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We're Really Not Family in Some Ways

AwesomeGal's picture

For my first forum topic....My BS10 and BD8 have been mentioning lately that they want to go to SS17's house. They don't understand the whole divorce thing. (My bios are with my DH, so they have never been through divorce.) They don't get why SS17 comes to their house, but they can't go to his house, they way they do with all their friends. It's really sad because when BM was married to husband #2, my bios actually did go to SS17's house. My bios got to play in his room, even went to SS17's birthday party that was at SS17's house. Now that BM is married to her husband #3, things have been contentious. So, I guess what I'm feeling is that I also don't understand why we can't go to SS17's house anymore. It's just sad. But it made me realize that in a lot of ways, SS17 never was and never will be family the way that I know family to be. My parents are still together and so are DH's parents, so it's just really hard to see my children even deal with having a step/half brother.

I'm just in a really sad mood today. I keep thinking "What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?" Things were so much better when BM wasn't married to a jerk. SS17 is a junior in high school, so we have almost two more years before he is off to college.

AwesomeGal's picture

Yes, he comes EOW, summer, certain holidays. My kids just want to go back to his house. It's really sad because SS17 and my bios really love each other.

Pilgrim Soul's picture

You know, i have the same situation now with my steps where my 13yo BS wants to go see their house but of course he is not invited. Since they are really indifferent to him i tell him that with some people you have relationships that are like a 2-way street and with others, like a 1-way street. Which is obviously the case here. But he will have other relationships that will be mutual. Actually, he has a half-brother who is also much older who adores him. So i think it matters more that your SS have a warm spot in his heart for your kids - and when he has a house of his own that he be interested in having his brothers over. If they love each other that matters more than adults's issues. Your SS will be out of that house pretty soon. Have faith - they will have a long life side by side, hopefully supporting each other.

AwesomeGal's picture

"Have faith- they will have a long life side by side, hopefully supporting each other."
Awww. Thanks. I needed to hear that and I do think that will be the outcome...eventually. That comment makes me realize that it is probably harder on me that it is on my bios. They will not remember these times as well as I will.