest IMO, but I always allowed my kids to dress up for parties and things that were planned. Its a holiday that can be fun but does not include trick or treating into adulthood. I had 18 and 19 year olds knocking on my door last year and they didn't have kids with them, I gave them candy cuz I didn't want my house vandalized but I was appalled that they were raised like this, The only time I think an older child should be allowed to trick or treat is if theres a developmental disability and then I can fully understand even though I feel the parents should work on teaching the child to grow up and not let it continue indefinetly. The tooth fairy? My kids stopped believing in that around 5 years old but I did get them something small and cheap as a token, they can only loose so many teeth so thats a battle better left unfought.

juicyjennyc's picture

I'd say when they dont want to go out trick or treating, i see big kids come to the door, why turn them away if its enjoyable for them

and i guess when kids finish losing all thier baby teeth the story ends for them lol

purpledaisies's picture

I think that you need to pick your battles and this is not one of them. It doesn't matter what your think b/c it will always be slapped back in your face.

I would let good old peer pressure be your friend in this one. Trust me most kids will stop when they have had enough of their friends say no I don't want to go and they do something else, Now dressing up I still do that but by the time I was 13 or so I stopped trick or treating and me and my friends went out and goofed off.

Just let it run it's course and for every child it is different. For my kids it was about 12 ot 13 I guess but I didn't tell them no you can't trick or treat they just decided on their own.

But if you keep fighting about it you are just setting yourself up to fight. Just let it go and it will run it's course. Should not be a big deal.

hbell0428's picture

I agree with pick you battles.........SD14 went last year and I thought it was pathetic; she looks like shes 16! Let the people who come to the door look at her like shes an A** for doing it. I don't give candy to teenagers......I just say aren't you a bit old -
My BD12 Looks about 9 - she didn't even go last year!