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Welp she did it, she got her son diagnosed

rosie33's picture

I had posted a topic the other week in regards to my fianc'es ex-wife and I knew there was a train wreck heading our way. I apologize if this ends up lengthy. This is honestly the only place I can really really vent. Friends are too buys, Im too busy and I need to get it out.
Crazy had mentioned to us that she thinks her youngest, SS11, may have ADHD all because of some simple things like he pulled some tickets at school, got a D on a test (yet has all A's except one which is a C) and apparently has a hard time concentrating. My fiance explained to her, the best he can because her communication skills consists of insults and curse words, that he feels he does things at her home to get attention. Of course that wasn't an option. She had sent him a text later that night and said that SS11 had a meltdown about school and feels like he can't concentrate and doesn't like getting bad grades and so on. She had sent this after my fiance went to bed so he didn't see it until the next day. When SS11 came over he talked to him about it and he said he didn't have a meltdown. Yes, they discussed stuff but he didn't break down or anything. In that long text she had said she was going to talk to counselor and was thinking about making an appt with their pediatrician. We never heard anything after that. Welp, yesterday she notified him that they were at the dr's office. This is currently our week of custody but SS11 had texted him after and asked if he could stay with his mom because he didn't feel well and he would be home really really late. My fiance asked why because his appt was at noon and he was to be at the house by 430 so he didn't understand what the hold up was. That was all it took. She flipped. Long story short, she told him she had his teachers do evaluations and she did her own home evaluation and took all the to the dr appt that day, was in there for two hours and came out with her SS11 being diagnosed with add, odd, anxiety and depression!!!!! Here's the kicker, my fiance was NEVER involved. She didn't tell him about the evaluations, she didn't tell him about the appt until they were there, she didn't ask him to do a home evaluation, NOTHING! So this kid was diagnosed with these disorders by a pediatrician at that with half of the information.
Everything she is worried about is only happening at her home. She says SS11 will say he doesn't want to live, nobody loves him, he wishes his brother wasn't born - blah blah blah. We explained to her that everything she is saying never happens at our house, ever! Does he fight with his older brother, absolutely, do we punish them when they are both in the wrong, absolutely! The worst thing he says is I hate you to his brother - shocker! Lets put him on meds! (eye roll) The root of the problem is that his child knows how to manipulate the shit out of his mom. Period. For example, two or so years ago he wanted her to take him to school, she said no. He threw a fit and all of the sudden had a breakdown about how he doesn't like it at our house, my son and his brother were always picking on him and my son was touching him inappropriately! Now they only got to the touching inappropriately part because he told her about an argument they had and my son had hit him in the balls. She took that, went to child services and the cops and all the kids were investigated. She is the one that made the wedge between him and his brother, SS14. His brother is always getting in trouble with her because all SS11 has to do is bat his eyes and she doesn't even ask, SS14 is grounded. We have seen the resentment build up over the years between the two boys and honestly between SS14 and her as well. He never wants to go back to her home, he didn't even want to get her a mothers day gift. SS11 showered her with gifts - with money he stole from his fathers wallet AND she knew and said nothing!!!!!! She accepted the gifts! Didn't even give us the $ back! I have soooo many stories on how she has completely molded that child into what he is its not even funny! This woman is a pill addict herself, on at least 6 different meds and I feel she wants her son to have issues like her so she has someone to sympathize with. So she can justify all her and his wrong doings based on the fact they have issues! Now, do I think its possible that SS11 may indeed have some problems, yea, I have seen some anxiety stuff happen but in no way shape or form do I feel he needs to be medicated. And in no way shape or form do I feel he should've been diagnosed by a pediatrician AND without my fiance having any input!!!!! She says he is disruptive in class yet we've never gotten anything from the school saying so. The worst punishment this kid has had is pulling a flippin ticket!!! What is she going to do when he goes to middle school next year and gets detention?! She'll probably want him institutionalized! The worst part of all of this is that she admitted, through text, last night that she had every intentions on starting him on medications and not telling my fiance! My fiance already has two calls into the Dr and stated on the voicemail that he has 50% legal and physical custody and in now way is his son to be put on meds until he comes in and talks to him AND his son sees a child psychologist. I am so determined to get to the bottom of this and prove to this woman she is absolutely out of her mind! I want a professional to see that she is part of this problem hands down!!!

rosie33's picture

I am pretty sure she is the one that took the evaluation papers to the school and asked them to fill it out. The pediatrician had the school do them and herself and then all of them were taken into the pediatrician. The school isnt the one who suggested the problems, she is, even though he is only with her 50% of the time.

Orange County Ca's picture

Mmmm I'm sure the Doctor was overjoyed to hear from your husband. Right in the middle of a family feud. Mothers sure can screw up a kid - my ex told my oldest often that he was the perfect child, and right in front of the youngest. The oldest was perfect all right, the perfect mama's boy. She ended up with two screwed up kids.

Daddy better check with the school and make sure his status remains the same - she might have had them ex his name off the records or something.

Sounds like he's doing the only thing he can do which is to get his half of the story in. Perhaps its time he went to full time custody. He could try and bribe her by offering to do without child support from her if necessary. It would be worth it to save the kids.

rosie33's picture

Psh, we pay her child support! Unfortunately I don't feel this pediatrician is even being 100% professional. This is the same Dr that she can just call and say, my kid has this, this and this, I need a scrip and he will say, okay, I'll call it in. This Dr has had a stroke and heart attack I think and is becoming forgetful. He called my fiance with reuslt of a knee xray when he hasn't called him in years and the mother took him to the appt. Of course she didn't like that.

bearcub25's picture

Turn that doc in fraud. BMs doc got in trouble for doing that. He gave OSS meds for seizures and when DSO took SS to a neurologist, found out BM was stalling the visits and then found nothing wrong with SS. Doc shut down shortly after all of that.

Rags's picture

Time for your DH to jerk a knot in BM's tail and go for full custody. First he should file an emergency cease and decist order against any ADD, ODD, etc... meds until there is a full un biased examination and testing done on SS.

As a dad I would not tolerate anyone including the mother of my children seeking a behavioral anomaly diagnosis on my child without my full knowlede and particpation in the process testing and diagnosis process.

Pediatricians are generally not behavioral therapists or behavioral experts. The Pediatrician can be a part of the team and the process but tehy are not the sole Dx authority in these sitautions IMHO.

Just my opinion of course.

Good luck.

bearcub25's picture

I lived with a kid that has ADHD, ODD and other disorders. You would definitely know without any evals. This child had a meltdown over me asking him to pick up his laundry one morning before school. This required DSO taking off of work and not going to school bc of the level of violence this child exhibited. Talking to the boy about all of that calmly would never have happened. BM must have exaggerated things immensely if you don't see any of it.

rosie33's picture

Exactly! And again, Im not saying he may not have any problems, I know some anxiety exists just don't know on what level. He shows absolutely no signs of violent behavior at our home. She said he slams doors at her house and stuff. He's never slammed a door or anything at ours, ever! And she said that was when they first moved into their new home, with her new boyfriend that they hardly knew AND she was pregnant. So you took this 11 year old from his grandparents home where you all lived together, where he slept in bed with his mother every night at ten years old while his brother got a mattress on the floor in the living room and now he has to accept a new baby in your life yet none of that can be the source for ANY of his problems!!!!! It must be he has disorders and needs meds! :jawdrop:

bearcub25's picture

Slamming doors was the least of it. Suspended from school every week for an entire school year, trying to kick holes in walls and trying to bust windows, abusing our dog. This was when he was trying to get me to kick DSO and the skids out so they could live with BM. He got to live with BM and then started physically assaulting her.

It isn't something that is turned on and off. So the pediatrician needs to be turned into the med board and this kid needs to be away from BM.

Good luck.

rosie33's picture

Couldn't agree more!!! You don't have disorders 50% of the time and trying to explain that to her is pointless. One of her suggestions was splitting the kids up - having SS11 live with her (where all the problems occur) and SS14 live with us, where he'd prefer to be. Seriously, thats her suggestion to put the kids with "issues" in the house full time where the "issues" occur!? ugh.

rosie33's picture

I don't feel she is mentally stable and I feel she may be projecting some of her issues on to him. She even said in text last night that she thinks SS14 has issues but he wont let her in - so she gave up?? That easy?? She knows she can get into SS11's head and he will go with whatever she tells him, just like when she took my son hitting him in the balls to my son touching him sexually and inappropriately. SS11 told us he didn't think telling her those things would go that far. Im no professional by any means but that fact that she is in complete denial that all of this happening in her home under her care has nothing to do with his problems really bothers me. She has never been able to take responsibility for anything shes done. Even when she got addicted to pain meds and she was separated from my DH, that was completely his fault! Or when she stole the pills from the hospital to satisfy her need for them when she was an RN - that was his fault too! So I dont know why or how and hell, maybe she doesn't know either, but its happening, thats for sure!

libra2libra83's picture

Well in the mindset of a crazy BM, the problems that are happening at their house have nothing to do with BM, or the BM's household. SO's BM constantly claimed SD had breakdowns, tantrums, and was acting out all the time. At our house, SD was a angel. We hardly had any problems with her. According to BM, SD didn't feel comfortable at our house in order to express her true feelings.

bearcub25's picture

Both my SS' were on ADD meds. BM put SD on them to also..from a fraud doc.

I figured it out when we got custody. If a kid doesn't have ADD/ADHD, the meds act like speed, to be blunt. It suppresses their appetite so they aren't eating like normal kids eat and growing. Our BM was couch surfing with the skids, having them not eat as much helped when she was relying on friends and family to support and feed them. Especially a teen boy and a girl that is overweight anyway.