No show

tryingtokeepthesanity's picture

BM is once again a no show at a doctors appt that she urged to have my husband make.

SS13 is too smart for her and she doesn't have a clue. He is going to a "healthy weight" program locally and of course when he is at BMs they eat out and serves nothing but sugar. At the appt they suggested that we buy bottled water and have him take it over and tell his BM that he needs a healthier choice.

He doesn't like going to this but BM started all this doctor BS because she is the one that is trying to prove in court that my husband is keeping her son fat!

BM was a no show but was driving around town today (H saw her) and SS11 stated that she was sick and she didn't go to work.

Depositions are coming...can't wait!!


secondwife20's picture

BM bitched at DH about how Blabb is getting fat because of all the fast food we feed her (which, we don't!). Yet... that SAME DAY she asks Blabb, "Wanna go to McDonald's?"


What an idiot. DH and I are all about "real" food... we hardly ever go out to eat, especially fast food and especially when Blabb is with us. BM, on the other hand, is too lazy to cook and eats fast food every night, yet she turns around and blames us for Blabb getting fat.
